sounds like there's lots of BD'ing going on!
I had my followup today. Doc said that the fibroids aren't causing problems (they're all on the outside), tubes are all clear, and uterus is too. He's putting us on a waiting list for IVF, but suggested in the meantime we could try IUI.
Would love any advice if you have any....
Wishin - I did IUI 3 times it was really very easy. The first one I did I got pregnant but lost it early. I took clomid for 5 days, then they monitored my follicles by ultrasound, and once the doctor saw it was ready I triggered, and then the insemination usually followed 2 days later. For example I would trigger monday night and have the insemination Wednesday morning. Doesn't hurt, and usually lasts like 1 or 2 minutes -- it is literally that simple. After they inseminate, you lay on the table for between 5 and 15 minutes, and then they usually tell you to test in 14 days or have you come in for a beta. I would honestly try it before you go into IVF. It is very simple, not as invasive, and the drugs are pretty mild, and it is MUCH CHEAPER! I would definitely give it a try. IT didn't work for me because of the endometriosis (which we didn't know about then).
The only cons I would say are the clomid can have side effects, like hot flashes, and for me I usually had a few follicles on each side, so my ovaries would feel very heavy, and the very slight cramping right after the insemination. Other than that it is a breeze! Good luck!!