Just chit chatting.....

what a pain in the butt......can't send pics in private message. So sorry gals. If ya want u can email [email protected] and I will send a pic.
I have to respect Joe as he does not want me to post baby online. Sorry its such a pain.
congrats again needa. Sorry to hear u had such a hard time. I can relate to having way too much meds that I couldn't feel anything or breathe. I freaked the out they had to give me meds in my iv to help bring me to normal. Scary

I got the picture he is beautiful and big. I see Joe is a proud daddy awwww. Such a blessing. Good to hear that ur doing great after csection and that you milk supply is good

He is absolutely beautiful.
Ya floppy...it was sooo scary and out of control, but fixed pretty quickly thank goodness.
Needa, I am so glad you are okay now. I know Joe and the boys will have him spoil in so time. Get you some rest. Congrats again.
Needa, he is sooooo BEAUTIFUL! I could just eat up those cheeks! Thank you for sending me the pics. Joe does look like a very proud papa! Congrats again! :hugs:
Needa,I agree he is so handsome and what a proud daddy DH is.So we should be hearing his name next week?lol..

Adanma,I am glad to hear about your talk with your sister and that she is keeping baby.Maybe she just needed someone to tell her that she can do it.Yay for ivf in May.I don't know much about it but I am excited to follow your journey.

Momma,Everyone needs that time off from TTC.I took a month of no opk's or checking cm but in the end I went crazy not knowing when I Oed.FX for you!

Baby dust to all the TTC ladies!Wishing BFP's soon!

AFM,I have had ms very bad this week vomiting non stop.I did not work again last night.I have to stand for 8hrs and there was no way I could do that needing to throw up every thirty minutes.I can't eat so I have no energy.So I am afraid I will lose my job as we can only miss 8 days of work in a year and I have missed 4 already.I am not complaining about the ms but I am complaining about DH.lol..He is being such a butt because I am not getting everything done around the house and that I missed work.He said he works with a lady that did not miss one day while she was pregnant so that really pissed me off!I was not this sick with my other children and had no problem working until delivery,but things are different this time.Blah men!Anyway I am going back to the dr today I have lost 5 pounds this week so he wants me to come in.I know this a rant and I LOVE being pregnant but DH is on my last nerve I had to let it out.lol
fam them boys just dont get it sometimes :( I really hope your ms doesnt last much longer. you did'nt have ms in the begining did you? hopefully the dr. can hook you up with something that might ease your pain :) gl today

What a few days. First off.....interent was blocked in whole hospital, so we called and had given our visa to get tv and internet as there was a pc in the room. on the last nite at 9pm..still no connection, she came an hour before we were checking out....monday was a right off for messaging anyone. I WAS SOOOOO SICK. I had a spinal...paralysed from the waist down. They gave me too much and it was paralyzing my lungs...i was freaking out as I couldnt breathe...it was the worst feeling of my life...they gave me IV meds to control it and somehow reverse what was done. Joe was in there...all went well, til I was vomiting like a mad woman while laying down as they had not got baby out yet. Had to puke with my head to the side and get it suctioned out. Baby came......He is HUGE....lol 8lbs 4oz. I will send pics tomorrow So...go back to recovery room at 2pm. ( he was born at 12:55pm) they said I would only have to be there for 20 mins. I was there til 5pm.....vomiting like mad.They gave me three different meds and nothing helped. It was horrible Green bile. Finally they let me back in my room and Joe had to wait in the nursery as they would not let him take baby to the room without me. We had no access to phones and couldnt call my parents til 5pm...they were worried sick.
I vomited all nite til 10pm....still no food but that was the last thing i was thinking about. My poor boys could hardly visit with me as I was soooo sick Joe closed the curtain. I had no c-section pain at all...weird.
around 11pm I was feeling good. Tuesday I was feeling great....til around 2pm when after contractions started happening and since he is my 4th baby they were strong....down my thighs. I suffered all nite with that and gas pains. Woke up at 3pm in shock shivering and had to take pain killers. Now....I was let out at around 2pm Wed. Feeling great, eating like everything in site. Contractions mininal...milk is in...baby bathed and snoozing in bouncer chair on vibrate. I am soooo in love. He is amazing. He is a HUGE eater...getting darker by the day and we are so in love with him. Joe has been beyond amazing. He spent each nite with me at the hospital and never left my side. He is the proudest papa I have ever seen.

I hope all u gals are doing great and are healthy. I can not believe how much time a baby takes up, I forgot....I hardly get to come online nowdays.

Im so sorry you had such a hard time but im sure it was all worth you lil bundle :) I bet you cant take your eyes off of him:baby: congrats again
Thanks for all the congrats. Ya..he has daddys chunkie cheeks and mommas double chin. I have a cute one on my cell but it wont upload online.

Fam...GL with the sickness, it sucks but hopefully will pass soon. As fro your man, take him with a grain of salt. They don't think before they open their mouths sometimes. Joe now has appreciation for all that I went through and can not believe that he was in my belly, no wonder I was complaining about rib pain. He is almost a full pound bigger than my biggest from my first marriage. Happy second tri!!!

Hugs momma, its a stressful situation ttc, we all know your ache.

AFM...I am ready for a vacation, my 6 year old cried about 15 times yesterday. It was the first day he was home all day with baby. He loves him and is happy but emiotional about everything. This is going to take some adjusting, a breast pump and a glass of wine.
needa: what a scary sounding time you had! Thank goodness it's over and you're home with your little bundle. As for the 6 year old... he'll come around. It's just an adjustment for him and he'll figure it all out soon. I heard some really good advice after I had Preston in regards to trying to still meet all of Ian's needs (then 25 months). They said The older child will remember and the baby won't so sometimes let the baby cry for a bit and let the older one feel like he's still #1.
Can't wait to get my picture!
fam: men. hurumph! Tell him when he is growing another person inside of himself, he can put his two cents in. That's on par with people who have no kids telling you what you're doing wrong as a parent... Hopefully it was just a bit of stress and he'll get his head out any day now. lol!

Thanks ladies!

Well no work for me until Tuesday that is a relief.I have lost 5lbs since my last appt so that puts me back at my prepregnancy weight of 133lbs.The dr said I was anemic and dehydrated and he wants to see me back next week.He gave me some kind of shot and no vomit so far.YAY

I am sure DH will come around.I honestly think it is just all new to him.He is always bragging to everyone that I am super woman working full time taking care of four kids cleaning cooking and he never has to do anything.Now he sees I may need some help and I don't think he knows what to do.lol

Needa,I am sure DS will come around it's all so new to him.If it helps any my DD crys like that daily and we don't have a new baby but she is spoiled rotten.lol

Adanma,That is great advise and so true!
fam: it's an adjustment for him I'm sure. When I first started being a stay at home mom Jason and I argued a lot about division of labor. I prefer to handle most of the housework and have him do the outside stuff. However, we have kids that have needs as well especially Ian, and some days the laundry goes undone and it's leftovers for dinner. Sometimes I need help. I had to point out after I had surgery that just becuase I couldn't lift the laundry doesn't mean we all go around in dirty clothes. He had to step it up a bit, but he definately had to be told. Give him a little while and make sure you guys are talking about the changes and what that means for each of you.

AFM: This was the BEST!!!

Ian: You're the luckiest mom in the world because you have ME!
me: You're absolutely right, I am lucky!
Ian: Not every mother gets to have a little boy with Asperger's!

I hope he keeps his confidence as he gets older. It touched me heart to know he sees himself as extra special.

fam thank god for modern medicine :)
adenma that is sooo sweet and sooo special what a great lil man :)
I put a call into the local fs becasue I went today to the gyno for something else and I talked to her about trying for 7 cycles and nothing and when she thinks I should go to the fs and she said go home and call and that i should look into IUI so we shall see what monday brings, not sure if my ins. will cover any of it i had the hsg done and got a letter saying that the ins. is not going to pay cause they dont cover it ugh!!! so Im hoping the ins. covers some of the iui or at least the office visit
Fam, I hope you feel better soon xx

AFM, the witch got me today. :( On to next month.

xx ladies
Needa what a scary situation. So glad it all turned out ok. I bet he's just adorable!

Adanma what smart boy you have! Yay for moving forward...you'll have your sweet baby by this time next year for sure!

Fam glad the ms is getting better. Dh will come around I'm sure it's just new to him.

Momma good luck at the FS! Hopefully it'll pay off with a blessing.

Afm...been going nuts all day with this government shut down nonsense.
Hey ladies,

Needa, you baby is so cute. I just want to hug him and kiss me.

Fam, sorry for you MS I hope it gets better soon. I am sure your hubby will get over it in a minute.

Super, sorry about the :witch:

Momma, I hope your FS appointment goes well.

Hi reeds!!

Flutter, how have you been?
fam thank god for modern medicine :)
adenma that is sooo sweet and sooo special what a great lil man :)
I put a call into the local fs becasue I went today to the gyno for something else and I talked to her about trying for 7 cycles and nothing and when she thinks I should go to the fs and she said go home and call and that i should look into IUI so we shall see what monday brings, not sure if my ins. will cover any of it i had the hsg done and got a letter saying that the ins. is not going to pay cause they dont cover it ugh!!! so Im hoping the ins. covers some of the iui or at least the office visit

I am sorry they didn't cover your HSG. my insurance tried to fight it too, but I told my doctor to bill them differently so they would cover it. They billed it to check for recurrent miscarriages and then my insurance covered it. My insurance did not cover our IUI and that was about $1000 total out of pocket. That included the sperm wash, meds (which are the most expensive of the total bill!) and the procedure as well.
Good luck and I hope you are able to get some answers soon! :hugs:
Adanma, It sounds like you have a very special and sweet son! <3
fam thank god for modern medicine :)
adenma that is sooo sweet and sooo special what a great lil man :)
I put a call into the local fs becasue I went today to the gyno for something else and I talked to her about trying for 7 cycles and nothing and when she thinks I should go to the fs and she said go home and call and that i should look into IUI so we shall see what monday brings, not sure if my ins. will cover any of it i had the hsg done and got a letter saying that the ins. is not going to pay cause they dont cover it ugh!!! so Im hoping the ins. covers some of the iui or at least the office visit

I am sorry they didn't cover your HSG. my insurance tried to fight it too, but I told my doctor to bill them differently so they would cover it. They billed it to check for recurrent miscarriages and then my insurance covered it. My insurance did not cover our IUI and that was about $1000 total out of pocket. That included the sperm wash, meds (which are the most expensive of the total bill!) and the procedure as well.
Good luck and I hope you are able to get some answers soon! :hugs:
Adanma, It sounds like you have a very special and sweet son! <3

Thanks momma :) is that how you got your beautiful BFP? my hubby has not been into much medical assistance with ttc but last night he said we should keep trying until september and if still nothing we need to do what we gotta do to get our lil bean so he amazingly is on board :) im still going to talk to the lady on monday and get anything out of the way i need to, so if september comes and were still not preggo we can just get to it!! I feel like there is some light at the end of the tunnel! your not the first TR girl to have IUI do the trick which gives me some relief. how many did you have before your bfp?
fam thank god for modern medicine :)
adenma that is sooo sweet and sooo special what a great lil man :)
I put a call into the local fs becasue I went today to the gyno for something else and I talked to her about trying for 7 cycles and nothing and when she thinks I should go to the fs and she said go home and call and that i should look into IUI so we shall see what monday brings, not sure if my ins. will cover any of it i had the hsg done and got a letter saying that the ins. is not going to pay cause they dont cover it ugh!!! so Im hoping the ins. covers some of the iui or at least the office visit

I am sorry they didn't cover your HSG. my insurance tried to fight it too, but I told my doctor to bill them differently so they would cover it. They billed it to check for recurrent miscarriages and then my insurance covered it. My insurance did not cover our IUI and that was about $1000 total out of pocket. That included the sperm wash, meds (which are the most expensive of the total bill!) and the procedure as well.
Good luck and I hope you are able to get some answers soon! :hugs:
Adanma, It sounds like you have a very special and sweet son! <3

Thanks momma :) is that how you got your beautiful BFP? my hubby has not been into much medical assistance with ttc but last night he said we should keep trying until september and if still nothing we need to do what we gotta do to get our lil bean so he amazingly is on board :) im still going to talk to the lady on monday and get anything out of the way i need to, so if september comes and were still not preggo we can just get to it!! I feel like there is some light at the end of the tunnel! your not the first TR girl to have IUI do the trick which gives me some relief. how many did you have before your bfp?

Unfortunately it has taken us 4 years (on the 12th it will be 4 years) and 5 miscarriages later. We still don't know about this little bean yet. I am not quite 5 weeks yet and we won't know anything about this one for another week or 2. So we will see if this pregnancy is a good viable one. We have never had a heartbeat before and hopefully we will have one this time. My pregnancy tests are super dark so that is a good sign, but I am not getting my hopes up until we see a little flicker.
I had one HSG done August 2009 and 1 round of IUI done with no luck. We have been NTNP since August last year and this is our second pregnancy since then. Our last one was lost on Christmas eve and I was right at 4 weeks. I had blood tests to confirm pregnancy and miscarriage as well.
I hope you are able to get some answers and hopefully you can get your :bfp: without medical intervention.
Just so you don't freak out about it taking us so long with so many miscarriages, let me tell you that 1: I am 39 and 2: My tubes are 2.5 on the right and 3.0 on the left. So my chances aren't as good as someone younger with longer tubes.
Good luck! :hugs:
Jonnanne,It is so understable that you are not getting your hopes up but we are cheering you and this little bean on!Lots of prayers that this LO sticks!!

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