Labour watch - july babies 2014

I know what you mean timewaster, I've suddenley become even more uncomfortable, I think little man is engaging. I'd also like him to stay put for at least another 2 weeks, which he most likely will, it just is seeming sooooo far away. I can't even sit on the sofa anymore its too uncomfortable, I'm flitting between lying down, standing up and being on my ball. Currently having to sit legs wide open on the dining room chair just to be at the laptop lol!!

The dull period pain and backache have both increased too, again I think thats him beginning to engage.

I have to admit that amidst all the discomfort and exhaustion I am finally getting a little excited that I will get to meet my son in no more than 5 weeks now!! Probably a little less as I dont think they'll let me get to 42 weeks before scheduling a c section.

I also had a dream the other night that he was actually a she!! And as we have decided to call him Ethan we called her Eden instead lol!!
Baileybubs happy term day!

Ive had a few loose-ish stools the last 3-4 days and a bit of diarreah today. Hubby tried to get frisky this morning (tmi) and he wouldnt say too much but reckons it will be soon...
As for dtd lol I think the last time was ya ages ago lol nearly a month or 2 hahaha whoops ..

I'm quite nervous but feels good that most of the time gut feelings r wrong .. Just my gynae thinks she's going to be here next week have an apt on thursday so will update after hehe :) ..

I'm with the engaging part I can't sit I have to Lye if i sit I go all lame and can't walk lol its too painful .. Haha n swollen lady parts :rofl: .. These hormones .. Its amazing how pregnancy is but at the same time I'm sure we experience a lot of gross things we'd never thought wud happen .. Haha :)

P.s. As for full time I also read 39 weeks because as 37 weeks the brain and immune system is still growing but baby is able to breathe by themselves so I think that's why some ppl call it "full term"
Congratulations to all you term ladies today! Just 9 days for me, midwife appointment went well yesterday iron level is a bit low though so need to pick up a prescription tomorrow, baby is still barely engaged and lying in a strange position midwife said they tend to curve round one side of your bump but this little lady is straight down the middle of me apparently its neither wonder I'm short of breath, I tell you what this baby never fails to be awkward!! First scan she was in an awful position so measurements were dificult, 20 week one couldn't get any measurements so had to go back at 23 weeks and still very hard to measure her because of position, 4d scan she spent the whole time lying with her hands over her face so we had to go back but put a doppler on her and you'd think she'd had a can of red bull! Will she hell stay still, I'm praying naughty fetus means good baby! Are you all looking forward to tomorrows one born? X
I'm not 'technically' term yet (36 weeks today) but the dr said yesterday he won't stop me anymore so, while I'd prefer another week of gestating, if baby decided to come a few days earlier, then I'd be okay with that too. :haha: And I had a moment of "Oooo, I hope so!" today. I went to the bathroom before my chiropractor appt this morning and when I wiped, I had red on the TP. My first thought was bloody show!! Yay! Only to look closer and realize it was actually just a red fiber in the toilet paper. For some reason, this place has TP with red, blue, and green fibers in it. Weird...So I got all excited only to be let down. :haha:
Lol dairymomma, in the egonning of this pregnancy we had toilet paper with pink in and after the mc's hubby had to ban it! This time we have orange in the toilet paper haha.
I had my doc appt yesterday. Baby is measuring 37 weeks and i am 1.5 cm dilated and more effaced than my last appt (she didnt say by how much).

I have gained 25 lbs since I got pregnant. I was hoping that I dont gain more than 25 lbs, looks like its not going to be that way now. :(

My doctor will be out of town around my due date and offered to induce me on 2nd July (Ill be 39 weeks then). I told her I'll let her know at my next appt. Now that I think about it, I would rather not get induced unless I am past 41 weeks...

Oh. we are all so close to the finish line, ladies. It feels sureal. I cannot believe Ill be holding my son in less than a month's time! Labor dust to all of you!
Dairymomma and celine, I've also been anxiously tp checking and was just thinking about how I spent all of first tri dreading pink blood and the past week hoping for it haha. Timewaster don't worry about weight gain, I also gained 25lbs by 37ish weeks and now I'm 38 and have actually dropped a couple of lbs. You probably won't gain much more at this point and i read that losing a few is a sign of labor coming.
I had my 38 week check and all going great, bp is slightly higher than the norm for me which was a sign for me in my first birth! Stillgettng soft stools...not much other news from here :)
High bp was a sign for me too so I'm looking out for it at my next appointment, I've got all my tubs of paint out ready to touch up the whole house tomorrow then going to start bringing all her things down like pram, car seat, moses basket. Try and let my lo get all his touching out the way before there's a little freya in them x
I did that today Alex! Brought the Moses basket down and swing chair. My dd started rocking the Moses basket quite vigorously which was a tad worrying lol!! I'm hoping that she might get bored of that before he arrives or at least not do it once baby is in there!

I keep getting dizzy spells and feeling sick. Must be getting ready.

I had raised BP last time too but also had protein in my urine so they suspected pre-e and induced me coz it was my due date. Looking back and after speaking to my mum she had raised BP before both her labours so now I wish id said no to induction. Checked my BP today though with my Boots monitor and it was still ok, a little higher than it has been but still considered normal.
That's what I'm hoping too lol finnley hates to listen to a word I say too so my best bet is to let him get it out of his system, my bp was a tiny bit higher than usual last appointment but it was still normal maybe it'll continue to slowly go up and I've also been feeling dizzy and sick haha (I pretty much could have wrote your post) dizzyness is due to low iron though and sickness I think is just due to feeling huge, tired, achey, hot just general pregnancy niggles x
Yeah I think the heat isn't helping with feeling sick and dizzy. Feel like my centre of gravity is totally off!
Emilia doesn't like listening to me either, she finds "no" to be more like a dare to do it more! And in my heavily pregnant state I don't have the energy to pick her up and remove her from the situation like I would normally try lol!

You know I was really struggling this evening with getting Emilia to sleep as she has a bit of a cold, and I found myself thinking how noone seems to want to come round and help me out. But then they will all wanna come round once baby arrives won't they? Will have a good mind to tell them all to bog off lol!!! Or maybe that if they don't intend on helping me in some way or if they expect me to wait on them then they can stay away!! Is that cruel lol??
Baileybubs i was thonking similiar when i was putting my two to bed, we had gone to a birthday party and both were over tired, dh was home but in a meeting as usual so i had to do the dinner/bedtime alone (he works late all week) and i knew they were overtired when they barely ate dinner, and the arguements and effect to drag them upstairs etc. my son was very naughty i kept yelling and didnt even read him a book cos his behaviour was aweful :(
And i kept thinking how the hell am i going to do this alone with a newborn? When dd was born ds had just turned two and i would keep her in a cot or something til i did the routine with him, juggling them both is a mission in itself as well as they are so different have have different needs.

Ok ill stop feeling sorry for myself, im aure once my body doesnt lag as much ot will be easier to at least move!
That's what I'm hoping celine, that once I've given birth I'll get my energy and ability to physically move without pain back too so hoping I'll cope better!! I really hurt myself last night stretching to try and comfort dd in her cot and the picking her up, and I just thought, wow so many people constantly telling me to take it easy and not do anything strenuous and yet where is everyone to help me? I told df I went dizzy yesterday when he was at work and he said "go for a lie down".......oh yes I'll just go lie down and leave my dd alone downstairs shall I? I honestly think people forget that we are actually looking after children, not just sat around the house doing nothing!!

Sigh, oh well not too much longer eh ladies?

I got a letter this morning from antenatal clinic, my urine apparently showed mixed growth from when I saw the consultant (2 weeks ago) and they want another. But I've since seen the MW and my sample then didn't have anything in it so I don't think it means anything. Will give the MW a call today though and ask coz I'm not seeing her again til next Thursday.
Yeah everyones so quick to tell you when your doing too much but never offer a hand, my mam won't let me carry any bags when we go shopping but she knows my oh works long hours knows I'm feeling a bit rotten lately and know how hard finnley can be at times but never offers to help 2 nights running she told me she would come get him bath him over hers and bring him back (our houses are opposite eachother) it never happened, she offers to have him over night and brings him back after a few hours because he 'won't settle' my oh works every other saturday too and she never offers to take him out for the day so I can get tidied up or something, I can't wait for the first time she asks for freya because she will be told where to go! I hate that when they're babies everyones all over them but as soon as the novelty wears off they get dropped and were left to just crack on x
Yeah and just wait for all the people who want to visit straight away who you've not seen for ages whilst you are post partum dealing with stitches/c section healing/toilet troubles etc etc but who all need to see the newborn right away when you are feeling vulnerable and exhausted lol!!

By the way sorry to all the FTMs here! I'm rambling on about being a second time mum and the joys of pregnancy with a toddler lol. But my advice to any FTMs here is make sure you limit visitors, you really don't need that extra hassle. Unless they bring you food or promise to do a bit of cleaning for you and make you a brew tell them to kindly come back once you've recovered from pregnancy and labour lol!! My SIL and BIL came round the day I came out of hospital with dd and I was feeling so emotional and I just wanted to be left alone! I ended up sobbing my heart out to df for letting them come round when I was feeling so vulnerable and quite frankly knackered lol!!
Ah I had like 3 people at my house waiting for me getting home then as soon as they left more landed and when they left even more landed it was pretty hectic, I had a friend tell me she could see my white knickers underneath my leggings and she took a photo of me and the baby and told me he loked lovely but I looked like shit :O she then ended up landing a second time that day with another one of my friends without asking me I was so angry, she's so loud, thinks she knows everything and really she doesn't have the foggiest!! Definitely not looking forward to her visit this time around lol x
I must be one of the lucky ones then. I don't get visitors other than my immediate family while at the hospital and they typically call first to okay the visit and only stick around for about a half hour or so. And once I've been home, the only visitors have been those who have brought meals and they see baby, chat for 10 minutes, and then take themselves off so I'm not dealing with tons and tons of company right away. I'm really hoping my baby comes before July 6th when my kids come home because then I can get some bonding time with baby before the munchkins erupt through the door. I'm barely hanging on some days between the kids demanding my attention, the weather being so rainy so we're all stuck indoors, me not getting enough sleep and feeling uncomfy, and DH saying "don't overdo it" while not helping me with household chores one bit. (I get the feeling he thinks my Ooos and Ouchs are all to gain sympathy rather than actual expressions of discomfort.) He did help me sweep the floor the other night and he's hauled out garbage bags but not much else. I'm so ready to have this baby and he's just sitting there on his backside. And I just found out I'll have to put in extra hours at work next week because ALL of our parttime hired help will be out of town at the same time. AND as if that wasn't bad enough, I've got dr appts, chiro appts, an all day meeting, and baby stuff to finish up during that time too. (Although I'm not-so-secretly hoping that the fact that it would be SUPER inconvenient for me to have my baby on Tues or Weds will trigger labor in the end as both my other kids came on the one day during the whole month before my EDD that would be the most inconvenient day for me to go in. :haha: )
Same here. Friends would call before they come and they would always bring some food along with them.

Im sorry to hear your life is so hectic at the moment, dairymomma. Hope your baby comes before your EDD so you do have some alone time with baby

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