Ladies who's testing close to XMAS!?! LUCKY THREAD 3 BFP'S SO FAR!!!

I wish I could join in the fun and figure out which stage I'm in! Arg...

I wrote your test date in the beginning of this thread as 12/25 :( have you not Ov'd yet? God I hate that...I know the feeling :( Perhaps try using OPK's?
I'm using OPKs. I got a positive on CD14 & 15, Negative on CD 16, Positive on CD17 and CD18, Negative CD 19 (today).

Temp was going up and then dropped on CD 16...rose for two more days and dropped a little today.

I'm so incredibly confused this month.
I'm using OPKs. I got a positive on CD14 & 15, Negative on CD 16, Positive on CD17 and CD18, Negative CD 19 (today).

Temp was going up and then dropped on CD 16...rose for two more days and dropped a little today.

I'm so incredibly confused this month.

hmmmm...are u using IC's or Clearblue Digital Smiley's? Also, do you have PCOS because I heard that some women with PCOS can get false positives due to the increased LH in their system. Me, for example, because I take Clomid on CD 5-9, I got a false positive on CD11 but then got my real positive on CD18
CB Digi (I don't like the line determinations...I suck at them)

I thought I had PCOS, but blood work came back fine back in July and the u/s showed multiple cysts but the doctor wouldn't diagnose PCOS since I'm average weight, no skin darkening, and blood work was normal. She wouldn't make the call on the multiple cysts alone (even though she ignored new longer cycles...because I've had no other symptoms in the past 5 years until I came off birth control).
CB Digi (I don't like the line determinations...I suck at them)

I thought I had PCOS, but blood work came back fine back in July and the u/s showed multiple cysts but the doctor wouldn't diagnose PCOS since I'm average weight, no skin darkening, and blood work was normal. She wouldn't make the call on the multiple cysts alone (even though she ignored new longer cycles...because I've had no other symptoms in the past 5 years until I came off birth control).

Okay well I would be cautious. I have your EXACT symptoms and was diagnosed with PCOS. I am very skinny, no skin darkening, and I ovulate on my own but have longer cycles. That's it. He said that as long as you have at least 2 symptoms, cysts and long cycles, then it's a positive diagnosis.
Not with my doc apparently. She refused to believe my sudden 47 day cycle (after being 27-29 from June through February) was anything more than stress since I'd picked up my first collegiate level job...then again in May since I was closing school out (even though I've been teaching for 8 years at that point and school never made me irregular in the 3 years before I was on bc). She seemed to believe that if I truly had PCOS then I would have had symptoms for my whole life...that it doesn't just start.

I already told hubs that if we aren't pregnant this cycle, I'm going to a doctor close to us. It's the same one a friend of mine who does have PCOS goes to. They just had their first about 6 months ago.
Not with my doc apparently. She refused to believe my sudden 47 day cycle (after being 27-29 from June through February) was anything more than stress since I'd picked up my first collegiate level job...then again in May since I was closing school out (even though I've been teaching for 8 years at that point and school never made me irregular in the 3 years before I was on bc). She seemed to believe that if I truly had PCOS then I would have had symptoms for my whole life...that it doesn't just start.

I already told hubs that if we aren't pregnant this cycle, I'm going to a doctor close to us. It's the same one a friend of mine who does have PCOS goes to. They just had their first about 6 months ago.

I agree. Good idea. I'd rather be overly cautious than the latter. Trust me: sometimes I feel like I don't have PCOS because I seriously don't really have the signs of it. But, I'd rather be cautious of it than not to think it's there and be treated accordingly. Are you on Clomid? I'm on 50 mg of Clomid from shortened my cycle to about 34 days instead of the 45 day cycles I was experiencing. Plus, it pinpoints my Ov day to around the same time now each month-between's so much better now.
CB Digi (I don't like the line determinations...I suck at them)

I thought I had PCOS, but blood work came back fine back in July and the u/s showed multiple cysts but the doctor wouldn't diagnose PCOS since I'm average weight, no skin darkening, and blood work was normal. She wouldn't make the call on the multiple cysts alone (even though she ignored new longer cycles...because I've had no other symptoms in the past 5 years until I came off birth control).

Okay well I would be cautious. I have your EXACT symptoms and was diagnosed with PCOS. I am very skinny, no skin darkening, and I ovulate on my own but have longer cycles. That's it. He said that as long as you have at least 2 symptoms, cysts and long cycles, then it's a positive diagnosis.

WOW i'm glad i read this post. I have been wondering if i have PCOS. But, thought no I don't have most of the symptoms. Since getting off BCP my periods are very few and far between. My Gyno did some basic tests and said everything is normal. I think she checked my progesterone levels and she told me to gain 5lbs, but i'm not under weight (BMI is normal). But i don't know if i am ovulating my late sort of period was just like spotting (brownish/black sorry TMI) What sort of test should I be asking my doc for? You think I could have POCS?
Mimzy - how long have you been off bc?

hopeandpray1 - new symptom during my nightly check...apparently my body is saying "non-fertile" from the cf...but there was noticeable bright red blood in the I'm more confused than ever (plus I'm moody and crampy...)
Mimzy - how long have you been off bc?

hopeandpray1 - new symptom during my nightly check...apparently my body is saying "non-fertile" from the cf...but there was noticeable bright red blood in the I'm more confused than ever (plus I'm moody and crampy...)


Got off BCP in March 2012 didn't have a period till July, none Aug, came in Sept but super light more like spotting, then nothing in Oct. and Nov 1st had spotting not a real period just brownish/black. Even when I was on BCP my periods were always light but def more than just spotting.
Mimzy - how long have you been off bc?

hopeandpray1 - new symptom during my nightly check...apparently my body is saying "non-fertile" from the cf...but there was noticeable bright red blood in the I'm more confused than ever (plus I'm moody and crampy...)

Mimzy, not sure. My RE says if you have at least 2 of the symptoms, that they handle the cases as PCOS. He has successful outcomes. Do u have multiple cysts?

Profwife, what do you mean by cf?
By now you should be getting more regular with your own hormones taking over. Are you really sensitive to other medications or do you have a high tolerance for medications? It's possible you'd want to look for a second opinion.

My hubs and I just agreed I should try to get established with the new doc up the road from us. I have ONE day off this side of the new year. I'm hoping I can find a way to get an appointment for that day. Worst case, they diagnose me. Best case, they find out I'm already pregnant and problem solved. lol is what people use on here I think (cervical fluid/cervical mucus)
Hopeandpray no cysts that i know of but she hasn't done an ultra sound or anything.

Profwife- i was thinking that I should be more on track by now too. Not sensitive to other meds have a high tolerance, not on any now though. Not sure if its because I was on BCP for over ten years with no break or not. It makes me mad though because all these years docs have been telling me it won't harm you any and to just stop taking it when your ready to start trying. If i knew this i would of stopped taking it a year before i wanted to even start trying ughh! My doc is supposed to be calling me tomorrow, i'm going to demand that she take a closer look. If she doesn't i'm going to seek a second opinion from a diff. doc.
Had my HSG this morning.

It hurt like hell. Cramping a lot with tube put in and balloon inflated. Contrast didnt hurt too much and i could feel it going into my tubes. Everything looks normal and.I actually had the radiologist do it so he could give me for sure results. The left tube was a little slower to go through and spill, so maybe it was slightly blocked, i ovulate left side dominate. I am also more sore on the left now. So happy that it is normal.

Got my first high on cbfm this morning so hopefully we can start bd tomorrow
cathgibbs: I added your test date (12/18) to the beginning of this thread :)

IzzyNC: I added your test dates (12/27-12/30) to the beginning of this thread. SMEP is the acronym for the book "Sperm Meets Egg Plan." It's a free download on most devices like your iPhone and it pretty much gives you a detailed plan on how to get pregnant from a certain cycle day based on how long your cycles are until ovulation. It's pretty good. Basically tells you to BD every other day and then when you get a positive OPK, BD for that day plus two additional days to ensure you conceive. Many women have reported excellent results. I choose not to do the every other day thing just because I myself have read studies that show you still have a higher chance of conceiving based on having sex every day. The results were something like: 37% of women conceived when having sex every day versus 34%. Anyways, we all do things different ;)

Good luck to us all!!

I had the WORST Ov pains two days ago to the point that I was in a fetal position and tried to sleep it off. It has now gotten better and is almost completely gone! I have NEVER had Ov pains that bad in my life!!! Has anybody ever experienced Ov pains that were extreme?!

Hey hun, Clomid will make you have really bad O pains, what CD are you at? xxx
rebrandy - glad your hsg was clear.

I'm on cd16. Due to get a peak on cbfm on cd19 or cd20
Had my HSG this morning.

It hurt like hell. Cramping a lot with tube put in and balloon inflated. Contrast didnt hurt too much and i could feel it going into my tubes. Everything looks normal and.I actually had the radiologist do it so he could give me for sure results. The left tube was a little slower to go through and spill, so maybe it was slightly blocked, i ovulate left side dominate. I am also more sore on the left now. So happy that it is normal.

Got my first high on cbfm this morning so hopefully we can start bd tomorrow

I scheduled mine for 12/12 - just ready to get it over with and hoping it's clear! Good luck this cycle!
I am feeling all better from my hsg, got my second high on monitor and should be O' ing this weekend.

I really hope this is our month!!!!!
Your doc didn't say anything about ttc in the same month as the hsg, did he? My HSG is on CD12, and I'm hoping we can still try that month. I normally O between CD19-21...

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