lap and dye this Friday (19th)

Hi ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families. I was doing really well and was a little bit excited up until about 3pm when AF showed her late ugly face. I was so hopeful that we were going to get the most amazing Christmas present, but alas it was not to be. Felt rather despondent for the rest of the day and had a good cry this morning. Didn't help that my Dad excitedly announced to me that my cousins back in Australia are pregnant with their second child. Although he knows how long we've been trying and how much of a struggle it is, he's just not particularly diplomatic. It hurt, especially as Dad then passed the phone to said cousin and I had to sound happy for them....

So anyway, I gotta pull my chin back up and hope against hope that the new year will bring us all the luck we need! Take care ladies :hugs:

Oh wishin, I am so sorry. :hugs::hugs:

I really hope that this next month will bring you your BFP.
Hi everyone! First I would like to thank you guys for the support and the encouragement you have been giving me. :hugs: My surgery went fine. Actually, yesterday I was not in much pain. After the surgery I felt so good, no pain whatsoever, I was walking around all night. Someone would have thought that I would be drained, but I felt totally fine. Although today is another story- I feel so bloated. All the carbon dioxide remained in my stomach.I was hoping that it will move up to my sholders, but unfortunately it stayd in my belly. Now my belly is so full with gas and it feels like it will exploade. Otherwise everything else feels fine. Honestly like you said ladies it is not what we imagined. Now if only I knew how to get rid of this gas before my stomach explodes. I have been walking a lot, and the funny part is that I do not feel tired. Please help with the gas. Today I have a little mixed fillings. My best friend announced her second pregnancy. I am happy and sad. God,please allow me to have a baby too. Do not turn me into a jealous bitch. I want to be happy for my friends. Anyway my doctor said that they had found two very little dots, which they think are endo, but the biopsy will show. My right tube was partially open so they opened it. Everything else looked ok. I am very happy I got through it and now I know that I am ready to go. Wish all of us 2013 babies.
Hi everyone! First I would like to thank you guys for the support and the encouragement you have been giving me. :hugs: My surgery went fine. Actually, yesterday I was not in much pain. After the surgery I felt so good, no pain whatsoever, I was walking around all night. Someone would have thought that I would be drained, but I felt totally fine. Although today is another story- I feel so bloated. All the carbon dioxide remained in my stomach.I was hoping that it will move up to my sholders, but unfortunately it stayd in my belly. Now my belly is so full with gas and it feels like it will exploade. Otherwise everything else feels fine. Honestly like you said ladies it is not what we imagined. Now if only I knew how to get rid of this gas before my stomach explodes. I have been walking a lot, and the funny part is that I do not feel tired. Please help with the gas. Today I have a little mixed fillings. My best friend announced her second pregnancy. I am happy and sad. God,please allow me to have a baby too. Do not turn me into a jealous bitch. I want to be happy for my friends. Anyway my doctor said that they had found two very little dots, which they think are endo, but the biopsy will show. My right tube was partially open so they opened it. Everything else looked ok. I am very happy I got through it and now I know that I am ready to go. Wish all of us 2013 babies.

Oh I'm so happy it went well and you came out of it ok! For the gas I would just encourage you to cough alot keep coughing it will break up the gas bubbles in your stomach. Try some peppermint tea it will help as well. Avoid any foods that might aggreviate the gas. Just give it a little time hon! I had really bad swelling I looked 4-5 months pregnant my stomach was really really swollen not from gas (i had zero gas pain) it was from the actual surgery. Give yourself about 2 weeks and you will feel back to your normal self! :hugs:
Hi ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families. I was doing really well and was a little bit excited up until about 3pm when AF showed her late ugly face. I was so hopeful that we were going to get the most amazing Christmas present, but alas it was not to be. Felt rather despondent for the rest of the day and had a good cry this morning. Didn't help that my Dad excitedly announced to me that my cousins back in Australia are pregnant with their second child. Although he knows how long we've been trying and how much of a struggle it is, he's just not particularly diplomatic. It hurt, especially as Dad then passed the phone to said cousin and I had to sound happy for them....

So anyway, I gotta pull my chin back up and hope against hope that the new year will bring us all the luck we need! Take care ladies :hugs:

:hugs: hang in there honey! I know exactly how your feeling!
Got AF on Saturday went for my CD3 appointment and the FS told me this is the last cycle of timed intercourse, next cycle we start IUI. Anyways, he switched me off clomid and put me on Femara, 5mg. He said the side effects are much better and easier to tolerate, I dont see a difference though. Anyhow, I'm trying to stay optimistic for this cycle, even though I'm starting to get really frustrated and really tired of the whole process.
Got AF on Saturday went for my CD3 appointment and the FS told me this is the last cycle of timed intercourse, next cycle we start IUI. Anyways, he switched me off clomid and put me on Femara, 5mg. He said the side effects are much better and easier to tolerate, I dont see a difference though. Anyhow, I'm trying to stay optimistic for this cycle, even though I'm starting to get really frustrated and really tired of the whole process.

I understand your frustration Hear, I hope the Femara makes a difference. Can I ask about the IUI - did you need to go onto a waiting list, or was it immediate? We're thinking that if nothing happens between now and March we'll go down the IUI route, but not sure whether we need to apply now or wait...

We're off to Amsterdam in the morning for NYE - timing could be better, but hopefully it'll help me relax a bit. Let's hope that 2013 is a good year for us all :hugs:
I do not believe my clinic has a waiting list for IUIs. To be honest they really didnt even talk to me so much about it, they tried to push starting IUI this cycle but I said no, so they said one more cycle of timed and if nothing we move to IUI. Thats it. Its just so frustrating and discouraging to be moving to the next level with not even a glimmer of hope so far.
I do not believe my clinic has a waiting list for IUIs. To be honest they really didnt even talk to me so much about it, they tried to push starting IUI this cycle but I said no, so they said one more cycle of timed and if nothing we move to IUI. Thats it. Its just so frustrating and discouraging to be moving to the next level with not even a glimmer of hope so far.

Oh honey, I hope that IUI is the path that will produce results for us both :hugs:

Sikis, how are you feeling today? How's the carbon dioxide situation?
Hey lovely ladies! I am feeling fine today. Thank you for asking guys. I still have those terible gas pains. It does not hurt, more like I ate way too much and I cannot breath now. I feel like am about to explode. I am very proud of myself I got over my fears and I did it. Can I ask you how long time after the procedures did you stop bleeding. I am still bleeding lightly. According to my cycles I am cd 11 and I am supposed to ovulate in the next 4-5 days,but now this bleeding is confusing me. Do you thing is a good idea if I BD in 4-5 days? It will be 6-7 days post opp. I can't wait. My DH is sick now so instead of him taking care of me, I am taking care of him.:dohh:
About the IUI I would say go for it. I am a big proponent of the IUI procedure. I have done it twice in the summer. It did not work for us, but I did not give up. My strategy after the lap is: try two natural cycles, then may be one or two IUI (if needs medicated),and after that IVF (do not want to go there). Our insurance does not cover anything so we pay for everything out of our pockets. I like IUI because they wash the sperm and they insert it straight into the uterus. And you know that most of the sperm dies when trying to pass through the cervix and very few guys make it to the uterus and the tubes. So after the sperm is washed and only the fastes and the strongest guys are inserted directly into the uterus, they have greater chances to reach the egg without even getting tired from traveling through the cervix. So those guys are stronger and have strenght to penetrate the egg. If your case is similar to mine(DH has low sperm count and the motility is not very good)then IUI defenatly gives you better chances to become mommies:happydance:. Right now I am looking up new clinics to schedule appointment for 2months from now in case we need an IUI or IVF. Good luck to all of you ladies. Sending positive thoughts and a lots of baby dust your way.:hugs:
hey wish sorry to hear about af gettin ya hun, try stay pos for the new year.
Hear i think the clomid and iui will be a good thing.
sikis glad to hear your feeling better
curly how you hun?

think my cycle is all over the place this time girls coz i didn O. Looks like its going to be a long one :dohh:
Hear- I have heard that Femara is better than clomid - especially for the side effects..I hope this works for you. IUI is not bad at all so if you had to do that I think you would be fine. I totally know that none of this is how we see ourselves getting pregnant - but I really thought the IUIs were ok.

So Lau about not ovulating - how do you know? Do you temp or use OPKs?

Wishin how are you doing?

I am ok. I don't think I will entirely feel good about this until I go on Wednesday and know that there is a baby in there. I feel nauseous a lot and exhausted, which makes me think that there is a baby in there and I am pregnant, but with everything I have been through and the miscarriages I just can't believe it. I will let you know what happens when I go to the doctor.
Curly glad to hear your not feeling well! Lol as crazy as that sounds its good to feel crappy it let's you know those hormones are rising!!

I'm worried about the IUIs because if they don't work :( then IVF is our last option :(
Hey ladies how is everyone today? I need your help. This morning I got a positive OPK. It has been 6 days since my surgery and I don't know if I should BD tonight. I feel a little cramping and I am still bleeding lightly, but I really want to start TTC again. Please tell me what you think about it.:hugs:
Hi Ladies, happy new year to you all! Sorry I've been MIA, have just arrived back from Amsterdam - a quick NYE holiday :winkwink:

Sikis, I think it's entirely up to you whether you start or not. I don't think there's any medical reason why you shouldn't start BDing again, but you're the one who knows your body - go with what you're comfortable with.

Curly, how you feeling? When's your scan? Do let us know how everything is going....

Hear, you doing ok? When does the IUI start? I'm so sure it will be completely fine, and you know what - if you have to go down the IVF path, then that's not a bad thing - and we're all here to support you on the's more than likely the exact same path we'll be following, only we can't do IVF until December 2013 if we go for the free cycle on the NHS....and we can't afford to pay for it, so that's our only real option right now!

Lau, how you doing? Have you worked out what's happening with your cycle yet?

AF finished for me yesterday, so we're back on the BDing wagon :sex:from tonight....every other day for the whole month - let's see if we can keep it up!!!

Girls, I'm so sure that if we start 2013 in the most positive manner we know of, great things will come to us all! :dust:
hey curly, i hope everything goes well for you tomorrow huni, sending you lots of pos vibes and :dust:

hear, i agree with wish hun, the iui is a great way to go and if you do have to do ivf then i can prob guarantee you that i will be joining ya huni

wish, hope you had a good time in amsterdam, what a wicked way to spend nye! Have fun with all of the bd'ing hope you have some good stamina :)

siki, if it feels ok hun then just go fr it. Just ask him to be a bit more gentle wigh you hun

afm, well i got af on 30th dec so that makes me think that i just O a day early and for some reason the cbfm didnt pick it up. I did temp a little but not enough to see if i had a proper temp shift. More than likely going to go down the ivf route. got docs on the 11th so will see what happens there. Decided though that i am going to give all of the cbfm, opks, temping etc.... a break for a while and just bd every couple of days and keep it chilled. Also wont be on here as much girls as i just want to give my mind a bit of a break from it all for a bit. Will pop in to see how you ladies getting on

Also, would like to say happy new year to all you wonderful, supportive ladies and i wish you all the best of luck for 2013 :hugs:
Happy New Year ladies.Lets wish ourselves that this year will be our year.

Curly FX for tomorrow! I hope you hear the strongest heart beat on the planet.:hugs:

Hear, I think that I will be going your way honey, with IUI and IVF. But whatever way we need to go and whatever else we need to do you got to know that one day we will be happy mommies. We will be together in this journey.:hugs:

Wish I am so happy AF is gone and now it comes the fun part. I hope you get your BFP this month. :hugs:
As a matter of fact I BDed last night and even though it was only 6 days post opp, I really did not feel any pain. So I hope we did the miracle. Now I am in the TWW and I am very excited :happydance:.
Happy New Year ladies!!

Lau - I totally am on the same page as you! Oddly enough I was talking to DH the other day and I told him I want to start relaxing more and not making the TTC get to me so much, I want to ease off the researching and the obsession over every little twinge, CM colour, texture and quantity lol its all gotten to a point that I'm not enjoying life itself anymore! I will too be checking in from time to time but I do need a mental break!

Curly I'm super excited for you girl I'm sure you too are super excited for your ultrasound as well! Can't wait to hear your update!

Wish - I'm good, Im on CD12 right now they switched my meds so I took 5mg of femara from cd3-7 had a follicle check on CD10 1.6 on the left and 2 @ 1.2 and 1 @ 1.1 on the right, going back today to check the follies again. IUI will start on the next cycle if this cycle doesn't work. I'm not too scared of the procedure of IVF I just know there is NO WAY we could afford it for a long time.
Yes I end up BDing on New Years Eve. Now I am in the TWW and I am very excited. I have a doctors appointment next wendsday to find out the results from the surgery. Today I will be looking up for new RS and new clinics, because even though the last place where I did my IUIs was nice, I was a little disappointed and also they didnt have good success rates.

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