lap and dye this Friday (19th)

Happy new year! I went for the scan this morning... and we saw a flickering heartbeat - there is a baby in there! LOL. Based on my last period, I am 6 weeks today, and my due date is 8/27/13. I am still in shock, and I almost still can't believe b/c other than the on and off symptoms - I don't really feel much different!

I know what you all mean about letting go of all the ovulation testing and the CM checking, it is amazing what we can put ourselves through.

I am praying for all of you! It isn't fair to be put through this, but I am hoping and praying that 2013 is a good year for all of us. I am not leaving this thread because I want to keep up and find out when you all get your BFPs!
Happy new year! I went for the scan this morning... and we saw a flickering heartbeat - there is a baby in there! LOL. Based on my last period, I am 6 weeks today, and my due date is 8/27/13. I am still in shock, and I almost still can't believe b/c other than the on and off symptoms - I don't really feel much different!

I know what you all mean about letting go of all the ovulation testing and the CM checking, it is amazing what we can put ourselves through.

I am praying for all of you! It isn't fair to be put through this, but I am hoping and praying that 2013 is a good year for all of us. I am not leaving this thread because I want to keep up and find out when you all get your BFPs!

:hugs: Curly thats amazing! I'm sure your heart just melted when you seen that! I imagine it feels so unreal. I would feel the exact same way and I always say I would believe it even when I'm in full labour and pushing out a baby I wont believe it lol!

I'm really super happy for you! :hugs:
Hey Curly this is great news. I am very happy for you. I hope that you have happy and healthy nine months. Keep us updated.:hugs: Thank you for not leaving the thread, we need you.
Curly, I am so happy for you....what wonderful news!

As for the rest of us ladies, I think that we could all do with a little more relaxing and not trying to focus on the tests and the waiting and monitoring and so on. It's so easy to get weighed down with it all, and we deserve to live a little, and not have to spend every waking minute waiting for things to happen!

I don't know about you guys, but I spend half my time on Facebook reading about other people's children and pregnancies and so on. I made the decision last week to change my settings and stop seeing these people in my Newsfeed. It doesn't mean I've unfriended them, just that I don't see any updates from them. It makes it a bit easier, I gotta tell you!

So ladies, I think I'm going to be similar and not check in so often...let's just enjoy things for a while and see where that gets us :winkwink:

Here's to making babies in 2013 girls...we can do it!! :dust::dust:
Curly, I am so happy for you....what wonderful news!

As for the rest of us ladies, I think that we could all do with a little more relaxing and not trying to focus on the tests and the waiting and monitoring and so on. It's so easy to get weighed down with it all, and we deserve to live a little, and not have to spend every waking minute waiting for things to happen!

I don't know about you guys, but I spend half my time on Facebook reading about other people's children and pregnancies and so on. I made the decision last week to change my settings and stop seeing these people in my Newsfeed. It doesn't mean I've unfriended them, just that I don't see any updates from them. It makes it a bit easier, I gotta tell you!

So ladies, I think I'm going to be similar and not check in so often...let's just enjoy things for a while and see where that gets us :winkwink:

Here's to making babies in 2013 girls...we can do it!! :dust::dust:

Your so right! I just want to take a laid back approach and stop rushing God's plan! I've made a vow to myself to stop the obsessing and stop the stressing because it wont help and I'm rushing a devine plan that is going to happen with or without stress and what not.

I think I'm only going to check in on this thread to see how everyone is doing and thats it! Maybe we could exchange emails to make it easier not to be tempted!! :dohh:
Hey ladies, first of all curly well done girl, i bet your over the moon :) i hope the little heartbeat keeps getting stronger and stronger huni. sending you lots of love, luck and that wonderful :dust: Stick around hun and keep us updated on how your getting on :)

Gotta tell ya girls think im cd9 but not been charting or anything and i feel so much more chilled out. Been running and will be starting swimming next week when i get my pass through.

Hear your right hun, just gonna sit back and let mother nature take its course until have to go see fs again later in the year. :)
Hey ladies I think I'm about 3 dpo had my ov check yesterday and actually o'd from each ovary 2.2mm follie on the left and a 1.7mm on the right which they weren't sure would pop out an egg but looks like it did as well. I'm recovery from the nasty stomach flu and honesly I'm paying no attention to symptoms or charting anything I'm just going on about life as if it were "normal" lol whatever that means. Ha ha! Hope all you ladies are doing weell as well!!

Curly, how you feeling?
WOW Hear - I didn't think you could ovulate from both ovaries!!! Could twins be in your future?!!! Keeping my fingers crossed.

Wishin, I changed a lot of my settings on Facebook too because of the constant pregnancy announcements - people I am not even really "friends" with - why do I have to be hurt by them too? I actually even deleted a couple of "friends" who were constantly complaining about their pregnancies or were acting annoying. We have to get rid of the toxic people and situations in our lives - Facebook is the devil sometimes! LOL

AFM I am ok just being very cautious I had a little spotting on Sunday and was freaking out and crying most of the day, I called my doctor Monday morning and they said that it is normal to have spotting in early pregnancy and to call if it got any worse. It seems to have subsided. So hopefully that will be it with the spotting. I go next Wednesday to see my regular gynecologist- no more RE. I am not really sure what will happen at that appointment.
Hey ladies! I have not been here for a while. I got the flu and have been resting. How is everyone? Today was my post op appointment, and the good news is that everything looks good. There was very little endo, just a dot, but my doctor removed it. My right tube was partially blocked and now is unblocked. So my doctor said that there is nothing to worry about and I dont have any problems getting pregnant. This means that most probably the problem is in my husband. His numbers are very low. That is why, today I looked up some clinics where, if nothing happens in 3-4 months, we are going to do ivf. We have been wainting for 3 years, we dont want to wait any more. We are not getting any younger. I still hope i get my bfp befor that and use the money, we have been saving for ivf, on baby stuff. I wish luck to all of you beautiful ladies.
Curly - Glad the spotting eased up and everything seems to be settled down for you! Hang in there girl the best is yet to come!

Sikis - glad everything at your post op went so well!! baby dust to you!!

AFM - I'm strongly considering taking a break from all the clinic appoinments, medicines, shots, ultrasounds, bw, etc. My body has been through so much lately and its starting to show signs of it! I've put on some weight, my skin is bad, my hair is horrible, I'm such a miserable bitch! my hormones are constantly rising and dropping 100 times a day! I just can't take much more lately and I'm really fed up with the entire process and I'm really fed up with getting my hopes up every month just to be let down! I think my body is telling me it needs a break for a little while.
Hi ladies

Curly, as Hear says, glad to hear the spotting has eased up and all is going well - such fantastic news!

Sikis, that's really great news that things with your post op went well. I hope you're able to sort out DH's issues and you get that BFP soon.

Lau, it sounds like you've got the right thing going on - good stuff! Doing more exercise and just chilling about it all sounds like the way to go.

And Hear, sounds like you know exactly what you need to do - I think you need to listen to your body and give yourself some good R&R. Maybe go get yourself a massage or something ;-)

AFM - I'm not really paying attention to much. I think I'm about 4DPO, but we're just continuing with our BDing every other day, and we'll see what happens. Like you Hear, I've put on way too much weight, and can't wait to get back out cycling again - I just need to weather (and DH's shoulder niggles) to warm up!

Dust for us all ladies x
hey ladies, curly try not to freak out hun, like hear said the best is yet to come we're all here for you huni :hugs:

hey siki, ah bless hun i have heard so many people saying they have had the flu, hope your feeling better hun!

hear, i think that sometimes because we want something so much, we push ourselves really hard to achieve it not realising the stress on our bodies that we are putting on ourself. Since i have stopped all of the charting etc....... i can honestly say i feel well within myself again. My head feels clearer, i'm less emotional, i'm starting to enjoy life's little things again, i have got back into training and generally i am starting to feel normal again. Its hard to let go of the control of things because we do want it so much, but letting go feels like a step in regaining control again if you know what i mean huni. I hope your feeling better hear and we're always here for you when you need us :hugs:

afm, well dont know what cd i am just been bding every other day. Had my first acupuncture app today and it was awesome, so relaxing and i cant wait for the next :happydance:
Well ladies AF showed her ugly face yesterday I'm out again this month. Hard cycle, I was 3 days late got super excited thought this was it! I went in for blood work on Sunday and it was a BFN so whatever, I'm so done with it for now, I'm tired of the let down every single month I need a break, I need normal back in my we are officially on a break from TTC.
Well ladies AF showed her ugly face yesterday I'm out again this month. Hard cycle, I was 3 days late got super excited thought this was it! I went in for blood work on Sunday and it was a BFN so whatever, I'm so done with it for now, I'm tired of the let down every single month I need a break, I need normal back in my we are officially on a break from TTC.

Hear, I started today too - and was a day late, got excited just like you. I'm really sorry it's not our month. I think the break is a great idea...I hope it will help you to chill out. Big hugs :hugs:
ah bless ladies there is nothing worse than our bodies playing tricks on us.

hear, i hope that the break does you good huni. I know we have not been on here much but still popping in every now and again to check so still here for ya sweetie :hugs:

Same to you as well wish

I'm kind of in the same boat at the moment girls. My boobs have absolulety killing me the past couple of days which they never do but took two hpt and very clear bfn :( oh well on and upwards i guess :shrug:
Hey ladies, how is everyone doing?
Wish and Hear, I am so sorry about af coming. I hate this moment when she shows up her ugly face. It has been more than three years for me. Every month in the tww I would get my hopes up and then been crushed into pieces when she comes. My period has never been late, except for this one time, I think it was my secound round of Clomid. I was so scared to tell my DH or anyone else, because I thought it might be bad luck. So AF was late three or four days, but I had no symptoms whatsoever. The first two days I was very excited and nervous, and then I tested. It was supper big BFN. Then on the next day I started to think why I am not getting my period. This kinda worried me, and I began searching for reasons online. I wanted my period to come. For almost 20 years I had never had a late period, except this one time. I think that after two more days I tested again, and it was another BFN. Then few hours later I got it. AF arrived. I was thankful, because I knew that there was nothing wrong with me and I could try to get pregnant the following mounth. I realized that the cause for all this was Clomid, but I did not know it in prior, so at first I got excited and then very scared. But you know what? For these past three years I have never, even for I secound lost hope. I know that one day, soon or later I will be holding my precious baby and I dont care which way I got pg, either IVF,IUI, or natural. So ladies do not lose hope, because it is going to happen for us.

And Lau, hon, I really, really hope that this is your month. I am praing for you! Please keep us posted.:hugs:
g'day ladies, long time no we all doing? I'm ok - AF showed her ugly face this afternoon, so feeling big time crampy right now, but I'll get over it. Went for our first bike ride since late October yesterday so was good to be out exercising again....maybe it'll help ease my mind and give me something else to think about....

I've been busy removing friends from my newsfeed in Facebook if they mention pregnancy or children or babies and that's helped somewhat - it's not in my face everyday aymore when I go on there....

Anyway, hope you're all well, and we're hanging in there x
g'day ladies, long time no we all doing? I'm ok - AF showed her ugly face this afternoon, so feeling big time crampy right now, but I'll get over it. Went for our first bike ride since late October yesterday so was good to be out exercising again....maybe it'll help ease my mind and give me something else to think about....

I've been busy removing friends from my newsfeed in Facebook if they mention pregnancy or children or babies and that's helped somewhat - it's not in my face everyday aymore when I go on there....

Anyway, hope you're all well, and we're hanging in there x

HEY!! Been a while! Sorry to hear about AF showing up but looks like we are on the same schedule lol my AF showed her stupid face yesterday too! this was our first cycle unmedicated going all natural for a while so we can save up for IUI. I expected her to come anyway I mean lets be honest I'm not walking around with a horse shoe stuck up my you know what! :haha: Glad to hear you are doing well!! I agree with the removal of the baby obsessed people on FB they drive me INSANE I removed them too! :blush: Good to hear from you hon glad to see your keeping your sanity for the most part like the rest of us :flower:
hey ladies sorry i have not been in here for a while. I seriously needed to take a time out from ttc and concentrate on myself for a bit.

Well it must have helped because i got my :bfp: thurs the 21st of this month. I'm still in shock. I have my first gp app wed to confirm everything and get bloods done etc...
I just hope this peanut is a sticky one, keeping everything i have crossed.

How are all you ladies? Would it be ok if i lurked here every now and again to see how you girls are getting on?
Lau, what fantastic news! I'm really, really happy for you, congratulations!:happydance:

I'm in the 2WW now, so waiting around to see what's happening....

Please keep us informed of your progress. Everyone else, how you all doing?

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