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"knocking on buddies door"

don't worry hun, the only reason I've heard my monkey's heartbeat is because I paid for a private scan!!! It's not easy waiting I know, but imagine that feeling when you get to listen...it sounds like a little train! amazing. and next week you'll kick yourself for spending this week worrying instead of enjoying carrying your little precious cargo xxx
wooohoooo there you are claire bear..aww you got a lovely bump. im bigger than you hun but thats because im bigger in general lol its not just my bump that sticks out its my asss too so i look bigger all over lol

your slim so bump dont stick out like mine...your prob bigger by size but my body is more rounder so it makes me look bigger when i aint lol

ahh i love seeing baby bumps its soo cool :)

oh and claire you look lovely :) xx

moring sarah put a pic up we all wana seee xx
woohooo sarahs moving on up moving on up nothing can stop her hahaha

im sooo bloody tired today anyone want to come do my work for me lol :)
Yay hun not to bad still very very sore and like you im at work today bored stupid keep peeking on here xxx
I'll try to figure it out tonight when I get in...I did take one last week, and I'm 15 weeks on Thursday so I might even put them both up together, see if there's an prgression. I feel like there has been, I feel like a weeble :)

You okay Lyns? Don't push yourself too hard today - something I've found helpful is arranging my day so I do all my busy strenuous taasks like one to one performance review meetigns etc in the morning, then leave the afternoon free for admin tasks (and BnB!) for when I'm feeling drained xx
sarah you are lovely. i know , im looking forward to it so much. my mom comes with me because keiths at work, she came with me to all my midwife appointments with rian. whens your appointment
I'll try to figure it out tonight when I get in...I did take one last week, and I'm 15 weeks on Thursday so I might even put them both up together, see if there's an prgression. I feel like there has been, I feel like a weeble :)

You okay Lyns? Don't push yourself too hard today - something I've found helpful is arranging my day so I do all my busy strenuous taasks like one to one performance review meetigns etc in the morning, then leave the afternoon free for admin tasks (and BnB!) for when I'm feeling drained xx

cool sar im looking forward to seeing your bump wohooo :)

yeah im trying to take it easy hun but it just seem more and more things keep coming in to me...iv just got 7 boxes come through to my office full of paper and brochures that i have to sort out..but can i really be f$$k? nope i feel like going what ever and going home lol damn i well wish i could do that..that would be excellent lol

got so much to doo but here i am chatting away on here hahaha oh well bad bad me :)
I'm just playing clever with my hols - I know I'm not going away and have lots to use up before end of april as new allowance starts in may, so have tomorrow, thurs and fri off, then a long weekend at the end of next month, then 2 long wekends in April then2 long wekends in May! - June I'll be working the full month, but I finish for mat leeave on 6th July!!! WooHoo!!! xx
5 days behind me i bet you cant wait. whens your midwife appointment lynsey and bea
wow you have loadz and loadz of time off sar im well jealous give me someeeeeee lol my holiday starts every january and i havent taken none yet...ill think ill try use it all up when i leave..that way i get more money from them suckers lol

claire my appointment with midwife is the 11th of march :)
Ive got a midwifes appointment next wed then my scan booked for the 29th all seem to take so long to come round xx
Ive got a midwifes appointment next wed then my scan booked for the 29th all seem to take so long to come round xx

ahh man you got yoursway before me..that sucks lol i got my next scan on the 9th of april..thats ages away not 29th :OP
Bit worried about it as wasnt able to keep folic acid down and my other half has slight spina bifida, well worried there gonna say something is wrong and will be so far along :(
aww im sure everything will be fine hun....they would have noticed something on the first scan some slight difference :)

i think most woman find it hard to take folic acid but as long as you take it most of the week things shouldnt be any different hun. i find it hard to take em to so i seem to take it when i have breaky or just befor i eat dinner...try either of them too hun should help :)

try not to stress bout things like that hun..just try and look forward to seeing baby and knowin if its a he/she :)

it can be stressful but try not to worry..im sure everything will be just fine :) xx
Hi ladies,

my next scan is 12th April which seems like ages away just now!!!

Cant wait to see if it's a girl or boy! I think its a boy but time will tell.
Hi ladies,

my next scan is 12th April which seems like ages away just now!!!

Cant wait to see if it's a girl or boy! I think its a boy but time will tell.

hey delamere...just a couple of days after me :) i bet your so excited hun..hows the bump coming on? everything been ok for you? :) xx
elllloooooooooooo girlies how you all doing this morning?

i just had the best bacon and sausage sandwich bought to me at work from my gorgeous hubby :)

now im full up and my belly hurts lol
you lucky so and so lynsey did you have brown sauce on it hmmmmmmmmm.
ive had rice crispes so i will be starving in a hour. how are you doing

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