Hi ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families. I was doing really well and was a little bit excited up until about 3pm when AF showed her late ugly face. I was so hopeful that we were going to get the most amazing Christmas present, but alas it was not to be. Felt rather despondent for the rest of the day and had a good cry this morning. Didn't help that my Dad excitedly announced to me that my cousins back in Australia are pregnant with their second child. Although he knows how long we've been trying and how much of a struggle it is, he's just not particularly diplomatic. It hurt, especially as Dad then passed the phone to said cousin and I had to sound happy for them....
So anyway, I gotta pull my chin back up and hope against hope that the new year will bring us all the luck we need! Take care ladies![]()
Oh wishin, I am so sorry.

I really hope that this next month will bring you your BFP.