"knocking on buddies door"

claire hun - thinking of you hun..hopw today goes well for you at the hospital :) let us know how you get on pretty lady :) xxxxx my next midwife appointment is the 3rd of june...i will be 28+5 weeks then :) time is flying by..

sam - i think ashton is nice..whats ash's last name? so he will be called ashton.........?

last night was such a mental night..i got home from work thinking that pete would have put the wardrobes up and babys cot together but.....the wardobes are soo big that it was a totaly nightmare for petey..he was so stressed bless him. so when i got home i helped him to put them together..there soo massive to do it by urself. twice the wood feel on hes head cutting him..i just wanted him to leave it but he wanted to get it out the way...after 10.30 we finally finished..they look lovely but my lord what a pain in the arse they was. two masssssive mirrors and oh yes we had some fun infront of the mirrors after hahahaha not tmi for you guys hehe :)

hoping to put baby cot together today after work :)

sammy whens your maternity start? mines the 13th july :) xx
hey hun, glad your getting bits together for your room tmi about the mirrors tho lol, i remeber when me and ash put furniture together omg it was terrible we had this big hefty wardrobe we left it half assembled while we went to get dinner and the whole thing collapsed!! it was a nightmare!

ash's last name is lewis so baby will hopefully be called ashton lewis. :)

my maternity leave starts on the 10th july :D yaaaaaay it was meant to be the 31st of uly but i get so stressed at work i asked them to bring it forward. and i have a lovely week off next week :)

i was thinking about putting my crib together but not sure if its too early?? have you thought about your hospital bag yet???

ahh ashton lewis sounds lovely sam...got a nice slow to it :)

sorry if the mirrors was tmi was just a funny moment i wanted to share with you guys lolol :)

my actually maternity date starts on the 27th of july but im using up the rest of my holidays so my maternity will start after which isnt bad because the long i hold out the longer my maternity will last...but im soooo tempted to bring it closer like the end of june because im getting so tired and finding it so hard to work everyday 8-5 it killing me then i get home cook becuase pete dont get home till 8 at night...then pete has a bath sort hes stuff out dont get to sleep till bout 12 then wake up a 7 the next day..just soooooooooooooooooooooooo drained. but my boss is so long i cant be arsed with all the hassel with him moaning at me cos then i have to move my holiday forward then he will moan its short notice..just long lol so i will just keep falling asleep at my desk ha :)

i think we will put the cot together as it doesnt matter as we havent got the mattrest to go in it so it want ge dusty sitting there :) nope no hospital bag yet..when im bout 35 weeks ill get that sorted :)

hosptital bag is just the last thing gettin it now for me would be like right im ready to go lol

you got urs done? xx
awww thanks hun:)

i've done the same as you with my maternity leave i don't officially go on maternity leave until the 16th of august its all holiday until then :) i have until may off next year woop woop :)

least you didn't go into too much detail with the mirrors lol i've been deprived of sex :( it's all i want atm and all he wants but i keep putting my foot down lol. i don't think it'll be long before i jump him tho haha :blush:

i haven't done mine yet i made a list and put it to one side so when me and ash go baby shopping i can get some bits. i keep getting nagged tho because 2 people i know have had their babies early so people have been nagging me incase things happen early but i haven't got any motivation to do it it can wait until the day before i think lol.

do you think things are going so quickly??

hey ladies - good on you Lynz about your fun in front of the mirror...I have a grotty cold so all I'm getting at the moment is very vivid dreams!

Sammy - Ashton is a gorgeous name, go for it.

Bea - hope you're having a bit better luck at your work place

How quickly is all this going? it's madness i swear....28 weeks tomorrow! I finish work on 30th June, 5 weeks today - sounds early but am using a full years holiday allowance plus 2 days carried over from last eyar plus two days I've banked for working over - actual mat leave starts 16th August! I cannot wait!!!!

awww thanks sarah :)

i can't believe we're 28weeks tomorrow its madness!! i remeber when we were in first tri now we're in third tri!! :) before we all know it we'll be poting our birth stories and pics of our little ones.

is some of your maternity leave unpaid hun??

i can imagen sam you must be gaggin for it hun hehe but very proud of you for not jumpin in bed yet..means your serious bout the way he hurt you and that he needs to show you well done sweet :)

yeah its a possibility baby may come early but then in that case we would have got everything by now lol i personally want do mine untill im 35 weeks if im early im early iv got some bits for just incase but no wear near bag sorted lol

sarah haha bout the vivid dreams...i do love a perv dream now that im pregnant i get them too...i love waking up horny jumping on pete lol not sure if he minds as much tho as im sure its quite annoying lol

sarah your going on maternity leave on my birthday woohooo... thats the date im going to ask to move my maternity forward to as iv got holiday booked off for that day :)

it is indeed going very quick...scary quick..the more i get sorted the quicker the time goes then the sooner the maternity date gets closer then before you know it baby will be here..its going scary quick.. :)
I'll get paid holiday pay 30th June - 15th August, then 6 weeks full pay from 16th August, then from approx start october for 33 weeks I'll get SMP, then if I want the last 3 months of mat leave it'll be unpaid. I'm worried about it a little bit, but am applying for a maternity break on my mortgage next month for 6 months, if that goes through okay we'll be fine, if not we'll struggle.

What about you?

lyns- believe me hun i really wanna but i haven't wanted to just give in because i don't wanna give him a easy ride. but recently omg i'm looking at men like pieces of meat hahaha.

sarah- i get paid holiday pay from the 10th of july until the 15th of august the i get paid smp from the 16th of august until may next year. i'd love to take a year off work but i really can't afford to do it :(

i can't wait until the 7th of july i have my private scan woooooooop :happydance: the last time i'll see my little man until he's born :)

Hi Girlies,

How are we all?

Oh my god what a week, Im SOOOOOO Stressed, Had midwife today for what's classed as my 28 week appointment because of my blood type. General poke and prod bump is measuring the right length for the time which is good, took little while to find heart beat but she found her. I have to go back on Friday to have my blood pressure re checked as its quite high and because of reduced movements and my hands and feet swelling up so much i cant bend them she is a little worried.

Oh my god dont even get me started on work sarah, i really dont know what to do. I have taken a car off the road because me and hubby both work in norwich so there was no point in having 2 cars running together plus its saving us near on £70 a week. But my boss has now changed his mind again. I moved up here because the office i worked in was closing down. on moving up here they decided they were going to keep the office down there open but the staff were to work evenings. a week later i find out 2 of the full time staff as still working full time hours and that the office wasnt going to close atall by this point we are only using one car to try and save for little princess.

Well over the last couple of weeks there has been talks that this office was moving to a smaller office because we dont need the space for the amount of staff that we have which is understandable. This week it has now been mentioned that we are all to work form home and this office will be closing instead because of the landlord changing and wanting us to sign another lease with different terms ( how true this is i dont know) I have the problem that i cant work from home as i am telesales/admin based and i have no internet or phone connection at home so that i can do, I could put my car back on the road and be as skint as i was before and really struggle with money and that, or be made redundant.

I really dont know what to do my midwife said to take things easy for a few days to get my blood pressure down but how can i do that with all this going on


***deep breath ***

so what are all you girlies up to

Sammy - glad to see you and ash are getting along great, i cant imagine how you feel with the sex thing im so off it at the moment its unbelievable

Cla -- I hope everything has gone ok today for you all are thoughts and prayers are with you as well as all the fairy dust a spermy wishes xxxx

Sarah -- how you doing now hun??

Lyns -- I havent even started looking at furniture and that yet but sounds like you had a right time trying to get things together. I think i need to hold fire at the moment
jeaazzz bea fancy a cuddle hun ?:hugs::hugs::hugs: sounds like you going through a right stressful time right now...no wonder why your blood preasure is sky high....there not point in saying take it easy because by the sound of it your trying the best you can..i just hope it all works out in the end for you sweet i really do...hows baby been other than all these stresses#? been feeling him kick? are you getting bigger? i really hope work sorts it self out..we havent got long to go now so i hope from now and till then it gets betetr for you :hugs::hugs::hugs: :flower: xx

iv changed my date for my maternity i now go on holiday on the 30th of june (my birthday) woohoo not bout working on your birthday haha then my maternity kicks in on the 18 of july...so that isnt to bad i think :dohh: :shrug:

i get 90% of my pay for 6 weeks then 33 weeks of SMP pay..then after that i dont actually know...do you claim benifits? iv never been here so i dont actually know lol

all im looking forward to is sorting the house out..sorting my driving test out and and getting used to the abby coming...relaxin away from work and just generally getting used to my likfe changing for ever..its a scary unknown feeling and im trying to sort things out before the little one gets here...hense the reason for bring my maternity date forward.....xxxx

sammy your doing the right thing and im very proud of you cos i know what its like when you want sex lol it will happen when you feel right to be that way towards ash..its nice that you guys are building trust friendship and love again :)

claire - how did it go today? hope your ok sweet xxx

sarah - hope your mortgage break thing workks out..that must be very scary for you hun xx
sorry i didnt come on yesterday keith had the day off so we went shopping:happydance:
well yesterday went alot better the i thought, my doctor was lovely.he said that my bloods were fine and the postmortom results showed nothing wrong with the baby. he said it was one of those things, i told him about having pains a week before it happened and he said that is was most prob telling me that the pregnancy wasnt going any further:cry:
the next time i get pregnant (hopefully soon) they will keep an eye on me from 8 weeks or earlyer so i will have to have an early scan and one at 16weeks.
i asked him why i spot a week before my af and he said it was good that it does that, it means my body is ov:happydance:
i said to keith that it was all up to him and the doctor said no pressure then lol.
i was out side the chapel and i said to keith do you wont to go in and he said yes but then i just felt my eyes filling up, i couldnt do it may be it was a bit much for one day. hopefully i will go soon.
i said to keith that it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be and he said that he was shitting himself incase he said what sex it was, but he said he wanted to know. i dont think i could deal with it at the momment maybe when iam pregnant again i will ask.
sorry its sooooooooooooo long. hows everybody else today:hugs:
ahhh claire that made me cry abit...im so glad that everything went ok and that the doctor said that everything is fine. i bet you feel so much better now? glad the doctor was lovely towards you..that always helps... i think going to the chaple and finding out the sex will be alot easier when you get pregnant again as i think it would be so much for you right now...but hey i maybe wrong you are alot stronger than you think sweet :)

i bet it was very nice to spend the day with keith tho? nice to see you guys are close and supporting each other think thats wicked xx :) xxx

really happy for you that your body is back to normal then...so hopfully soon you will have your wish again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey chicas! So when are we officially moving over to third tri? I"m always holding up the rear and I don't want to miss the bus!:) Anyshoes, its still HOT over here and that is making it rough for me, tiredness is kicking in hard and my feet are starting to hurt, and i'm not even outside that much! I think i'm going to start soaking my feet and definitly trying to stay hydrated. You ladies are getting off early for leave, i'm working till I can't go anymore! Which might be sooner than I think:)

Magik- Breathe! Wherever you can find time to relax even for a few minutes, do it. Your health is important, the rest will work itself out.

Babyd- All work and no play makes johnny a dull boy! Glad you guys enjoyed the mirrors:)

Cla- Thanks for posting the pic, it was a nice one of you, so I don't know what you were yapping about! I'm also glad you had some sort of closure with the doctor and that you can continue ttc and next time they'll monitor you a bit more. Hope you don't have to wait to long for that bfp:hugs:

Sammy- I like ashton, reminds me of ashton cucher(?) the actor, I was just thinking how cute he is last night. And even though the midwife has some balls, I think its a great safety measure to just take the test and make things are going as it should.

SJ- you are really off early for leave, I'm jealous! And Congrats on 28weeks!

Congrats to all those at 28 weeks, i'm super excited to hit this milestone- but I have to wait till tomorrow! Have a good one ladies, i'm late for work, so gotta run!
thankyou lynsey and bklove:hugs:
yes it was nice spending the day with him until we went into primark:growlmad:he hates the place. he walks around saying that people are tramps buying clothes from there :growlmad: the thing is i get stuff from there the bloody idiot otherwise after his strop he was fine:hugs:
bklove its early fo you to be on today:hugs:

bea i hope you are feeling better, i had high blood pressure when i was about 32weeks with rian and i had preclampsia. are they going to keep checking it????

sammy and sarah hope you are ok???
Hey pretty ladies, How are you all? 28 weeks today! Yay! And it's almost the weekend!

BKLove - long time no speak! Glad to hear you're well, other than the weather (as I type I have a desk fan blowing full power even though it's raining outside so am feeling your pain!)

Claire -you're a lovely brave woman, and never mind the niggles about primarni clothes - all hubby/wife/boyf/girlf have the same conversation all around the country every weekend I'm sure!

Bea- you're bosses are clearly nobheads, don't let the stress levels affect bubs - get a punching bag and clip a piccy of the most annoying boss on to it!

Sammy - 28 weeks!! Yay!!!

Lynz - I'll get a bump pic up eher soon for ya hun.

:) xxx
Cla glad everything went ok today was thinking of you,

Still no news down here, yer got to go and have it tested again 2morrow but it was 130/100 which i dunno what the number mean but its normally 120/70 or 80, Yer i think there keeping a check as my feet and hands have swollen up sp much i can hardly bend them and keep getting headaches and flashing light but guess i will see what they say 2morrow xxx
:hugs:bea all i can say is take it easy hun:hugs:
bea hun what causes swollen Ankles/feet? im getting them alot at the moment not a nice feeling :(

amanda - The thread has been moved to third tri hun have a look at the top heehe :happydance:

sammy/sarah congrats on 28 weeks hunnies :) woohoo me and bea are on your tail as usual :)

sarah ......pic for us yes please gimmy gimmy gimmy i wana see you bump baby :) xx

wheres everyone elses pics? pics pics pics pics lol
Lynsey it might be the heat or you are on your feet to much. Or it can be a sign of preclampcia, I didn't swell up much only. On my face and hands

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