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"knocking on buddies door"

hahahaahaha sammy i can just picture the bed squashing your body together hahah very funny picture indeed :) hehe

hey linz yup i remember you sweet we was talking bout the same thing in first tri :) how you be getting on?

bklove so what you saying is you wana have foam coming out your mouth looking half possessed by the devil? lol :) i watched that the one born every minute the other day and boy im going to scream the hospital down i think they will knock me out them selfs so i want need anything lol

bea - you ok hun..you probably asleep now as you couldnt sleep last night..everything ok? xxx
i just realised im 15 weeks today woohoooo its going so quick .......yay baby is gettin bigger inside no wonder i can feel baby moving :)
Did you know your baby is the size of an apple this week:)....even though your belly looks waaaay bigger than that:) lol.

Yes i'm going for the foaming at the mouth look, lol. I'm atleast going to give it a try. I just heard of the bradley method, well read about it in the 2nd tri forum, and sounds like a good way to prepare for the no drug route and the hubby is actually down so i'm going to look into it some more. I'm still pro epi though. When my head starts rotating its time to give it up and shoot me up.
ps: you feel the baby moving? Are you sure thats not gas. I thought that doesn't happen till way into week 20 something?
ps: you feel the baby moving? Are you sure thats not gas. I thought that doesn't happen till way into week 20 something?

yup definatly feel baby moving..some woman do at an early stage some woman dont. i was talking to my mum bout it to and she said its definatly baby moving. its like little twingles on the left hand side and little cramp movements...i get cramps but this is something different and when i get it im like ohh yup thats definalty baby moving. i get it when i moving around or curled up in bed.

and the size of an apple jeaz that apple must be the really big huge apples you buy lol im not sure on epi though thats like last option...im just going for gas and air..and pete to knock me out if i get to much lol :hugs: x
Bless ya lynds, yes Im ok been ill all weekend so now been fun and don't really feel pregnant today, might not be on much today as got meeting outside of the office

Howz everybody x x x
Bless ya lynds, yes Im ok been ill all weekend so now been fun and don't really feel pregnant today, might not be on much today as got meeting outside of the office

Howz everybody x x x
hey ladies

how is everyone feeling today? hope everyone has had a good weekend. i've had a lovely lazy weekend indoors vegging out infront of the tv. i can't believe i hit the 4month mark on thursday i'm so excited!! and i've got my gender scan in 8days too :happydance: who else is going for a gender scan??

Morning Sammy, Alright for some bet it was nice to have a lazy weekendxxx
ello ello lovely ladies :) did you all have a fab weekend?

bea - you feeling any better today sweet as you wsnt feeling that good this morning :( bit hugs xxx

sam - howdy suga :) 8days to go..god im sooo jealous hahaha im counting down that days for you too as i wana no what your having :) i think its a boy though i might be wrong but i physic lol

i had a wicked weekend with my hubby..pete got home from work on saturday bout 7pm then we chilled out on the sofa after eating my delishious roast ;) sunday we went to a car show up in luton which was soooooo shit the weather was bad but me and pete and hes mate had so much of a laugh we all end up having such a great day never laugh so much in agess....

everyone else ok..what you get up too?

my bump is soo big now im loving it lol xx
I just stood next to someone at work who's 22 and a half weeks pregnant and I'm the same size....
I just stood next to someone at work who's 22 and a half weeks pregnant and I'm the same size....

hahaha gawwwon sarah :)

doesnt it feel great that bump is finally here on show lol my mate at work just said i can see your bump now awwww im like yup baby is here to come work with me lol
awww lol i love it now my bumps appeared, worried i'm gunna be huge my 40weeks :S. i spent all weekend with ash. we went into town yesterday and i bought a england rugby team baby grow, it's really sad i know but it looked so cool.

lynds- i'll prob get there and they will sa oh we can't tell baby has it's legs crossed grrrr!! i have this feelng it's a girl. i don't have any boy vibes atall. i think i'd feel guilty if its a boy because i'd like a little girl first. that prob sounds horrible dont get me wrong i dont mind what i have i'd just like a little girl. hows the food thing going??

Hey Lynz, Yer im ok still feeling rubbish dont feel pregnant anymore and swear bump is shrinking i dunno, what happens at your triple test appointment do they check baby ect
Hey Lynz, Yer im ok still feeling rubbish dont feel pregnant anymore and swear bump is shrinking i dunno, what happens at your triple test appointment do they check baby ect

awww bea sorry your feeling so low hun...on your next midwife appointment they check babies heart beat check your blood and other results and go through alot of checkups(so im told) its because you have gone pass the stage of sickness ect(first tri) now your baby is just growing..so you dont really get that must symptoms..some woman do get them still and some dont...you may be just that some that dont...try not to worrie your little self im sure everything is fine. what date did you say the midwife is hun?

please try not to worrie and just relax :hugs::hugs:

lynds- i'll prob get there and they will sa oh we can't tell baby has it's legs crossed grrrr!! i have this feelng it's a girl. i don't have any boy vibes atall. i think i'd feel guilty if its a boy because i'd like a little girl first. that prob sounds horrible dont get me wrong i dont mind what i have i'd just like a little girl. hows the food thing going??

sam - haha im sure they will be able to find if little one has a willy or not lol :dohh:

they say that you normally feel what your having so maybe you are having a girl..but im still saying boy :baby: :) if im wrong you can hit me over the head :grr::grr: lol

food is ok..still loving my carrots and apples and beatroot lol cant beat a bit of that..iv got cheese salad saladcream sandwiches today so lets see how i get on with that one lol

sarah hun - :hugs::hugs: big hhugs hun..try not let silly commence get to you at work..you have lot alot of weight and im sure you do look pregnant and bump is looking lovely so ignore the silly cow at work...she just jealous :) xx
Hey Lynz, Yer im ok still feeling rubbish dont feel pregnant anymore and swear bump is shrinking i dunno, what happens at your triple test appointment do they check baby ect

awww bea sorry your feeling so low hun...on your next midwife appointment they check babies heart beat check your blood and other results and go through alot of checkups(so im told) its because you have gone pass the stage of sickness ect(first tri) now your baby is just growing..so you dont really get that must symptoms..some woman do get them still and some dont...you may be just that some that dont...try not to worrie your little self im sure everything is fine. what date did you say the midwife is hun?

please try not to worrie and just relax :hugs::hugs:

lynds- i'll prob get there and they will sa oh we can't tell baby has it's legs crossed grrrr!! i have this feelng it's a girl. i don't have any boy vibes atall. i think i'd feel guilty if its a boy because i'd like a little girl first. that prob sounds horrible dont get me wrong i dont mind what i have i'd just like a little girl. hows the food thing going??

sam - haha im sure they will be able to find if little one has a willy or not lol :dohh:

they say that you normally feel what your having so maybe you are having a girl..but im still saying boy :baby: :) if im wrong you can hit me over the head :grr::grr: lol

food is ok..still loving my carrots and apples and beatroot lol cant beat a bit of that..iv got cheese salad saladcream sandwiches today so lets see how i get on with that one lol

sarah hun - :hugs::hugs: big hhugs hun..try not let silly commence get to you at work..you have lot alot of weight and im sure you do look pregnant and bump is looking lovely so ignore the silly cow at work...she just jealous :) xx
Hey Hun My appointment is wednesday for triple test ect, i dunno why i feel it no pains nothing anymore :(
Hey Hun My appointment is wednesday for triple test ect, i dunno why i feel it no pains nothing anymore :(

awww maybe its because its been ages since you seen baby and had any test for the little one it feels like its just a dream again. come wednesday your gone be like :dohh::dohh: silly me..

hun you got nothing to worrie about ...we all have down days and feel like god i feel so shity today...but get a nice bath relax abit more and then wake up tomorrow and start the count down as wednesday isnt that long away :)

i have to wait over a whole bloody week and a bit guurrhhhhhhhh now who the one pulllling hair lol xx
Mine's a week on wednesday - can't wait to hear the heartbeat, but it feels like agaes away for me too. 6 weeks today til the next scan! :) xx

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