"knocking on buddies door"

I'm ok ta not too bad, just got a lot of pills and keep having to drunk loads but other wise not to bad and coping will update properly when I get home x x
Hello stranger. Have they said when you will be allowed home yet
Both doing really well thank u, Honor is now in a babytherm rather than her inci and. Weighs 1.170kg howz all u where u all gone x x x

woohoooo thats so good to hear hunnie....nice that her weight is increasing and health is growing. how have you been coping and hows your body? do you have any idea when she will be allowed home? will it be around the time that of her normal due date and depending on her health etc? im just glad that all is well for all of you :) xx

well ladies what can i say 32 weeks yesterday and growing like a fat ball lol seriously tho im massive and looking like an elephant lol i went to a wedding yesterday(bad idea) the heat was just so much for me i look like i red letter box from hot hot flushes and like a bucket of water had been thrown over me from the sweat lol lovely wedding but boy 32weeks pregnany in 29degrees heat stuck in a room full of 70 people NOT recommended lol :dohh::dohh:

how have everyone been?

sarah? claire? sammy? amanda? bea? ellooooooooo :coffee:
hows everyone been? very quiet in here lately :( sammy everything ok hun? hope mummies is there for you xxx
babydeabreu.. what a gorgeous photo and your other half.....

i must say, that the factthat our hot hot weather seems to have buggered off for a little while has pleased me toa degree, cos we had it roasting and i didnt cope great, my toes were like sausages, andmyhands , welli felt like my fingers were going to explode, having said that, it hasnt been COOL, still having to use the fan in bed, or no chance at allof goingoff tosleep.....

i havebeen in here a few times before, but guys, do you mid if i stay here with you for the last stretch?? i am just feeling that it would be nice to have someone to be chatting to etc,

goto hospital tomorrow, hoping little fella has turned over, but i am not holding out much hope as i can stillfeel what i am almost positive its his feet down in my bits....

willlet ya know.... my dd is due her baby in three weeks, am scared out of my wits having to go to labour with her.... firstly cosi am notlookig forward to seeingher in pain, but secondly, cos its going to really hit home that oh my god i am gonn have to go thru this in a few weeks myself " hahahaha

hope all are well in here.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i was wondering if everybody is ok :hugs:
well im neally at the end of another cycle so iam just going with the flow, im trying not to stress and im doing really well !
babydeabreu.. what a gorgeous photo and your other half.....

i must say, that the factthat our hot hot weather seems to have buggered off for a little while has pleased me toa degree, cos we had it roasting and i didnt cope great, my toes were like sausages, andmyhands , welli felt like my fingers were going to explode, having said that, it hasnt been COOL, still having to use the fan in bed, or no chance at allof goingoff tosleep.....

i havebeen in here a few times before, but guys, do you mid if i stay here with you for the last stretch?? i am just feeling that it would be nice to have someone to be chatting to etc,

goto hospital tomorrow, hoping little fella has turned over, but i am not holding out much hope as i can stillfeel what i am almost positive its his feet down in my bits....

willlet ya know.... my dd is due her baby in three weeks, am scared out of my wits having to go to labour with her.... firstly cosi am notlookig forward to seeingher in pain, but secondly, cos its going to really hit home that oh my god i am gonn have to go thru this in a few weeks myself " hahahaha

hope all are well in here.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hello hun, you will love it over here everybody is sooooooooooooooooo nice:hugs:
babydeabreu.. what a gorgeous photo and your other half.....

i must say, that the factthat our hot hot weather seems to have buggered off for a little while has pleased me toa degree, cos we had it roasting and i didnt cope great, my toes were like sausages, andmyhands , welli felt like my fingers were going to explode, having said that, it hasnt been COOL, still having to use the fan in bed, or no chance at allof goingoff tosleep.....

i havebeen in here a few times before, but guys, do you mid if i stay here with you for the last stretch?? i am just feeling that it would be nice to have someone to be chatting to etc,

goto hospital tomorrow, hoping little fella has turned over, but i am not holding out much hope as i can stillfeel what i am almost positive its his feet down in my bits....

willlet ya know.... my dd is due her baby in three weeks, am scared out of my wits having to go to labour with her.... firstly cosi am notlookig forward to seeingher in pain, but secondly, cos its going to really hit home that oh my god i am gonn have to go thru this in a few weeks myself " hahahaha

hope all are well in here.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hey lou thanks for the compliment :) of course you can stay in here with us your more than welcome. it seems everyone is busy atm :shrug: but im still here talking to my self lol how have you been getting on ?

i know what you mean bout the hands and feet...i've finished work now but when i was there my feet used to look like elephants feet and my hands just like yours sausages lol (not the sexiest thing to look at) of hunnie how sexy do i look looking like a swollen elephant with swollen bubbles coming out of my body lol ohh yummy lol :dohh::dohh:

how you keeping claire bear? xxx

hope everyone isny so hot..i have two fans on in my house windows open and im stilllllllllllllllllllllll hot lol helllppp meee lol xx
I'm alright I had a possitive opk last Friday and Saturday so I had enough time to bd. So my af should be due next week hopfully she doesn't show her face lol. I can't believe rian as only got another 4 weeks left at school then he will break up for 6 weeks, then when he goes back he will be In year 5. The years are going to fast. And it's my dads 50th tomorrow
Heys guys oh my god what a day cant belive my work making me reduant and not telling me and not paying me im so upset and stressed and dunno what to do. I had to levae Honor and try and sort it all out which i havent even managed to do. What a bloody nightmare.

Honor Update

Well guys on monday Honor weighed 1235kg today she weighs 1275kg so all good she is doing excellent got an eye check on monday.
Today we got told part of her brain is larger then the other but is just within the limits and said there is no need to worry but they will check again before she ges discharged. Not much else to say shes doing really well will try and get some pics for you.

So guys whats happening with you lot and bumps.

Lynz love the pic you look so well.

Cla, Sending lots of spermy dust to keep that horrid witch away

Sammy how you doing hun any further news.

Sarah hope its not to hot for you

thank you for the welcome girls...
Cla... got everything crossed for you love.... ihope you dont mind that i mention this, cos the last thing i would want to do is upset you... but looking at your ticker, you had the same thing happen to you as i hadlast year almost to the day... if you ever want to vent i am always here..... its one of the hardest things i have even experienced... i really hope i havent spoken out of turn....

magik... thats awfull bout your job.. are they allowed to do that and not let you know...
glad honor is doing good... bless her strong heart!!!!!!

well, its raining here in midlands of ireland... and although the wind is blowing a little bit, its still warm....
had my check up today, and all is well, apart from the little monkey is still up the wrong way.... dr doesnt seem worried... says is he is still that way att37 weeks, he will take him by section a week before due date, i am going to ask him to cange that to 2 weeks before when inext see him.... cos i am stressing about going into labour naturally... and then it having to be emergency... they are solaid back about things they are almost sleepy..... he always says to me " oh laura, they dont make women like you any more, youare good at making babies, let me do the worryin" that doesnt make me fel better though for some reason....itellya though, this position is so sore in comparison to carrying withhead down... i never experienced this with any or my other 6 pregnancies ..

really wishing i was at home in the UK ... i miss my family alot lately... and found ou tlast thrsday that my dad has prostate cancer... so i really feel a bit lost...
anyway girls, so nice to " meet" you all...
Don't be stupid Hun it's always nice to talk to someone who as been throw the samething. If you don't mind me asking what happened to you
well mine, was a mmc... i went for check up at 17 weeks, and he had stopped growing at 13 weeks, it was one of the most devastating feelings in the world to me....
i had to have meds to bring him away..... dh ended up delivering him in the bathroom at home, as they gave me the meds and told me to come back in 48 hours... but it took only 36 so we were not ready... had to then go in and have d and c as placenta was stuck.... they told us it was a boy... we have his resting place in our garden with roses and angels watching over him.. i let helium balloon go on his due date in dec, and as we watched it fly away 2 magpies flew across our path and DD said " mummy look 2 for joy" 4 days later i found out i was pregnant again..... i comfort myself with thinking it was our little mans blessing ...xxxxxx

as i said, i am always here, no ones experiences are the very same, but just sometimes it helps to be able to talk to someone who understands how angry and bereft you feel....

lotsa love
Oh my god that is just what happened to me but my waters broke. And I had the baby at home and then had a d&c. How long did it take you to concieve again
i got pregnant in october, but iliterally knew for one week, and lost it.... then i found outbout this little man in dec..... so 5 months or there abouts, longest five months ever.... in fact, our daughter found out she was expecting in nov and i was devastated, and we kinda gave up, cos it seemd wrong ... and BAM.... we relaxed and it happened....

got everything crossed for you love,, you taking epo and vit b etc?
jeazzzzzzzzzzzz lou baby number 7 wow you have been busy :)

sorry to hear bout your dad thats just horrible..how is he getting on with treatment? when will you be coming back over to england? i hope you havent been too stressed about this as i know this like this can lay in the back of your mind and trouble you subconsciously :)

looks like theres alot of us here that have had a mmc then..i had one also 4 years ago and it is indeed not the nicest thing to ever go through..but our lovely claire is doing very well indeed..shes keeping an eye on her self and her body seems to be back to normal so hopfuly soon she want be that far behind us :)

bea - how can they make you redundant with out talking to you? have you seeked advince from anyone bout this? surly they cant do that with ouot paying you? im sure thats legal..your work must be taking the piss surely they cant do that bea surely? you have rights i think you need to get some advice. even still you can get help from benefits though cant you? so glad that honor is ok..bet you cant wait to bring her home? keep smiling xxxx
Hello, it's Kaitlyn, the never here girl. Lol, I was reading through the last several pages to see how you all are doing before commenting. It seems that we are okay, just hot? Bea- That really stinks about your job, and doesn't seem right at all!

I had an appointment today, which I have been going once a week for the past two months because I have elevated liver enzymes, and at one point my OB was going to have me do a liver biopsy, but it looks like the numbers are going down and I might not have to do this.

Anyway, I went today to have a biological profile, which is just an ultrasound, and they saw that my amniotic fluid was on the low side, but it hasn't broken. I was wondering, since a lot of you are at about the same as me as far as weeks, if any of you have run into this? She said it could be the heat, which it is has been around 96 F (36 C), but now I'm going to do an U/S every week to see about it.
I also learned that the baby is approx. 4 lbs 9 0z, how about your little ones? And she said that I am a fingertip dilated. Anyone else dilated yet? That was a million questions, but I thought it would be nice to compare.
Hey ladies!!! :)

I'm still here just been having a few down days so thought i'd stay away. but i'm back and i'm happy-ish :) and 33WEEKS!!! how has everyone been??

i now have my blood testy thingy for my GD i have to test it 4 times a day and have to be on a sort of strict diet it sucks when you have cravings. i was also told i might have to be put on a insulin drip while i give birth so looks like my water birth could be out the window :(

bea- surely they can't just make you redundant they must have to give you some sort of redundancy pay otherwise that's just bloody stupid! glah honor is ok and gaining weight.

cla- how are you hun?

lyns- i know what you mean about elephant feet :( i'm suffering with it too, my feet don't even look like my own, i call them my swankles (swollen ankles) lol. my bumps seems to have really grown too finally lol.

loobi- welcome to the chat hun, sorry to hear whats happened to you in the past.

kaitlyn- my waters broke about 3weeks ago when i was shopping in sainsbury's of all places but luckily i only lost about half a cupfull and they resealed (thank god) they also had to do a internal examination i was told i was slighty dilated and was told to just take it very easy that was 3 weeks ago and i'm still doing fine.

well mine, was a mmc... i went for check up at 17 weeks, and he had stopped growing at 13 weeks, it was one of the most devastating feelings in the world to me....
i had to have meds to bring him away..... dh ended up delivering him in the bathroom at home, as they gave me the meds and told me to come back in 48 hours... but it took only 36 so we were not ready... had to then go in and have d and c as placenta was stuck.... they told us it was a boy... we have his resting place in our garden with roses and angels watching over him.. i let helium balloon go on his due date in dec, and as we watched it fly away 2 magpies flew across our path and DD said " mummy look 2 for joy" 4 days later i found out i was pregnant again..... i comfort myself with thinking it was our little mans blessing ...xxxxxx

as i said, i am always here, no ones experiences are the very same, but just sometimes it helps to be able to talk to someone who understands how angry and bereft you feel....

lotsa love
thanks for that it gives me hope that someone else has got pregnant and have neally got to 40weeks. i bet it as been really hard for you????
so has your daughter had her baby nanny:happydance:
hi sammy are you ok hun. is everything ok hun at home????
i bet it is horrible having to those tests everyday and watch what you eat. you will be better once he is out:hugs:
im alright i ovd last friday and saturday but i have started to spot again today which was the same time last cycle. so im out again, cycle 4 here i come

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