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"knocking on buddies door"

really strong period pains, feels like i wanna double over, i think its my desk at work because i have to lean over and sit on the squiff because there is no room
Bea you need to do a desk safety assessment asap - that's really bad for you and your company should provide you with ergonomically sound equipment, especially now you're preggers.

Morning all! I'm 15 weeks today! Here's more bump pics including last weeks pic too (the one with all the clothes in the background!):

What do you think? Anything there? xxx


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Bea you need to do a desk safety assessment asap - that's really bad for you and your company should provide you with ergonomically sound equipment, especially now you're preggers.

Morning all! I'm 15 weeks today! Here's more bump pics including last weeks pic too (the one with all the clothes in the background!):

What do you think? Anything there? xxx

The company i work for wont do that i work in a poorply converted garage with no heating no windows you can open a toilet that has holes in the floor wouldnt get me anywhere

bea thats sounds horrible where you work. thats the pains i have been having and its really worring isnt it. did you say you had an appointment next week.

and sarah i LOVVVVVE the bumps theres a litle babba in there.

wheres lynsey this morning:sad1:
I havent seen her this morning, yer got my midewife for triple test on wednesday have booked the day off xx
Bea, you need to do something about that desk seriously, your company are liable - I don't care if there's holes in the toilets this is your's and bubs health! Go get 'em girl!

Morning Claire - not seen Lyns either! x
if you are panicking i would phone your midwife just to see what she says. my appointment with the midwife is next friday, im sure i have felt he/she moving so i will wait till friday if it gets any worse i will have to phone her. have you found when you move it stops
morning sarah had any luck on the girls names yet
no not yet, to be honest haven't discussed it too much with hubby as he was grumpy last night after a nightmare day at work! I think I'm edging towards Sophie, I've always loved Jessica but MIL siad 'Jess' the other day and I didn't like the sound of it! I'll let you know what we decide! Have you decided on names yet? x
why is it when a man as a ba day at work the WHOLE world has to know about it lol.
how hard is it picking names, we well i had loads for a girl we liked angel and crystal. but keiths nan died last year so we have picked millie after her.
for a boy that was easy we picked this incase if we ever had another. his name will be aston after the football club and i think it sounds nice as well. i cant think of a middle name to go with it. i wanted keith again but he said no because rian has got it so we have got to think of one or i might tell him im having keith
Millie and Aston - lovely :) A nice middle name for Aston could be Thomas? Aston Thomas? x
goooooood morning ladies....

sorry i havent been on here..iv been so busy :wacko:

but jeazz looks like you lot have been busy on here..iv missed so much..noamlly im the one talking talking talking away blah blah blah lol

sarah iv been having these pains on and off too..sometimes there really sharp pains?? some times i have to twist and shake my body left and right to shake the pains away...and they go after a while..but my lord are they sharp like a Knife :wacko:

also sarah im loving your picture you got simular bump to meeeeee loooks lufffely :)

claire i like the names angel and crystal very nice girlie names hun :) how you feeling now you ok??

Bea - i totally agree with the girls im a health and safey rep at my work so i have to deal with things like this...by law they have to give you a risk assessment asap..they should have done it when they found out. i had a meeting the other day at work and was talking bout things like this and told my health and safey manager that i was pregnant he then came in to my work the next day asked me questions bout my work what i do and the things i have to use things like heavy equipment use of a computer...my desk my chair...if i have to do anything that causes stress ect... you need to talk to your manager for the sake of the safey or you and your baby you dont want to do any harm to the both of you do you sweeet? get your ass in your bosses office and tell him the score :) xx

i have a couple of names that me and pete love...for a girl we are going to call her alliyah deabreu(petes surename) short name liyah ..if its a boy(which i think it is) we will call him Andreious deabreu...short name "dre"

not sure on middle names yet ...might be my mums "mary" or petes mums "sally" for middle name - for andreious might be after my dad as hes brain damaged and have hes name "terry" as hes middle name :)

all for the love of family eh ;)

Alliyah mary deabreu or alliyah sally deabreu?

Andreious terry deabreu

what do you think?

we both have fallin in love with these names so these are the names we will have for our little one :)

hope you all are doing ok have missed talking to you all :) xxxxx:hugs:

so you are still here i thought you moved away and didnt want to talk to us anymore:cry::cry:
arent the pains horrible im still getting mine on and off, but i seem to have them more on a night and if iam lying funny.
i love you names. i like alliyah thats because i like the singer:dohh: where did you find andreious.
im a bit pissed off thougha girl over the road from me is pregnant and she is due the end of august and she has gone to see the midwife today. im futher gone then her and ive got to wait till next week.I WANT TO SEE HER NOW.
did i say she is only 15 god knows how she will cope.
Millie and Aston - lovely :) A nice middle name for Aston could be Thomas? Aston Thomas? x

that sounds nice but it is abit posh for us, plus i know to many kids called thomas
goooooood morning ladies....

sorry i havent been on here..iv been so busy :wacko:

but jeazz looks like you lot have been busy on here..iv missed so much..noamlly im the one talking talking talking away blah blah blah lol

sarah iv been having these pains on and off too..sometimes there really sharp pains?? some times i have to twist and shake my body left and right to shake the pains away...and they go after a while..but my lord are they sharp like a Knife :wacko:

also sarah im loving your picture you got simular bump to meeeeee loooks lufffely :)

claire i like the names angel and crystal very nice girlie names hun :) how you feeling now you ok??

Bea - i totally agree with the girls im a health and safey rep at my work so i have to deal with things like this...by law they have to give you a risk assessment asap..they should have done it when they found out. i had a meeting the other day at work and was talking bout things like this and told my health and safey manager that i was pregnant he then came in to my work the next day asked me questions bout my work what i do and the things i have to use things like heavy equipment use of a computer...my desk my chair...if i have to do anything that causes stress ect... you need to talk to your manager for the sake of the safey or you and your baby you dont want to do any harm to the both of you do you sweeet? get your ass in your bosses office and tell him the score :) xx

i have a couple of names that me and pete love...for a girl we are going to call her alliyah deabreu(petes surename) short name liyah ..if its a boy(which i think it is) we will call him Andreious deabreu...short name "dre"

not sure on middle names yet ...might be my mums "mary" or petes mums "sally" for middle name - for andreious might be after my dad as hes brain damaged and have hes name "terry" as hes middle name :)

all for the love of family eh ;)

Alliyah mary deabreu or alliyah sally deabreu?

Andreious terry deabreu

what do you think?

we both have fallin in love with these names so these are the names we will have for our little one :)

hope you all are doing ok have missed talking to you all :) xxxxx:hugs:


Morning Lynz

I know what your saying but i have tried and they are really not interested its the bosses house so hes aware of how it is dunno what else i can do im looking for another job but apart from that not much else i can do xx
so you are still here i thought you moved away and didnt want to talk to us anymore:cry::cry:
arent the pains horrible im still getting mine on and off, but i seem to have them more on a night and if iam lying funny.
i love you names. i like alliyah thats because i like the singer:dohh: where did you find andreious.
im a bit pissed off thougha girl over the road from me is pregnant and she is due the end of august and she has gone to see the midwife today. im futher gone then her and ive got to wait till next week.I WANT TO SEE HER NOW.
did i say she is only 15 god knows how she will cope.

yeah i get them when im laying down too..pete just goes whats wrong you ok starts getting worried haha then he goes good hes starting on you already hahahhaa thats my boy ....what a chump init? lol

we just was going through names and though andreious is Unique and was really nice for our first son :)
and we both love alliyah and though yeah perfect for our girl :)

15 years old and having a baby corr blimey..im not one to judge but at that age i wasnt even interested in sex let allown having a baby.

she probably is seeing her early because she is young and need more care or high Priority. dont get pissed off over that hun...at the end of the day you'll soon have yours and that all that matters..shes young very young and need a lot more help than me and you...can you remember what it was like at 15 jeazzz i thought i new it all lol but boy did i soon learn i new shit lol

Morning Lynz

I know what your saying but i have tried and they are really not interested its the bosses house so hes aware of how it is dunno what else i can do im looking for another job but apart from that not much else i can do xx

bea by law they can not ingore you...what if something happen..would they not care you was to sew them? write them a letter about it then that way if anthing was to happen then atleast you have a case to argue sweet. always look out for you regardless of the bosses..its your life not theres..if they dont care then write a letter to make them listen to you sweet. dont take no bullshit :)

how long you been there?

is there another role you could do to make it eaiser for you?

Morning Lynz

I know what your saying but i have tried and they are really not interested its the bosses house so hes aware of how it is dunno what else i can do im looking for another job but apart from that not much else i can do xx

bea by law they can not ingore you...what if something happen..would they not care you was to sew them? write them a letter about it then that way if anthing was to happen then atleast you have a case to argue sweet. always look out for you regardless of the bosses..its your life not theres..if they dont care then write a letter to make them listen to you sweet. dont take no bullshit :)

how long you been there?

is there another role you could do to make it eaiser for you?


Ive Been here a year hun, no other role unless i wanna drive an hour away xx
Morning all! Alliyah Mary sounds good - and a compromise if she's taking pete's surname (which I always think is right, especially if you plan to marry) then she can have your mum's name as middle name.x
humm..in that case write a letter to your boss stating that your nearly 15 weeks pregnant and need to be working either at a different desk with better computer equipment or they have to thing of a better Alternative for a better Environment for you to work in..weather they like it or not they have to help you by law haha that is a must trust me i work with this so i know what to do.

what do you actually do? mate you work sounds really shit i really feel for you sweet xx

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