Ladies who are 40+

Sorry for gatecrashing this thread but i had it on my subscribed and it keeps popping up! I was considered high risk because of the amount of children that i had and my age combined. If you dont have any other children you may be considered high risk because of that and your age combined [ seemingly there are risks if you are having your first baby when you are older although what they are im not sure!] For me, the risk was of heamorraging [ sorry about my spelling] and the potential of a ruptured uterus. Saying that, at the age of 43 i had a fabulous pregnancy, labour and gave birth to my perfect little girl. I wouldnt worry too much about being put in the high risk category. They will just take more care of bad thing. There also a slight risk of still birth after your dates when you are 40 plus ..which was why they induced me roughly when i was to term. Hope that helps and sorry to intrude.
It seems a long time between BFPs for the over 40s, doesn't it :(
Wasnt too bad for me but i took Soy Isoflavones to help me get my BFP and it worked twice x
Hi ladies, I just wanted to give you all an update since I'm the one who started this thread lol. I just found out that I'm pregnant again after five rounds of clomid. I am so excited but nervous to since my last few pregnancies have ended in early m/c. I just hope this one sticks:) I hope every one is doing well.
Hi ladies, I just wanted to give you all an update since I'm the one who started this thread lol. I just found out that I'm pregnant again after five rounds of clomid. I am so excited but nervous to since my last few pregnancies have ended in early m/c. I just hope this one sticks:) I hope every one is doing well.

congratulations and a happy and healthy 9 months.

I am 41 and suffered my second mc last week at nine weeks.

i want to try again after 1 AF and i am starting acupuncture next week hoping this will help.

I would be interested to know how other over 40`s are doing in their bid to get pregnant.:hugs:
Hi Ladies. I am 43 and got a BFP a couple of weeks ago. Natural conception. Feeling cautious and trying not to get to get too excited as this is my fourth pregnancy since June 2011. But I've just been diagnosed with sticky blood when pregnant so started on 150mg aspirin daily. I'm hoping this treatment will make all the difference this time, as I lost 3 pgs at around 6 weeks which is a classic time for clotting issues as the placenta gets up and running. My last mc was a mmc at 12 weeks and the baby was a girl with trisomy 20 so we know why I lost that one. Fingers crossed that this will be a sibling for my DD!
Hi Ladies. I am 43 and got a BFP a couple of weeks ago. Natural conception. Feeling cautious and trying not to get to get too excited as this is my fourth pregnancy since June 2011. But I've just been diagnosed with sticky blood when pregnant so started on 150mg aspirin daily. I'm hoping this treatment will make all the difference this time, as I lost 3 pgs at around 6 weeks which is a classic time for clotting issues as the placenta gets up and running. My last mc was a mmc at 12 weeks and the baby was a girl with trisomy 20 so we know why I lost that one. Fingers crossed that this will be a sibling for my DD!

Wishing you lots of luck and hoping for your sticky bean:hugs:
Best of luck to all those recent BFPs. So good to hear wonderful news for the 40+ group.

Just wondering how many 40+ have had their AMH measured? I just got mine back and it was low, but I guess that's normal for someone of 41yo....
Best of luck to all those recent BFPs. So good to hear wonderful news for the 40+ group.

Just wondering how many 40+ have had their AMH measured? I just got mine back and it was low, but I guess that's normal for someone of 41yo....

What is AMH?

I am now 4 weeks post d & c and still waiting for AF, but have started getting a few signs. I am still getting positive opk from my pg and a positive hpt in week, so hcg levels still raised, although hpt said 1-2 weeks, so I guess the levels a dropping.

I am under a specialist clinic and they want t test for NK killer cells, so when I finally OV I have to let them know, because a week later they need to biopsy my womb. Could be a bit tricky to detect due to the positive opk but am relying on other signs to help and checking my temp.

My consultant thinks I am getting pg too quickly, took 4 goes but she says for someone of my age that is very quick. In the summer I found I had a short LP. She thinks this is making my body keep all fertilised embryos even if they are not viable and then getting rid of the at a later date. She wants to make me less fertile!!, basically using progesterone cream, she hopes my body will only then keep a good egg!

I have also had my third acupuncture session today, he was concentrating on sticking needles in my ear today to try and regulate my cycle.

Have also tried to change my diet as per my acupuncturist. Try and eat less sugar, at least 2 eggs every day and things like spinach, kale and broccoli!

I am willing to anything,

Once I have my first AF we will start trying again!
AMH is Anti-Mullerian Hormone as an indicator of your ovarian reserve (ie: how many eggs you have left). It doesn't measure the egg quality, however.
I am 44 and we were TTC for 3 years, on and off. We lots a baby to Trisomy 18 when I was 41. Had a miscarriage in May, and then got pregnant again in August (naturally). We are at 13 weeks now, and our risk for Downs is 1 in 206, Trisomy 18 is 1 in 1,000 so now we just aren't sure if we should get the Amnio or not?

I do think age is a factor but also your general health. After my last miscarriage we quit drinking and I did a 2 month detox / hot yoga take care of self cleansing... I think that helped !
I am 44 and we were TTC for 3 years, on and off. We lots a baby to Trisomy 18 when I was 41. Had a miscarriage in May, and then got pregnant again in August (naturally). We are at 13 weeks now, and our risk for Downs is 1 in 206, Trisomy 18 is 1 in 1,000 so now we just aren't sure if we should get the Amnio or not?

I do think age is a factor but also your general health. After my last miscarriage we quit drinking and I did a 2 month detox / hot yoga take care of self cleansing... I think that helped !

Do you have a private clinic close by that does nuchal scans. A clinic b us in Solihull does these and has a 97% detection rate for DS, this is obviously a lot less evasive than amino.
I am 44 and we were TTC for 3 years, on and off. We lots a baby to Trisomy 18 when I was 41. Had a miscarriage in May, and then got pregnant again in August (naturally). We are at 13 weeks now, and our risk for Downs is 1 in 206, Trisomy 18 is 1 in 1,000 so now we just aren't sure if we should get the Amnio or not?

I do think age is a factor but also your general health. After my last miscarriage we quit drinking and I did a 2 month detox / hot yoga take care of self cleansing... I think that helped !

That is great! I lost one at 18weeks to Trisomy 18 last December. I've had 4 Loss in total. Your odds are very good and i would just do the scans. Best wishes for your baby.:flower:
I'm 44, got pregnant with my first round of IVF at 43. Due Dec. 31. Had one mc at 24 yrs old. My nuchal scans showed decent numbers, I think it was around 1 in 780 chance of downs, etc. BUT I still wanted an amnio because of my age. Old age, old eggs, no matter your health. I did cleansing too and supplements. The amnio showed all is fine. I couldn't relax and even share it until I did the amnio and knew all was ok. I did the FISH analysis so I could get results in 2 days, instead of 3 wks. Expensive but worth it. The amnio wasn't bad and the statistics are not as bad as what you might be reading online. I went to a top notch hospital in MOntreal where I live. Because they do so many, their stats are much better than the general average, in terms of mc because of amnio. Immediately after the doctor did the amnio, the reduced the chances of complications even more, because the procedure itself went smoothly with no issues. I would do your homework and be well informed about making a choice to do an amnio or not. Good luck and congrats!
I am 44 and we were TTC for 3 years, on and off. We lots a baby to Trisomy 18 when I was 41. Had a miscarriage in May, and then got pregnant again in August (naturally). We are at 13 weeks now, and our risk for Downs is 1 in 206, Trisomy 18 is 1 in 1,000 so now we just aren't sure if we should get the Amnio or not?

I do think age is a factor but also your general health. After my last miscarriage we quit drinking and I did a 2 month detox / hot yoga take care of self cleansing... I think that helped ![/QUOTE
Could you tell us what cleasing consist of???:shrug: Thanks,
I finally feel confident enough to join this thread having had a successful scan yesterday. I'm 40 and am pregnant with my first, conceived naturally after 16 months of trying. My Nuchal measure was 1.8 so although I am waiting on the blood results I feel hopeful that my bouncy bean is ok. :cloud9:

I've been very worried as my DH is 54 years young, but so far I've had an easy pregnancy and feel very very lucky.
I finally feel confident enough to join this thread having had a successful scan yesterday. I'm 40 and am pregnant with my first, conceived naturally after 16 months of trying. My Nuchal measure was 1.8 so although I am waiting on the blood results I feel hopeful that my bouncy bean is ok. :cloud9:

I've been very worried as my DH is 54 years young, but so far I've had an easy pregnancy and feel very very lucky.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.:hugs:

There's hope for all of us!
Turning 40 this month. I have a DS, 3 (conceived at first try when I was 36) and had a MC at 34 (also conceived on first try). Hoping this time will be easy as well.... but finding statistics scary so this board has been great to read. Any newer 40+ natural conceptions/pregnancies? It annoys me that there is a lot of scaremongering around (like the false statement that you only have a 5% chance of having a baby at 40... No, it is 5%/month, which is about 60% chance for the year.) IF 5% is even right, as that's based on fertility clinic patients. Or maybe this is wishful thinking from my part...
Turning 40 this month. I have a DS, 3 (conceived at first try when I was 36) and had a MC at 34 (also conceived on first try). Hoping this time will be easy as well.... but finding statistics scary so this board has been great to read. Any newer 40+ natural conceptions/pregnancies? It annoys me that there is a lot of scaremongering around (like the false statement that you only have a 5% chance of having a baby at 40... No, it is 5%/month, which is about 60% chance for the year.) IF 5% is even right, as that's based on fertility clinic patients. Or maybe this is wishful thinking from my part...

Hi, I am 41 and 20 weeks PG with my 4th. I had mmc at 13 weeks in jan 12, accidental pregnancy. Started trying again in may 12 and took 4 months to get PG )always happened quick before ) has another mmc at 9 weeks.

Started trying again in dec 12 and got PG straight away. We only DTD every other day and I was also having acupuncture.

I was. Under a recurrent MC clinic And take progesterone twice daily and inject clexane once daily!

Good luck in your TTC journey .
I am 44 years old and just found out I think I am about 5 weeks pregnant (unplanned).

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