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Just chit chatting.....

Fam, I think that is an implantation dip. :thumbup: I will be praying for you. As for the NTNP I am not sure but I am going to try it. But I was thinking although, I am saying I am doing the NTNP method will I be able not to think about cm and O pains? :shrug:

Well ladies, I did unpack a little and even started dinner. Now I am watching Oprah. Christine Brinkley is 57 and looks great. They showed a pic of her mother at 80 and I was dang she look about 55. LOL She had Beverly Johnson, Cherly Tiggs and Stephanie Seymour. Pretty interesting.
fam IDK anything about temping charts but fx'd that it's implantation dip!

if i don't get pg this time I'll prob take up temping when he gets home. yay one more thing to obsess about lol
Ready yay for unpacking...I tried NTNP I was still too obsessive. lol

Fluter if no BFP this time why not get the hang of temping while he gone then you will really know ur cycle by time he gats back...however I am praying you get ur BFP!
Posting the same as I did the other thread in question:

Cross posting on threads and talking about other members is not on and if need be both threads in question will be closed. I'd rather not do that though so let's agree to disagree and move on please.
Reeds I planned on temping a couple months before he gets back but you're right the more time thee better. Although I'm hoping I won't need to worry with all that jazz :)
Good morning ladies. I hope you all are well.

Fluter praying your Dh made it home safely. XX

I woke up to a winter wonderland. WE have about 6 inches of snow on top of the ice we got last week and its still coming down! And I will have to venture out in it cause I didn't go to the store yesterday. :(
Hi Ladies,

Hope your all well, i am now i found you al again....yipeeeeeee x

Well went to see psychic sally last night she has her own show on living dont know if any of you had seen it??? she was amazing!!!!! and cried at some of the stuff she knew about certain people in the audience very accurate and very funny....

Im ok back to work full time been back 3 weeks now .....a lady i work with is due in 7 weeks i would of been the same cant help thinking about it guess its normal as we both fell pregnant same time
Well my 3 months of waiting is up on the 25th Feb....and planning on going to docs to have hsg done see what state remaining tube is in lets keep fingers crossed but not holding my breath....

Whether we go down the ivf route we dont know see what happens x not to mention the cost...

Congrats to adanam so happy for you hun x

Good luck fluter and thanks for your words x

Hello to everyone else x
Hi ladies long time no see!

Reeds let me know about the new thread. I don't get on much now and most will have forgotten me already but i just wanted to say hi to all and hope everyone is well x

Im having my next TR in April and really hope it will be successful this time round
Hey Mel and Josey! So glad to hear from you both. :) Mel I am so excited they are doing your TR over. That is so neat. Will it be just like your last one? And will it be the same dr?
Hiya mel how are ya????? you right long time no speak feel the family of friends are complete again i was thinking the other day wondering what you were up too and you certainly were not forgotten....

Not long reeds and you will have your bundle of joy cant wait to see the pics x

Been baking all afternoon my youngest daughter Olivia was at her friends so made some cakes for when she came back...having a few vodkas, pizza and chilled night with Olivia Peter off to the pub with his mate x
Yes I am getting anxious about Gunner's arrival...I have a growth scan on Monday so I guess we will be deciding if I will go on my own or be induced. I am really wanting to go natural but since he has been big we will see....just healthy is my main concern of course.

I am getting ready to venture out in the snow and get food. We is hungry. LOL
sorry girls hadn't had a chance to real all but hey hey Mel love seeing you back!

Just wanted to let ya'll know he's here!!! and my opk was dang near + earlier today!!! bring on the bd'n I'll pop back in when I can!!!
Have fun girl....so so glad it worked out for u. And since u had the HSG, chances are even better. YAY!!!
Hi Mel wishing you the best on TR. Speedy recovery too. Flutter- happy bding girl yay on the + opk whoop whoop(enjoy enjoy enjoy). I am so glad that its working out the way we prayed for you to be ovulating during the time that he is home. How exciting!!!! Reeds- How exciting he is almost here. Joesy-Hi :)

Hi Ready
Hi Super
Hi Adanma
afm- cd 28 and spotting brown(not full flow as of yet). Looks like gf(af) is right on schedule like I prayed for after mc. I am excited. I pray that she does be here long.
I always get confused does spotting mean cd1 or the full flow means cd1?
Hello ladies,

Hello Mel, my name is Dale, A second TR hey? I hope it goes well :)

Hey floppy, I am glad af came, it will be the only time I say that to you lol :hugs: I believe cd1 would be full flow? Correct me if I am wrong ladies.

Awww fluter :hugs: so happy for you! and YAY for the opk!!!

Josey, sounds like you are having a great day!

How are all the lovely ladies?

AFM, CD33 and counting for me. No bfp, opk was super negative yesterday and today looks darn good to me! It is just a waiting game for me now, because I don't know what my body is telling me. lol

I found out today how out of shape I am. I shoveled and GEEEZZ I nearly past out..lol So I think it is time to get my fat butt back in shape, well I don't think it ever was..lol but will take the time to take a little more care of myself..lol :)

Hello everyone,

Mel, glad to see you back. I am so excited about your TR.

Josey, hi how are you?

Floopy, hi. Yes CD1 is full flow.

Reeds, be careful in all that snow sweetie.

Flutter, glad your hubby made and you can get you :sex: on. Praying for your BFP!!

Super, you are not out of shape.

I hope all is well with everyone. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Ladies of all days for me to lose my sd card today was the day,actually I have not seen it in a week.So I hope this uploads I could not get a clear pic of the frer with DS's 10 yr old Kodak.


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