Labour watch - july babies 2014

So...natural labor didn't happen in spite of lots of signs so I'm being admitted tomorrow evening! Will be given my blood clotting meds and then induced in about 24 hours! Will try and keep you ladies updated, I am a FTM hoping for an epidural free induction so please pray for me!! Just so ready to meet our little guy though. Treated myself to a spa day today and hoping I'm able to get some sleep now, too excited/nervous though!
Wow that had so many exclamation marks lol, can you tell my state of mind? :D
Good luck tomorrow! That is so exciting. I can't wait for an update. :D
Krissie I can understand your worry and upset Hun, but try not to let yourself get stressed as it can't be good for you or baby. I hope things start soon for you Hun. You should talk to your oh though and help each other together, he's there to support you.

Ferozi good luck Hun! I can tell you are excited and nervous, it's a weird feeling, like you don't know which one you feel more, excitement or nerves!!! But I am sure you will be great!
Krissie-It's a tough spot to be in. Has your doctor said why he wants to hold off for those extra 2 weeks? If you have a prior health issue and the risks go up after 38 weeks, I can't see why it would be beneficial for you to go over.

Ferozi-good luck tomorrow! Maybe there will be a bunch of us who aren't on for a few days then a flurry of Baby Is HERE! updates...Wouldn't that be great? :haha: (Can you tell what MY frame of mind is at the moment? :haha:)

Still nothing new to report. Just the same old, same old backache and minor period like cramps that don't do diddly squat. I'm resigned to going longer and it's hard because with my other kids, I already had a baby at this point. :nope: Grrr...
Good luck Ferozi!! How exciting!!! Must be nice knowing end is near … and day spa :D Sounds wonderful lol!

Dairymama - what I have been taught as a medical student is that you should induce a diabetic patient around 40 weeks as risk to baby is higher when you go past due date, not 38 weeks. Maybe you could see if you could push induction date sooner? You might go into labour before then …. Cross fingers for you

Still no labour for me yet though plenty of BH, period like cramps, back pain and just being crazy emotional. I cry at drop of a hat but feeling a bit under pressure at the moment. Before due date in 11 days I have 5 job interviews for starting work next year and I also have 2 med school exams. All I want to do is relax but instead so busy.

Also I am a little worried as baby is facing posterior and I really want to have a natural drug free birth. Worried about pain and possibility of intervention if she doesn't turn.

Crossing fingers we all have little babies in our arms soon x
Dairymama - what I have been taught as a medical student is that you should induce a diabetic patient around 40 weeks as risk to baby is higher when you go past due date, not 38 weeks. Maybe you could see if you could push induction date sooner? You might go into labour before then …. Cross fingers for you

Thanks, there is so much different information out there. I am hoping to go on my own soon as it will probably be a better experience than induction.
Ferozi good luck, you will have your sweet baby here in no time and really it doesnt matter how xxx

I had a night to remind me of the newborn times...dd had fever and no meds wouldnt twke it away, lots of crying and not much sleep from me :(
Absolutely no labor signs today. I think the other day's signs were actually due to the adjustment and not that I'm actually going to go into labor soon. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm having a July baby, not the June baby I was wishing for. *sigh* It just stinks because the timing would be perfect-kids are gone for another week, DH isn't super busy, and DH's family is pretty much all in town so everyone would get to see baby before they head back home. Guess it's just TOO perfect so that's a good sign that it WON'T be happening, right? :dohh:
I have the opposite of good timing right now with hubby starting his new job tomorrow. I have been having irregular contractions all night and a lot of pressure. I am hoping to make it to next weekend at least hubby will have 3 days off, but considering he was off the last two weeks I am doubting it.
Babies have a way with timing!

With dd my mil was over from south africa for 6 very painfull weeks, she booked a 10 day trip to the uk and left when i was 38 weeks preg returning the day before my edd, well i was so sure dd would be early. Dh and i tried everything once she left! Do you know he left on the bus then tran on the hour trip to meet them on their return and i had gone to bed depressed when the contractions started? I was SO pissed off. They arrived home to me almost 8cm dilated according to mw and then mil had the ordacity to whine about the wet bathroom (i laboured in the shower)

Editted to say...dd fever is fnally gone phew! I am a beleiver that in the wild when a mammel labours she will stop her labours if she feels threatened and move herself to safety before cpntinuing labour, so when dd started the fever i knew i wouldnt have a baby this weekend. I do however want a July baby, so tomorrow night its dtd night!
Hello Mommies,

I am baby watching as well for July. My due date is July 28th but my babies normally come during the 38th week so I'm Thinking this one may do the same! My Braxton hicks have been stronger the past week and my hips have ached a little more... But overall I feel pretty good.. Still walk just about every day, still working (although next week is my last week) and still taking the kids to events around the city. This is our fourth and last kid and to be honest (and I know this sounds ridiculous) but this pregnancy still seems a little surreal! It absolutely Flew by with no major problems at all besides that aggravating nausea that took forever to go away at the beginning, but even with that, there was no vomiting, so it was tolerable. Lol I haven't had an ultrasound since 20 weeks so I do wonder what he is looking like in there now.. God willing we will see in 2 weeks! Right now I'm uncluttering our little home and getting some things in place for his arrival.. It's Not all laid out like it was with his siblings, but we are trying lol.
Hi everyone! Just read through all the pages :) I swore by the time I got to the last one there would be at least 1 baby announcement!

My due date has changed a few times this pregnancy, so I have no idea when he plans on making a grand enterence, although I was in l&d week before last dialated to 3 cm and contracting off and on for 8 hours! (Sooo strange)

With my daughter I just remember being so tired the days before and then my water broke as I was (attempting) to roll over in bed and 6 hours later she was here. Kinda hoping for the same. When your water breaks first it's easy because you know you're in labor! She was born at 39w 2d. At my last check I had shrank back to about 1 cm. so I'm not sure anything is ready yet.

Emotional roller coster here and I totally hear you all on the uselessness of DH! He comes home, eats, sits with us for bedtime stories, we watch tv and he goes to bed. I get up with Eden in the morning and he sleeps till 20 min before he has to leave for work. Not very helpful when it comes to the house. I've been putting aside cash tho and plan on hiring a housekeeper next month. I'm not going to stress about bottles and dishes and vacuuming this time around.

Feeling like a bad mommy because I can't chase her around and I get so frustrated when she runs away! Ready to be able to catch her before she pees on the floor/wipes jelly hands all over everything/throws jewelry in the trash can...ahhhhh!

I think I'm most stressed about having two little ones. One is hard enough. :/ this baby wasn't planned (well by me anyways...I think hubby was secretly trying) I wanted to wait one more year... This time round I'm going to ask for and/or hire as much help as I need instead of trying to do it all on my own.
Today I've spent the whole day bricking it over labour! I've suffered with anxiety for as long as I can remember but I've never done anything about it I've always just pushed it to one side and rode through the day times but its got me mentally exhausted today! Its always bad when my lo is poorly and he's had a couple of weeks of not being well with viral infections, colds then the hospital visit has just got my head in bits! I can't help but panic over the fact that someone could be coming out to see me tomorrow over it (it hasn't been mentioned that someone will but I know they can if they feel like they need too) I've even asked oh to take the day off work on thursday for when my hv is out because I'm so worried about what she's going to say, I was so excited about labour and meeting my baby until that night spent in hospital :( its knocked me for 6 and I can't shake off the anxiety :S my appetite has been poor ever since, I've felt sick 24/7 not sleeping well so I'm spending most of the day shattered which is making me ratty with my oh, god I can't wait to get this hv visit over with and baby freya here so I can calm the hell down!! I've got no signs of labour other that the way I'm feeling, I started feeling like this just before I gave birth to finnley I ended up running my bp high through all the stress and worry, I'm at the mw tomorrow and I'm expecting my bp to be high with all the worrying I've done x
Oh Alex that sounds very unpleasant :( I hope the home visit doesn't happen, and if it does it goes smoothly and is over fast. I had terrible post partum anxiety with Eden, and am hoping to avoid it through meditation and other techniques I learned in therapy. I've had to set aside time to meditate during the last couple of weeks because I can feel the anxiety rising. Have you tried meditation? There are a million videos on youtube that can help- visualizations are alway really good too. Best of Luck!
Celine-I agree with your theory. With DD, I knew DH couldn't bring me to the hospital the day I went into labor until he finished chores that evening. I had irregular contractions all day but as soon as his work was winding down and I could see he'd have time to bring me, BAM!, my contractions started to regulate and we were at the hospital 1.5 hours later. DD was born 4 hours after I was admitted.

We tried the 'dtd method' of labor induction last night. I can say that the nip stimulation gave me *some* contractions but as soon as DH stopped, they stopped too. Was really hoping things would pick up again this afternoon but nothing happened today so that method was a dud for me. Sigh. This pg seems never-ending...
We dtd but nothing happenening :)
Dd was not feverish last night but being very difficult sbout bedtime so the stress was how the hell am i gonna cope with her and a newborn! Thankfully my five yr old sleeps thru.
Hello ladies sounds like everyone is getting sore n tired I'm just happy because I've beat my gynae's prediction pf 36 weeks .. So yay to being 37weeks !! :wohoo:

Celine my goodness I envy u ..u really are a miracle worker with ur children n being pregnant !!

As for me: legs r killing me !! Had bad pain in my bum lol lay down slept n it went away ..

I must admit I've been sleeping very well even with the pain n .. I honestly don't know how u ladies r dtd its the last thing on my mind I think the last time was 24 weeks lol ...

As for somethin funny lol
everytime I fart o give my baby a fright lol she jumps out of my stomach aha funniest thing ever!!
4 days till my internal :cry:
Lol moltal that made me giggle! My ds's movements make me trump haha!!
And yay for 37 weeks hun thats great!!

Welcome to the new ladies! Hope you are all well and not as tired as I feel!

Alex I'm sorry you are feeling so anxious hun, I know how hard it can be as I suffer bouts of anxiety at times too, and I know it wont help me saying dont worry, coz its so hard to switch off! But you are a great mum and your son knows that and so does your oh, you will be a great mum to your dd too, try to focus on that hun. And do not worry about the HV at all, my friend was recently really upset by one but at the end of the day all that matters is that our children are healthy happy and loved and your son is.

Well this morning I have had quite a lot of BH and a few pains but again nothing to really bother about, I told df this morning that I dont see our son arriving anytime in the next 2 weeks and reckon he'll arrive either just before ELCS at 41+5 or I will end up actually having the ELCS. Every day is just the same, tired, pains, BH, backacke......every day repeat and nothing different lol. Oh well, maximum of 20 days til ELCS!

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