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"knocking on buddies door"

Morning all! Alliyah Mary sounds good - and a compromise if she's taking pete's surname (which I always think is right, especially if you plan to marry) then she can have your mum's name as middle name.x

thanks sarah :) i totally agree and most definatly going to get married we was talking bout it last night :)

how you been hun..you ok?
I'm good thanks hun, on my third day off work, feeling very relaxed! Logged on here on my way downstairs to make some brekkie so will have to shoot off in a minute but wated to check in and see how my girls are doing :) xx
I'm good thanks hun, on my third day off work, feeling very relaxed! Logged on here on my way downstairs to make some brekkie so will have to shoot off in a minute but wated to check in and see how my girls are doing :) xx

Argh bless ya we're all ok, did you enjoy ya brekie xxx
I'll let you know once I've had it :)

See you all in a bit xx
alright, so i guess i'm joining the 2nd tri party. hi everyone.
hey ladies,

i haven't been around for a few days, been having a stressfull recently but today everything has been put to rest and i'm now a happy bunny:D. so ladies i'm now back on here. also a bit of good new i find out what my little munchkin is in 11days!! it's going sooooo quickly.

how are you ladies doing? any gossip to catch up on??

alright, so i guess i'm joining the 2nd tri party. hi everyone.

wooohooo welcome bklove i thought you'll never come here :happydance:

how you been hun...you been busy busy eh...got no time for us no more lol

hope you ok :) xxx

sammy -
hey ladies,

i haven't been around for a few days, been having a stressfull recently but today everything has been put to rest and i'm now a happy bunny. so ladies i'm now back on here. also a bit of good new i find out what my little munchkin is in 11days!! it's going sooooo quickly.

how are you ladies doing? any gossip to catch up on??

hope everythings ok sweet? you can pm if you like you know how our pm's go on forever..you no im here dont yooooooooou :hugs:

bet you cant wait to find out what your having :) i wish i was finding out but mine aint tilll ageeeeeeesssssss :winkwink:

big hugs :hugs::hugs:xxxx
alright, so i guess i'm joining the 2nd tri party. hi everyone.

wooohooo welcome bklove i thought you'll never come here :happydance:

how you been hun...you been busy busy eh...got no time for us no more lol

hope you ok :) xxx

sammy -
hey ladies,

i haven't been around for a few days, been having a stressfull recently but today everything has been put to rest and i'm now a happy bunny. so ladies i'm now back on here. also a bit of good new i find out what my little munchkin is in 11days!! it's going sooooo quickly.

how are you ladies doing? any gossip to catch up on??

hope everythings ok sweet? you can pm if you like you know how our pm's go on forever..you no im here dont yooooooooou :hugs:

bet you cant wait to find out what your having :) i wish i was finding out but mine aint tilll ageeeeeeesssssss :winkwink:

big hugs :hugs::hugs:xxxx

yeah i'm fine hun promise, just had something hanging over me for the past year which finally came to a end today, and it feels like a elephant just jumped of my shoulders. how's things with you hun? how's the bump? i know i'm really excited about it i wanna know now lol can't wait 11days so gunna have a paddy like a toddler :sulk:

when is youre next scan and midwife hun?? i think you have yours before mine xx

yeah i'm fine hun promise, just had something hanging over me for the past year which finally came to a end today, and it feels like a elephant just jumped of my shoulders. how's things with you hun? how's the bump? i know i'm really excited about it i wanna know now lol can't wait 11days so gunna have a paddy like a toddler :sulk:

when is youre next scan and midwife hun?? i think you have yours before mine xx


well sam i glad that that fat elephant has gone and now that you can enjoy your self more and be less stressed :)

iv got ageeeees till my next scan sweet...mine is the 9th of APRIL totally ageees away lol ill be 21 weeks +6 thats the sooner they can do booo hooo :(

but i do have my midwife appointment on the 11 of march..so thats something :)

bump has been naughty boy hes already begain to kick or something as it feels like he has a knife in there poking me with it lol

are you having baby movments yet?

really glad you ok :) xxx:hugs:
yeah i'm fine hun promise, just had something hanging over me for the past year which finally came to a end today, and it feels like a elephant just jumped of my shoulders. how's things with you hun? how's the bump? i know i'm really excited about it i wanna know now lol can't wait 11days so gunna have a paddy like a toddler :sulk:

when is youre next scan and midwife hun?? i think you have yours before mine xx


well sam i glad that that fat elephant has gone and now that you can enjoy your self more and be less stressed :)

iv got ageeeees till my next scan sweet...mine is the 9th of APRIL totally ageees away lol ill be 21 weeks +6 thats the sooner they can do booo hooo :(

but i do have my midwife appointment on the 11 of march..so thats something :)

bump has been naughty boy hes already begain to kick or something as it feels like he has a knife in there poking me with it lol

are you having baby movments yet?

really glad you ok :) xxx:hugs:

aww hun you get your nhs scan before meeee mines nnot until the 15th of april!!! i'll be 22weeks seems so far away lucky i've got this private one booked, seems the second week in march is guna be a busy one, i have my gender scan on the 9th march then my midwife on the 10th and you have your midwife on the 11th lol.

i don't think i've felt anything my friends told me what to look for but knowing me i prob think it's wind haha:blush: i've had a few tinges where it feels like someone is poking me from the inside lol but i dont think it's baby. one thing i have been suffering with is heart burn and sickness still :(

have you still got your sickness hun? just think we've only got about 5 months untill were mummies!!!! i was speak to ash about it last night he asked how many week i was ( he's majorly forgetfull) i said 15weeks he said well how far in months, i said nearly 4 he couldnt believe how kick things have gone lol he had to scoop his jaw up of the floor bless him xx

yeah but you cheated and got a paid scan so thats nno fair lol :OP

dont really say its sickness but i still havent got my appetite back really..im loving pickled gherkins, bread and beetroot still lol not really got anything other than baby stabbin me inside lol i dont no what the little one its up to but he sure is going to be a naughty baby lol

its so sweet bout ash...it really has gone quick...15 weeks it coming and going like no tomorrow..iremember being 4 weeks and thinking god iv got so far to go....now nearly 15 weeks on im like jeazz where is the time going.. 5 months will soon come sam. are you getting more and more excited? i bet you soooooo cant wait to see baby...:OP x
yeah but you cheated and got a paid scan so thats nno fair lol :OP

dont really say its sickness but i still havent got my appetite back really..im loving pickled gerkins, bread and beetroot still lol not really got anything other than baby stabin me inside lol i dont no what the little one its up to but he sure is going to be a naughty baby lol

its so sweet bout ash...it really has gone quick...15 weeks it coming and going like no tomorrow..iremember being 4 weeks and thinking god iv got so far to go....now nearly weeks on im like jeazz where is the time going.. 5 months will soon come sam. are you getting more and more excited? i bet you soooooo cant wait to see baby...:OP x

my sickness seems to go but if i smell or see something that isn't right i'm like :sick: i love cucmber and chocolate atm not together obviously.that would be disgusting.

yeah im getting really excited also really nervous. wondering if i'm gunna be good enough,if we'll cope all those sorts of things but i'm so happy about my scan in 11days woop woop :happydance:

i know i'm being really sad lol. have you and pete decided if your gunna find out?? xx

my sickness seems to go but if i smell or see something that isn't right i'm like :sick: i love cucmber and chocolate atm not together obviously.that would be disgusting.

yeah im getting really excited also really nervous. wondering if i'm gunna be good enough,if we'll cope all those sorts of things but i'm so happy about my scan in 11days woop woop :happydance:

i know i'm being really sad lol. have you and pete decided if your gunna find out?? xx

aww you dont be silly im sure you will make a lovely great mum..i think everyone things that when its your first..i sometimes think god will i do thinks right will i be a good mum..but you and ash are together stronger than ever and have a good relationship your got a good head on your shoulders so im sure you will be just fine :)

im worring about the birth..the thought of a baby coming out of me when my hole is like the size of a tense thist and the baby is the size of my whole arse cheeks lol its just damn right scary lol how in the hell is this baby going come out of me with out me dying with pain because iv been split open ...scary :haha:

i know woman all over the world everday have babies but my god am i shiiiiiitinh myself lol

yeah after seeing baby on the first scan we definatly going to find out :) you?
haha bless ya, im scared of the birth too sometimes me n ash get a lil carried away and it hurts lol all i've been told is when your in labour you find a strength you never knew you hadand once baby is out the pain goes. 14/15year old girls have babies i'm sure we can do it without being wimps lol. even tho i was just gunna have gas and air i'm contemplating a epidural lol the only thing is i hate needles and if it goes wrong you could be paralised and have back pain after :S

have you thought about the type of birth you want? like what pain relief your gunna have that sorta thing xx

haha bless ya, im scared of the birth too sometimes me n ash get a lil carried away and it hurts lol all i've been told is when your in labour you find a strength you never knew you hadand once baby is out the pain goes. 14/15year old girls have babies i'm sure we can do it without being wimps lol. even tho i was just gunna have gas and air i'm contemplating a epidural lol the only thing is i hate needles and if it goes wrong you could be paralised and have back pain after :S

have you thought about the type of birth you want? like what pain relief your gunna have that sorta thing xx

yeah i know but im still scared the baby is alot bigger than my you no what lol

yeah im just having gas and air hun and some other hardcore drug to help if i can find one lol im never goner have epidural unless theres something wrong with baby or im just dying haha

soon as pete gives me hes hand that will be my squeeeze bag all the way till the end hahaha if im in pain well so is he lol its only fair right? lol
haha bless ya, im scared of the birth too sometimes me n ash get a lil carried away and it hurts lol all i've been told is when your in labour you find a strength you never knew you hadand once baby is out the pain goes. 14/15year old girls have babies i'm sure we can do it without being wimps lol. even tho i was just gunna have gas and air i'm contemplating a epidural lol the only thing is i hate needles and if it goes wrong you could be paralised and have back pain after :S

have you thought about the type of birth you want? like what pain relief your gunna have that sorta thing xx

yeah i know but im still scared the baby is alot bigger than my you no what lol

yeah im just having gas and air hun and some other hardcore drug to help if i can find one lol im never goner have epidural unless theres something wrong with baby or im just dying haha

soon as pete gives me hes hand that will be my squeeeze bag all the way till the end hahaha if im in pain well so is he lol its only fair right? lol

hun i think there would be something seriously wrong if your hoohaa was bigger than the baby lol, every woman out there is prob thinking it but i guess when your in pain you just want the baby out and anything goes i spose (within reason tho).

haha i've told ashley he's not aloud in the delivery room. he'd just be playing with things and medical equipment i'd prob end up sandwiched in the bed some how with midwives going nuts because he's decided to play with the bed control lol xx

welcome =] i remember when i was in first tri with you

p.s I LOVE your name lol mines lindsay too bt spelt differentlyxx
That baby is coming however it needs to get here!:) but I think i'm going to request gas and air and try my best to ride out the pain, but I am very open to an epi after seeing my friend half possessed and foaming at the mouth pre-epi it was a hot mess.
Morning ladies, can't sleep so thought id see if anyone is about x x

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