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Just chit chatting.....

super: I was 4 months pregnant when I got married and I found a dress so it should be fine. Older ladies aren't always tactful!

josey: hi! I have always wanted to try a psychic! How cool!

ready: I love packing and hate unpacking. We have been in this house for almost 5 years and we have boxes in the garage...lol! Obviously stuff I need right... Go ahead and have a lazy day, everyone deserves one of those every once and awhile. Give yourself a facial or something.

fluter: I have to wait to file mine because we itemize. It's making me grumpy! hahaha I want my money noooow! I usually have my deposit by now so this stinks. I usually love february because it raise time at hubby's work and I get my tax return. I feel rich for a second!

AFM: I'm having an early ultrasound on the 15th! My midwife thinks all is well and that it's just early pregnancy aches and pains, but she wants to check it out once stuff is visible on ultrasound when I'm 6 weeks. She said that each pregnancy your body starts changing itself sooner and sooner since it knows what to expect and do so I could be having round ligament pain already. We'll see. Time will tell. Trying to be positive! It will be nice to see the bean even if it's just a dot.

After we tour the house tomorrow I'll post some pics and see what you guys think.

Have a nice afternoon everyone!

Josey!! I am so glad your here. Can't wait to here what the physic says.

Adanma I had a cyst with pregnancy and they say its very normal and it did cause me pain and I like you was very concerned. I will be praying all is ok.

Fluter woohoo DH is gonna make it!! I am so happy for you hun. We really expect not to hear from you much over the next few week. :)

Ready we got the ice here as well and today is the first day all week I am feeling brave enough to venture out and the kids went back to school.

Carole as far as the drama I can't believe I was the only one singled out but oh well...I told her what I thought and I am here to be supportive but I also am not gonna be asked something just to be counterdicted over and over or give false hope when there may be a issue. How is that productive?? Part of the reason she was upset with me was because one of the girls on there had a shorter lp this cycle and I said she may want to have her dr check it out...well she went on to tell the girl she was fine that it was too soon after the surgery to really know. Well she isn't a dr and if I would have been more aware of my body after the surgery and brought up issues sooner I may not have had so many losses. Ya know what I mean?? But enough of that...and as far as posting there this is a free forum and I will post where I want she doesn't own it.

Well Gunner and I slept til 1 today...I cleaned our room and organized all the baby stuff. Also had my girls rotate our mattress and oh my gosh did I sleep good. I was exhausted.

My girls also discovered the Rocky Horror Picture Show...they are amazed at the Time Warp dance. LOL My Hayley likes Glee and that was the production they did last week...they didn't realize it was from a real movie. LOL I will try to record them doing it. SO funny.
I agree, this is a public forum.

I have had to move every year since I have been in edmonton due to my job and minimun housing standards etc, I have had Joe with me for 4 of those moves and we still move boxes that have never been opened. LOL....I am a shed/garage hoarder....LOL

Josie....so cool, let us know if she is accurate.

Super...some people don't know when the say something odd or sharp. Let it bounce!!!
reeds: I love rocky horror! So neat to see a new generation getting into it.

Ready that is so crazy what your son's dad did...some people I swear!

super...when i got marrried my SIL was preggo. She had to order her dress like a mo or 2 before th wedding and had to have it let out. Bless her heart at the reception she came to me and asked if she cld take her dress off cause she couldn't breathe. I would've been been mad if my MIL said that to me. Like you should put your life and reams on hold for one night n someone elses. I don't think some people are born with filters! lol smh!

I'm posting a lot to pass time!
I do too...I was cracking up when my daughter looked at me and said "Mom was this really a movie"?? haha I was like yep and now I have it recording sunday night on DVR to let them watch it. They are 14 and 15 so I think old enough. Although they did go on You tube to find clips
Okay ladies my temp went back up today.Does this mean anything with the -hpt?I know I am grasping at straws here.Something else do any of you ladies believe that NTNP really helps some ladies.I started out with opks and checking cm right after my TR actually before surgery really.I have been wondering lately if all this trying so hard may just not work for me.That I may have better luck just not trying so hard.I have never had a positive test ever so it's always on my mind as to why since I know my tubes are open now.Anyway theres my TTC rant for the week.lol.

As far as the drama.I really wasn't going to say anything BUT I went to the other thread just to let those ladies know that I am sorry if anything that was said hurt anyones feelings.I was not going to apologize for this thread because I feel as nothing we did was wrong.After reading the replies though I decided not to.A few were being really rude and childish.I can't believe I said that but it's true.There are a few of the ladies I keep up with in their journals and will continue to do so.As far as the one that said she read all the way through the thread well that should totally show what the thread was and has become.I have no problem with ppl asking questions as I know I have asked my fair share,but when they are the same questions over and over and it doesn't stop until someone gives them the answer they want whether the answer is true or not then is gets a little aggravating.

Reeds,I am the same way about giving my honest opinion as I would never want to give anyone false hope about anything.I am sorry you were singled out like that.If I would have gave my opinion alot of the times instead of not saying anything I am sure I would have been too.I too will post where ever I like.:haha:

I hope this lady doesn't mind as we are always excited when a fellow TR lady gets a BFP!CoffeeLover she posted in the other thread a few times but I keep up with her in another thread and facebook.She had her TR in Nov.She got her BFP yesterday so please say alittle prayer for her.

I wanted to add my ex story.lol..I had the same problems a few years back and just told him my kids said they did not want to go because of all the negative talk.Well things got better after time.They started going back every other weekend.Then in July of last year while at their dads DS#2 called me and said he wanted to live with his dad.It broke my heart I was in tears for days and it took calling the police to get my son home.Then I find out that my ex was moving to NC and that is why DS wanted to live with him he was afraid he would never get to see him.As of right now he has not seen them since July.He has never even called and checked on them.Last week his gf called and left me a message saying they needed the boys Bdays and SS#'s to add them to his ins.I though it is tax time lol like I am really going to give them that info!
Do u know how many times I have had a message typed up and was ready to post on the other thread and deleted it...lol,
Honestly....if by us saying, and I am qouting here..."("I hope they don't know we're here" and "they act like a bunch of 15 year olds") is that hateful and nasty....I am truly shocked. I guess I'm verbally abused and hated with alot of my day to day dealings in life. LOL

fam...I think your temp rising is a great sign. As for the ex thing....my ex has claimed the kids ever since we have been apart, yet legally since I have the day to day care of them, I am the only one that can use them at tax time...LOL. That will catch up with him one day
-Wonderful news for coffee...yay
Fam that onee lady is just spitting drama. I tried a couple times to be nice and express my feelings and shee just went psycho not even aknowledging my feelings like say sorry you felt that way or anything she just continued to rant! Poor Josey came in and had no idea and had posted nothing on this thread and she bashed her for posting in ''their'' thread.

big congrats to coffee on her bfp!

Reeds I love the Rocky Horror! They used to have a theatre in Louisville that played it every weekend and people would dress up and go. It was so fun! I can't wait to hear what your kids have to say about it. Mine are a little too young to watch it.
Fluter,So glad DH is going to make it in time and in general just glad you get him home.:thumbup:
Ladies enough talk about the other thread. I reported her but we also don't want to get in trouble so we need to leave it alone. I will also see if I can get it closed if she doesn't drop it and I said as much.
Fam I looked at your chart but it doesn't seem to be updated...I only see through the 30 or 5 dpo what are you now like 10dpo??
Fam I looked at your chart but it doesn't seem to be updated...I only see through the 30 or 5 dpo what are you now like 10dpo??

Yes I guess it doesn't update because I think I posted it at 5 dpo.I will try to figure it out.
[url=https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/2e3945]My Ovulation Chart[/URL]
It should continue to show..did you use the share link on your home page?
Fam that looks like a possible impantation dip. FX how long is your lp normally do you know??
I think I got it.It was not on auto update.Thanks for taking a look!!
Fam that looks like a possible impantation dip. FX how long is your lp normally do you know??

No I don't know.I have never temp before and a few times on my more stressful cycles af has been a few days late once by a week so I guess those cycles I O'ed later.So not sure if LP was the same.Is your lp always the same?I am hoping temping helps me figure all of this out.
Yes your LP should always stay the same according to drs...but I have seem some woman whos vary a bit. Yes temping will help you sort it all out.
Fam....your chart looks great!!! FX for u hun!!!

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