"knocking on buddies door"

im great just thinking fo what i can take this month to help the :spermy::spermy::spermy:. i might give pre-seed a go because i have read a lot of stories that it as helped.

when are you going to put a new bump pic on????
have you got everything ready now ?????
ello people :)

jeaz alot of girls are going on bedrest..what are you all like lazybones lol hey im no wuzz im just shitting myself at being a mummy lol i soo cant wait though...my lord it is getting closer too. :OP

lou - 7 kids you are an amazing woman...you are the definition of a baby maker lol you must be so proud to have so many kdis. have you got pictures of them? i would love to have lots of kids. how have all your births been..have they all been ok for you? i totally envy you think thats amzing :) my mums got 6 siblings its really nice when we have parties to have so many aunties and uncles there along with so many cousins..i think its great to have a big family...maybe one day ill have lots of kids like you :) im 26 so who knows whats in store for me :) xx

amanda - i do hope your ok though and everything turns out fine :) how many did you have at your baby shower hun? iv got 3 so far lol i know billy no friends lol

wheres sammy? anyone spoke to her? hope shes doing ok..shes been through so much lately i hope her mum is there for her :) missing you sweet xxx

claire - good relaxing key is a good method...trying not so hard not stressing your self out works :) i think i need to tie you up and make sure you slow down abit lol xx
question - is anyone else getting achy pains down below? if you was to lay down i would get pains down there when getting up? feels like iv done some sort of work out as my back hurts and down there ache..is that normal does anyone else get this? x
hiya girls..
linds... yeah i get that love..its all due to the relaxin, making everything pliable down there for the baby to come thru..... its most uncomfortable... i find sitting with my legs together ( as mush as poss in our condition with thing spressing down round there) and feet up level withhips helps if i am sitting down watching telly or whatever... and keep yourknees together if you can when gettingout of the car.... if you mention it toyour dr you may be given a belt to help with support...over here they just tellme to get on with it, its part of being pregnant.. irish , so not veryhelpful....

as for my pregnancies.... i have breezed thru them to be honest... apart from the miscarriagesof which i have had three over the years... we never intended to have such a big family... in fact out of all our children, only 2 were actually planned... the dd who is due tohave her baby any day, and this little one we are stillbaking too.... other thanthat , they have all been results of me, just not being able to take the pill, and being too lazy to do anything else contraceptionwise... and we wouldnt be without any of them..... my births have all been normal deliveries , only ever going over due once, and that was by 2 hours and 20 mins.hahaha.... i have a nice set of stretch markls to remember my pregnancy and birth stories... but never was one for bikinis anyway so it never bothers me, and as for DH he looks at them with nothing but fond memories too.
i never thought at 41 i would be expecting my 7th child i have to admit, but i am happy... thoughas yet the little rascal hasnt turned so i still may have to have the section this time, and tubes willbe tied at same time ...

see the gp tomorrow.... not thasthe is much good... then hospital for scan again in two weeks, sow ill find out then.... dr at hospital says he is gonna leaveme til 39 weeks to see ifhe willturn, but when i go in two weeks i am gonna ask him to do me at 38 , cosof the pelvic pain i am in, and cos i am shittingmyself that i will go into labour on my own, and if he hasnt turned i am not prepared to take any chances giving birth with him breech, he is too precious.... my lastlabour was quite quick, had my forst pain at 6.30pm and she was born at 9.59pm.... we live 40 min drive fromthehospital,so if i went into labour i dont want it to be a case of it being too late for the section cos he nearly here iykwim....

ok so i wrote ya a book there.... hope everyone is ok...

lotsa love...lou
I feel like such a stalker in here because I am always on at odd times when no one else seems to be, lol. Anyway, I don't think I've posted a bump pic in here, and I finally had my husband take one tonight.

I also have a few nursery pics, if anyone wants to see. It's not done yet, my mom is a painter and has a few more pics besides the huge one to put up in the next few weeks. We also don't have a changing table yet. I hope it's not too many!


Aiden's Nursery 045.jpg

Aiden's Nursery 043.jpg

Aiden's Nursery 044.jpg

Aiden's Nursery 001.jpg
aw they arelovely pictures..... xxxxxxxxx you are looking great....
what a great bump hun you look great:hugs:
Hey ladies. How is everyones lower region feeling? I have more pressure and acheyness now, guess the little one is lining up for delivery.

Kaitybug- lol, I did have a moment where I was bored today and thinking about what a full day of rest would be like! But we've gotta come up with ways to pass the time- I was thinking movies and maybe reading. And I love your bump, that belly looks ready to go! and the Nursery is coming along nicely, mines is still an office:)

Cla- Preseed gets a gold star from me. If anything I feel like it will only enhance the possibilities.

babyd- there was about 55-60ppl at the shower. And even with a big number it felt very comfortable. I think they might do something small at work, but that might be it for showers. We haven't even gone through everything yet, sometime soon we need to organize and count the $ to get what else we need. I still haven't really bought anything myself.

loobi- you fertile mrytle! :) Hope things go smoothly with this baby. Turn baby turn!
Hey ladies. How is everyones lower region feeling? I have more pressure and acheyness now, guess the little one is lining up for delivery.

Kaitybug- lol, I did have a moment where I was bored today and thinking about what a full day of rest would be like! But we've gotta come up with ways to pass the time- I was thinking movies and maybe reading. And I love your bump, that belly looks ready to go! and the Nursery is coming along nicely, mines is still an office:)

Cla- Preseed gets a gold star from me. If anything I feel like it will only enhance the possibilities.

babyd- there was about 55-60ppl at the shower. And even with a big number it felt very comfortable. I think they might do something small at work, but that might be it for showers. We haven't even gone through everything yet, sometime soon we need to organize and count the $ to get what else we need. I still haven't really bought anything myself.

loobi- you fertile mrytle! :) Hope things go smoothly with this baby. Turn baby turn!

thanks for that hun, i love to hear good things about it working. i just hope it helps me
hows everybody getting on, its getting closer to the big day:happydance:
im alright bea, we have booked a holiday to turkey last night so we go in september. keith didnt want to book anything just incase if i got prgnant but we had a great bargin so we had to book it:happydance:
i have ordered some pre-seed and it came yesterday so ive just got to wait for the big ov day which seems ages away:dohh:
how are you both getting on??? have they sorted you out yet and have they given you a date for honour to go home yet:happydance:
have you sorted your money out yet???
Bless ya turkey must be beautiful. Im getting there hun bloody pressure is still high but on some days is now to low. Work im taking to a tribunal as they will not answer calls or emails anymore. Honor shes doing good thank you they said yesterday if they get her off her caffine and she doesnt de sat ( drop her oxygen level or heart rate) there is a possibilyty she could be discharged in 2 days but because i tube feed they would send her home with a tube and bottle as she is now taking half from the bottle. They said they would prefer to do it after the weekend if the doctors ok it. But doctors rounds are today and we arnt allowed in the room while there there because of the amount of babies and confinatidality. so i hope its good news when i get there, but in a way till i have sorted work i dont really want to bring her home to nothing but that could take 30 weeks so Bring it all on xxxxx
after i had rian they put me on tablets to help my blood pressure and when it got low i felt like i would pass out and they made me tired so i stopped taking them.
i bet it takes forever to feed her, it used to take me an hour to feed rian 2oz. it was hard work.
i dont blame you taking your work to the tribunal i cant believe they have done that to you, the heart less b******s
what do all your family think of her??
They all think she's so tiny x x she feeds quite well take 20mins for 40 Mrs most of it through bottle x x
thats great hun.
how are you both today??
morning everyone....sorry i havent been on here the last couple of days i have just spent some quality much needed time with hubby :) lets just say i havent been the nicest person to be with:wacko:..been feeling bit lonely and bit emotional and down:cry: so on petes two days off he just literally wanted to spent time just me and him....and i mmust say i feel alittle bit closer to him now :)

we got some cheap dvds from asdas some ps3 games and lots of food and literally bummed the hell out together... laughting jokeing making fun of each other had some nookie and got on alot better than we have been :) no arguments over nothing no silly remarks no silence just closeness :)

you probabaly dont need to know this but i just wanted to share it with you as pregnancy has been making me feel really low and down with in myself..and that spending time with hubby reasuring me has done me the world of good..now give me a week ill be back to square one lol

we also had our 34+5 weeks check up with the midwife - told me i have a ilttle bit of thrush hence the discharge gave me some cream told me nothing to worrie about..that its common in pregnancy so thats that sorted :)

claire - sounds like a wicked holiday..wish i was going turkey. how long you guys going for? you been feeling ok :)

bea - thats fantastic news baby Honor maybe cominhg home soon...i really do hope that taking work to tribunal action works...its fair and the right thing to do..ill pray that you get whats right for you and fmaily. how dare they ignore your e-mails and calls just goes to show how much a shit company they are.:nope: but i do hope to god that justis is done and you get whats fully rightful yours :)

I feel like such a stalker in here because I am always on at odd times when no one else seems to be, lol. Anyway, I don't think I've posted a bump pic in here, and I finally had my husband take one tonight.

I also have a few nursery pics, if anyone wants to see. It's not done yet, my mom is a painter and has a few more pics besides the huge one to put up in the next few weeks. We also don't have a changing table yet. I hope it's not too many!

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wow your bump is gorgeous hun..you definitely looking great. my bump my bump my lovely lady bump chek it out..just lovely :hugs: also the little baby bits are just so adorable..i loved getting babys room done best feeling ever :) xxx

hiya girls..
linds... yeah i get that love..its all due to the relaxin, making everything pliable down there for the baby to come thru..... its most uncomfortable... i find sitting with my legs together ( as mush as poss in our condition with thing spressing down round there) and feet up level withhips helps if i am sitting down watching telly or whatever... and keep yourknees together if you can when gettingout of the car.... if you mention it toyour dr you may be given a belt to help with support...over here they just tellme to get on with it, its part of being pregnant.. irish , so not veryhelpful....

as for my pregnancies.... i have breezed thru them to be honest... apart from the miscarriagesof which i have had three over the years... we never intended to have such a big family... in fact out of all our children, only 2 were actually planned... the dd who is due tohave her baby any day, and this little one we are stillbaking too.... other thanthat , they have all been results of me, just not being able to take the pill, and being too lazy to do anything else contraceptionwise... and we wouldnt be without any of them..... my births have all been normal deliveries , only ever going over due once, and that was by 2 hours and 20 mins.hahaha.... i have a nice set of stretch markls to remember my pregnancy and birth stories... but never was one for bikinis anyway so it never bothers me, and as for DH he looks at them with nothing but fond memories too.
i never thought at 41 i would be expecting my 7th child i have to admit, but i am happy... thoughas yet the little rascal hasnt turned so i still may have to have the section this time, and tubes willbe tied at same time ...

see the gp tomorrow.... not thasthe is much good... then hospital for scan again in two weeks, sow ill find out then.... dr at hospital says he is gonna leaveme til 39 weeks to see ifhe willturn, but when i go in two weeks i am gonna ask him to do me at 38 , cosof the pelvic pain i am in, and cos i am shittingmyself that i will go into labour on my own, and if he hasnt turned i am not prepared to take any chances giving birth with him breech, he is too precious.... my lastlabour was quite quick, had my forst pain at 6.30pm and she was born at 9.59pm.... we live 40 min drive fromthehospital,so if i went into labour i dont want it to be a case of it being too late for the section cos he nearly here iykwim....

ok so i wrote ya a book there.... hope everyone is ok...

lotsa love...lou

thanks for the advice hun..writing a book is fine lol thats what i do i dont do things by halfs so its all good haha :happydance: speaking to mw yesterday she near enough said the same...she did also say bout if the pain continues then i should go get it checked to be on the safe side...as some pains are normal but a constant pain between legs shouldnt be right untill birth..so we will just see how it goes..ill doubt ill go though as im sure its just growing pains...as my little nonny is small so i no it has to stretch to gets baby out............... oh the thought of him coming out of the worlds smallest hole isnt the most exciting feeling i can tell you that right now..how is he coming out of () that small seriously not good lolol :haha::haha::haha:

hopfully your little one will be just as easy as your last..4 and bit hours jeazz i only wish to have an easy birth like that..hopfuly things will be good for you this time round as well :hugs::hugs:

ok ok so i had alot to catch up on...hope you likes my book this time lolol oooooooooooooooh (also) i watched all three of the twilight saga films which i must say was actually good....im not really a chick flick kinda girl...but pete told me hes mates at work told him they there all really good..so we got the two from asda and watched the last in cinema...and i must say ill be looking forward to when the next one comes out :) xx

have a good day girls xxx
oh and where is sammy? where is sarah :( im worried bout them ??????
hey ladies!

Claire- you keep positive hun, it'll happen. and do you know what? so what if you've booked turkey and you're pregnant when you go? it'll make it all the more special xx

Bea - you continue to amaze me hun, you're so strong dealing with it all, i honestly don't know how i'd cope.

Lynz - those 2 days sound exactly what you both needed...make the most of times like these as you'll soon be busy busy busy for the very best of reasons! Hubby has just gone back to work today after taking off te first two weeks of my mat leave with me, we've just bummed around, been out for lunch a few times, bee out for drives....it's been so gorgeous and i intend for us to keep it up whenever possible!!!

Loobi - I don't think we;ve spoken before, lovely to start to get to know you though! on to your 7th...wow...sounds like my mum's siblings and my dad's siblings...irish catholics...they're one of 9 and one of 8 respectively. I've no intention of stopping at 1, hoping for 2 or 3, but lets see how I get on with charlie bump first!!!

Kaitybug - gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!! And I know you've asked before in this and other posts what the saying 'that's so american' is implying...I've been mulling over this before i responded because i have to be honest i've used the phrase myself in the past and.....i honestly think there's a bit of envy in there as well as stereotyping if that makes sense? us brits are reknowned for our 'stiff uper lip' etc etc...which we're not aware of on the whole in our every day environment but when you compare us to americans (again stereotyping just as i've done with brits for the sake of the explanation) who are bold and lively and colourful then we can seem very straight laced in comparison. Have you ever watched family guy and seen how british people are portrayed- all bad teeth and posh accents? It's not like that at all (!!!) but that's an old image other countries have of us, albeit an exaggerated vision!! All of this is 'old school' thinking, but habits die hard!!! That's my thoughts on it anyway - it's not meant as a derogatory term but more of an ill-informed observation. It'd be quite interesting to see youyou think about 'brits' too!!!!!

My god, we're all writing books today aren't we???


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