Labour watch - july babies 2014

It's so funny because I had my daughter on a full moon! Her due date was the 10th of June and the night of the 4th was a full moon-my water broke at 4:30 am and she was here by 10:30 on the 5th. I feel there is definitely a lot of truth in it! This full moon is supposed to be a special one, called a super moon where it is the closest to earth it can get. Here's to our full moon babies! (hopefully?) I'm a little glad I haven't had him yet as my baby shower is tomorrow and I'd like to attend! haha

The midwife on wednesday said to pee first, then DTD (honestly I don't even know what dtd stands for...can't we just say have sex? lol!) then make sure you lay there for 2 hours-also having an orgasm helps too! While you lay there you are supposed to either have him or self stimulate your nipples. I can't stand nipple stimulation-although with my daughter I did get things moving along a bit with my breast pump- mostly because it wasn't direct contact...It would give me intense contractions! I think it's quite funny that in the end you do the same things to get the baby out that you did to get the baby in! :haha:

The BH I'm having now are so strong I have to stop and breathe through them, they just aren't anywhere near regular.

I've promised myself that I will NOT be going back to the hospital until it's time to have this baby!! :baby:
I was going to attempt sex tonight but honestly even just the thought of it exhausts me I don't think oh is going to be best pleased lol, it gets to a certain time every night and I just feel like I've hit a brick wall! If I have any chance of a quick and easy Labour it's going to have to start first thing on a morning! X
Ooh a super moon! Maybe we will all have our babies this weekend then!

Dtd stands for do the deed kuri, not very romantic is it lol?

My BH are the same this evening too, I read apparently though that the full moon can also make the BH feel more intense (not sure how??) but perhaps that's it? Coz mine feel stronger but like you they are really irregular.

Alex I can't be bothered dtd. My df is way late home from work anyway so I'm off to bed lol! Hope you manage to get the energy to do it!
Hi ladies.

Just wanted to check in and see how you all are holding up. Hopefully you will have your babies with the full moon.

I and baby are still at the hospital, hoping to be discharged tomorrow
Bailey I just say had the energy to drag my arse up the stairs to bed last night the deed definitely didn't get done hahaha.

Timewaster I hope you both get home soon hospitals arnt the most comfortable are they. X
I didnt even hear my df come home he was so late so no chance here either. In a way I'm a little glad coz the thought isnt very appealing lol.

I had a lot of discharge this morning which I am sure was more plug but still not huge amounts of plug or any pink tinge to it. Oh and my BP is still around 140/90.

Timewaster I hope you get to go home soon hun, I hate having to stay in hospital.
It's not even appealing a little bit for me haha! A foot rub sounds wayyy better, I keep loosing bits of my plug too but mine isnt tinged either. God I wish this was over lol x
I honestly dont think I have ever been more uncomfortable, tired and frustrated in my whole life!! It never got like this with dd, it was uncomfortable for sure but not like this. Every morning I wake up and have a little cry about how I have to endure another day running after my dd whilst feeling this bad. And I really will punch the next person who asks me if I am in labour or if I have had the baby yet lol. My brother and friend yesterday were jokingly saying, come on your milking it now time to push this baby out. I know it was said tongue in cheek coz they know I want to have him already but it just annoys me even more coz I am so fed up lol!!

My mum is gonna stay again tomorrow night, which again will most likely guarantee nothing will happen.
Congrats timewaster!!!

I feel for you baileybubs. I too am really fed up with waiting … feeling so emotional and hopeful labour will start then by end of day upset nothing has happened. Starting to feel as if i will pregnant forever :(
Yeah the phone calls from my mam every single morning (who's house is literally over the road) I mean she's my birthing partner so clearly knows she will be the first person I phone :mad: my oh went out on his bike lastnight because 'he's not out tomorrow' but ofcourse that's no longer the case and he's going out tomorrow now too because it could be his last chance before I have the baby because apparently that will stop him from going out :S I seriously don't know how much longer I can be pregnant before I loose my shit on him lol x
My df wanted to have a few beers last night alex, I nearly smacked him!!! He isnt driving me to the hospital coz he doesnt drive but that still doesnt mean I want him to be half cut when I may go into labour! They have no sense do they alex?
Bailey it honestly amazes me how thoughtless they are, I feel like I just need to lock myself away from absolutely everyone and everything so I can sit and sulk on my own because if I hear 'your not even due yet you could go ages yet' I'll attack them!! With a pole! But then if I hear 'not long now' I'll attack them even harder lol I just need to he on my own :( x
Lol I definately know how you feel. Df said wont be long now this morning, wanted to kill him coz I've told him how much that annoys me.
I know that in the real world its not long, but for us heavily pregnant women it feels like a lifetime. I feel like my life is on hold right now and cant continue until he is born, its like being in some sort of weird painful limbo lol!!
Your life literally does have to stop for a few weeks the amount of times if done all my housework thinking right that's it done ready for freya coming or shaved thinking right that's it done ready for Labour haha we were supposed to go to Scarborough for the day Thursday gone but it's 2 hours away from home so decided against it all my days are now spent waiting and preparing (again) for her coming. I'll be gutted if I haven't gone into Labour by tomorrow night causes then oh is back at work and my mams now off for 4 weeks cause she's had her hand operated on for carpal tunnel and I know she's just going to do my head in more than actually help she just picks faults in every little thing I do I seriously can't do right for wrong! X
Hi ladies, I just discovered this thread - and I need to join! It's two days until due date, and all of a sudden over the last 4 or 5 days, I've felt like I could just go anytime now. But surely that means that I'm in for 2 more weeks of waiting, right? :haha:

DH had a week's vacation that had to be used by today, so he just finished up a week off - I was really hoping I'd have the baby a few days ago since he was already planning to be home!
Amalee I've spent the last 2 week's thinking I could go anyday now lol iI never got this far with my son he come at 38+3 so it's definitely a waiting game now and I'm not know for my patience lol I have none at all! This wait is killing me x
Hi amalee!! Its always the case isnt it that baby doesnt come at a time when theres someone around to help us lol!! Alex's dh has just been off for a week too.
I was convinced I would have had baby by now but nope. And now whenever I think ooh this could be it I darent ring anyone coz ive been wrong everytime!!

Alex I know what you mean, I get my house all clean and tidy thinking right I'm ready now, then we go through another day and its a mess again lol, and I have to start preparations all over again!

Hmmmm losing more and more plug, but I know that means nothing
Fingers crossed it means something for you! Are you booked in for another sweep? X
No, the community MW is coming out to me monday coz of my BP being higher, do they do sweeps if they come out to yoyur house? Might ask her but she'll prob say no knowing my luck! Then the plan is to go in to have my waters broke at the end of the week in hope that kick starts it. But that depends on what the MW says about my BP first!
My lil girl arrived on the 11th of july 2014 .. At 11:02 had to have a c section .. Sigh long story .. Keep well .. Just touching base . I won't b around much

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