I'm at the end of CD 2 ... I will start temping when AF stops as I temp vaginally and when there is AF it is too messy- so generally Start temping CD4 or 5...
I have a good bbt thermometer already... I purchased another supply of OPKs and I purchased some medium size syringes that way in the days leading up to ovulation if my guy doesn't feel up to full sex he can just do some manual stimulation and I will just inject myself for insemination... We generally have sex one day in there and I will encourage more but this way there is at least a back up plan in place for getting more in there in the good time zone lol.
My Bday is Feb 8th so I prolly have 2 cycles before then...
This cycle opks prolly just lied to me and I prolly just ovulated a week later than I thought I did... Since I wasn't temping I cannot be sure... I was talking about the October Cycle that was 3 days late before... I generally have a 3-4 day AF and this one was pretty normal but I spotted for 4 or 5 days afterward.. Was the weirdest thing to me. I never spot before or after and with that one I spotted before and after it- was just odd.
Don't be discouraged. Tons of women conceive with PCOS. Just keep temping and using opks... BD as often as you can in your most fertile period and keep hoping. It will happen
I won't be ovulating most likely till December is close to over- prolly around the 24-25 so I def won't get a Pos till January if I get one lol
As for when to test.. I find it doesn't make a difference to me but I get a good gradual darkening and blazing positive when it is day of or day before ovulation day(Usually day of for me cause my temp almost always sky rockets the next day. Most women recommend testing between 9am and 7pm. The close you get to mid day the better to me if just doing one test. I generally do one test cd10-14 and then two tests cd15-ovulation... I generally do a few more tests afterward to make sure the peak is over. My opks are cheap though so I can easily afford to do 2 a day for a week if I want without a problem. Do what you feel will be best for you.