Laparoscopy & Endo Removal.... pregnancy?

Hello ladies, again I am sorry for the long gap between posts.

Nothing much to report really. CD21 for me today, and feeling 'normal'. I must say my ovulation days were pretty uncomfortable this cycle though, I am kind of thinking that my body has officially healed since the op, and now back in working order again, which i guess is a good thing. We have DTD on schedule this month, so guess now we just sit and WAIT!! :coffee: and WAIT! :coffee: and WAIT :coffee: I know I have said it before by I HATE THE TWW!!!!!!!! :wacko:

Nats - so good to hear they actually found 'something', fingers crossed this is enough to get your next miracle!

Plastik - Wow, you are one busy lady. You mentioned you ovulated CD14, I am a little behind you in that department, don't think I o'd until about 16-18, not that I would have a clue as I haven't done any tests, just going by the pain and uncomforableness I had for about 36 hours. How did the show jumping go? Are you on track for getting that new horse too? My best girl friend and I are off on a trail ride next weekend, really looking forward to it!

Love - Sooo good to hear your doc was supportive :happydance: At least now that you're being monitored you know you are going in the right direction, and bring your stress levels down a bit.:thumbup: It will be interesting to see what your eostrogen levels come back within on CD21. Are you just getting this test, or scans aswell for the monitoring? Do you feel you are getting ovulation pains whilst being on the clomid? Are your periods lighter? In answer to your question bout freezing... BLOODY OATH I am .... BRRR!! Bring back summer I say!!

Praying - Any word on your cycle hun?

Sending all of you special baby dust, and praying our angels all come down to earth soon.

Take care, and chat soon... I promise xxxxx :hugs:
Hey little,
So i went to the clinic on Friday to start the monitoring got a blood test and they gave me some opks and said we will call u at 3 to let u no when to start peeing on them, when they ran they just told me to go back the next day for another blood test and ultra sound, she cold see 2 good size follicles on the left but couldn't find my right ovary although she was happy with the 2 that she could see. I'm going back tomorrow for another blood test hopefully they can give me news that I'm about to ovulate! I hope they test me on cd21 I'm paying for this with no rebate but I don't care, I dont feel ovulation pains i think I make them up in my head. My periods are only heavy for the first 1 or 2 days and then I can use a liner. Do you bloat when u ovulate?
All our lap ladies must be busy! I hope ur all okay! Xoxoxoxoxooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Hello you lovely ladies!!

How is everyone today? So sorry that I've been MIA for so long, running around like a mad thing. It's actually a blessing during the TWW I think, I haven't thought about it at all other than to take my temps in the morning!

Love, I'm SO glad that they are monitoring you! I think I'm going to insist on that if nothing comes of this cycle or the next one. I don't usually bloat when I ovulate, but I do get a headache the day of ov.

Little, I know all about that damned wait!! ARGH!! Holding thumbs for you and praying that this is our cycle!!! :hugs:

Nats, glad your lap went well! I remember being so devastated when I found out about my endo, but at the same time happy that there was something for me to blame my lack of a baby on!! Hope you are recovering well. I hated the recovery! I was so sore and miserable and found it really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel (though everyone keeps assuring me that there is one!)

Well the stud farm was fantastic, and I've picked the horse I want to buy at the auction! Just need to check out her x-rays but I'm sure they'll be fine. She is quite a fiery mare with a real opinion of herself, but very talented. Not the most classic looking horse around, but I adore her! Have attached some pics for you ladies :)


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Hello ladies.

Wow, been a while again, sorrrryyyyyy.....

MrsP : Wooohoooo on the 2 good size follies!! Awesome news....!! Now fxfxfxfxfx all the way...

Plastik : What a beauty....she is stunning! She has a look all of her own - not the standard at all. When is the auction now?

Nats : Glad your op went well.....hope the recovery is coming alot quickly & easily. May your BFP be here before you know it!!

Hi to all the other ladies.

AFM : Ag, boring part of the cycle. Nothing much happening. Not sure when I ovulated, had the pain for a good few days, so not sure which was THE day. Think it was Thursday, but possibly Friday. Will know in 2 weeks time I guess.
Didn't BD much at all. Been stressed at work, and with being sick I really couldn't muster up the energy. AND being on the anibiotics is cr@ppy, so we just took this cycle easy again.
We will give it our all from next cycle.

Chat again ASAP!!
Hello lovely ladies!!

How is everyone?
Love, how was your blood test? Have you got the resluts yet?

Tracey, how are you feeling? Are you still sick? The auction is on 30 June, so still a whole month away!!! Seriously, as if I don't spend enough of my time waiting for one thing or another?!!

Little, where are you now? ANything interesting happening?

AFM, I'm due for AF on Sunday, so close now. Can't say I'm feeling pg. In fact I'm most definately not! This may be TMI, but I feel like my regular pre-AF poop is on its way, and if that does happen I'll know I'm out even before my temp drops. Would love to be pg, but not getting my hopes up. Only one more chance after this cycle and then its back to the gynea!!

Hope you are all doing ok!! :hugs:
morning girls!!!

Plastik- that horse is really pretty i love the colour of her! I had to laugh I get the af poop to hahahaha i thought that was just me hahaha! did af come Im praying it didnt! fxfxfx
Tracey- I hope ur feeling better this week, when is af due for u? fx she doesnt come!
Little- how u going? u should be due for af now too! im hoping this months ur month!!

As for me not much going on here! so after 4 blood test every morning before work, I finally got a trigger shot on the 23th which was nice and painful! so im not aloud to test until about the 8th she said so all the hcg is out of my body! im very bloated and really not even thinking about being pregnant for the first time since we started, my new saying is that when its meant to be it will and for the moment its not! next month is my last month on clomid and hubby said we can do the monitoring again if I want and to be honest I kinda liked not having to stress out cause they do everything for me we were told to dtd on cd13 & cd14 and that should cover it, but on the subject of stress I had a massive fight with my mil because after me telling her everything were going through to get preggers she rings me to tell me her niece is 7 weeks preggers and she is sooo happy for her cause she was trying for so long and she not young and the fact that i am young I should be happy for her so with my lovely mood swings it didnt go down well the whole convo felt like one big competition on who deserves to be pregnant so hubby got involved and she some how got him on her side and Im overreacting! so there was soooo much anger and stress there I hope my eggs were not effected by it, my eggs were my main worry! anyways thank for letting me get that out! oh and if u girls no more about trigger shot GOOD things only please tell me im to scared to google it! hehehe :hugs: to everyone!!! xxxx
Hi Ladies!!

How is everyone?

Love, how is the monitoring going?

Little, where are you in your cycle now?

Tracey, you all better?

AFM, nothing much to report. CD 5 so I start with clomid today. I went to get it from the pharmacy yesterday. This is supposed to be my last clomid cycle, 50mg, then back to the gynae if I don't get pg. It's weird, I've almost resigned myself to the fact that it's not going to happen. It's like I've lost all faith in my body to do what it's supposed to be able to do on its own. When I got home and opened the box, I saw that they gave me 10 pills instead of 5. I was SO tempted to boost my dose to 100mg this cycle, since it's my last on clomid, but then I reckon if the Dr wanted me to take 100mg he would have perscribed me 100mg, not 50mg. And I DO ovulate on the 50mg, but then I ov on my own anyway, and look where that got me. :bfn: I know I shouldn't self-medicate, and I won't, but it's tempting, you know? I'm just so impatient and tired of waiting and tired of trying. I just want to feel like I have a chance. :dohh:

And despite that horribly dreary update, I'm feeling pretty ok :thumbup: Might have to do with the AMAZING husband I have and the FABULOUS jumping lesson I had this morning. :happydance:
Hi ladies, hope ur all well? Just a quick update from me, had my lap and they found endo and treated it now I'm waiting for af to come so I know where I am and can get ready for baby making. Will keep u all informed (if ur interested of course lol) x x
Hi there ladies.

Love - so good to hear the monitoring is going well for you hun. Sorry to hear about the fight with you MIL, some people are so damn insensitve towards our plight to get preggers, and people that haven't been in the same position with NEVER know th anguish we experience on a monthly basis.

Plastik - Congrats on your new horsie, she is beautiful. Love the grey. I am completely with you about the clomid dose increase, I am thinking about doubling my dose this month too, so think I am going to just do it. Maybe you could just go up by 1/2 a tablet or something, that way its just a slight increase? Just an idea.

Nats - Great to hear about your lap success, fingers crossed that is all your system needs to get things moving again.

AFM - well it was a little touch and go just prior to getting AF on Tuesday, I really thought I may have been UTD, but turns out it wasn't the case. So we are heading into our 3rd clomid cylce since the op (CD4 for me today), and therefore means our last one before going down the IVF trail. We attended an IVF evening last week, and I really liked the fertility specialist who spoke, so I have actually gone ahead and made an appointment with him to get things rolling. The whole processes is very long winded including interviews, tests and scans etc. So realistcally we could still get pregnant this cycle, but I have covered all bases just in case. We will be doing the IUI for 3 x cycles, and then onto Full IVF if need be after that. I quit my job yesterday, just so that I am stress free for our first IVF cycle. As for my clomid dose, I am going to double it (start this tomorrow). The fertility specialist who spoke said that anyone who is on clomid, should be on at least 4 x 50g pills a day, which I thought was very interesting, as I am only on 25mg. So the first thing I will be asking when I see him is about this low dose and if I have wasted my time. I can't say i have heard of many ladies on more than 50mg a day, have you?

Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend all.

Take care of yourselves! :)
Hey everyone!
Tracey- whens af due for you? Is it ur first af since ur lap?
Plastik- I was tempted to up my dosage this cycle but I was scared cause of the cycle monitoring, maybe we all will be preggers 3rd time on clomid!
Little- I can't believe it ur last cycle too! How quick can 3 months go! I'm thinking iui is my route at the moment!
So for me I was in crazyyyyy back pain on Wednesday night ended up in emergency after 7hours they sent me home still not knowing whats going on, so thursday I had ultrasounds turns out I have cysts on my ovaries most likely from the clomid so I'm just upset that I'm not moving forward only backwards. Although my dr said I could still be pregnant as it's common in early pregnancy but af isn't due until the 7th or 8th so there no way of knowing! I'm just soooooo upset that I feel like clomid is wasting my time! I'm begging dh to go on a holiday so I can get everything off my mind! Anyways I'm feeling slot better just a few little pains! So I'm praying everyday that this is just the start of my baby growing! Thanks for being here ladies! Wouldn't no what to do without u all! Xxxxxx
Aww love, I'm right there praying with you!! I know what you mean about the clomid, I started round 3 yesterday!! I remember the first month taking it being so excited, now I'm just skeptical as to whether it's doing anything at all. My fertile CM is terrible on the clomid and I miss my regular amount of EWCM!! And who the hell knows what it's doing to my lining!! I'm not sure what my doc wants to do after clomid, we haven't spoken about it yet. He said if I'm not pg after 3 rounds to go back and see him, so that's what it's going to do. I think after removing the endo he was also very positive that we could do it without going to much expense, but I'm over that now. I want a baby and I'll pay anything to have one. Ugh.

Apologies for the rant, not having the best start to my month. How am I supposed to make babies when i'm feeling all grumpy and totally un-sexy?!? Stupid clomid.

Little, I've just decided to go with what the doc said and stick to my 50mg. I hope whatever you decide to do works for you!!

Nat, glad your op was a success!! Hope there is success soon in your future!!

Honestly ladies, if it wasn't for you (and so many of us moving onto round 3 of clomid together) I'm sure I'd be psycho by now. :rofl:
Hi all!! Just checking in to see how everyone is going?
Not much to report from me really CD9 today, last day of clomid, and feeling normal (as per usual). Start the BD'ing train tomorrow to give it one last red hot go! ;)
I hope all you ladies are ok, I've been thinking about you all, and sending you all baby dust.
Take care xx
Hi Ladies!!

How is everyone doing?

Little, looks like we're on more or less the same cycle again this month! I'm cd 13 today and expecting to ovulate today/tomorrow. Had a bd last night and will again tonight with some preseed. No positive opk yet though, but I've been taking them quite late in the evening which I don't think is ideal.

Had a temp dip today though, which in my opinion means oulation, guess I'll have to wait and see tomorrow!

Love, how are you doing?

Tracey dear, are you alive? Hope you are over your sickness!
Hi all, hope ur all doing well,

Afm I'm due to ovulate around next thurs or fri so oh has agreed to bd every nite from tue's till tue's so fingers crossed this will be our month xxxx
Hey ladies,
Af got me on Wednesday and this is the first month I didnt really care about it, I didn't even cry! Although I changed it up this month I start spotting on wednesday and my period didn't start probably until Thursday so I took my clomid on Friday counting that a cd2 what do u guys think it's sounded okay to me an hubby, only time will tell! So I really can't be bothered to get cycle monitored this it's to tiring and freezing cold to get up soo early and I was running late to work for almost a week straight not to mention all the blood test I'm surprised no one said anything!
Little- glad to see ur about to pop that eggy out!
Plastik- maybe u have ovulated along as u have been bding! Now we pray!!
Nats- good luck!! Bd ur heart out! Xxx
Thats all from me ladies! Glad to hear from u all! Xxx
Good morning all!

Love- So sorry to hear that AF arrived, boo!! I am thrilled to read that you didn't let it get to you, you go girl! I rekon you made the right decision about the Clomid, I think I would have done the same thing. Hey, I am going to have to probably do all the monitoring from next month, can you explain what you had to do each morning? Was it just blood tests and ultrasounds? So this is the last cycle for you before IVF/IUI too? are you going to continue on with your current doc if you have to go down this path?

Plastik - how is your monitoring going? did you get your OV peak? This month is the first month I am using the clear blue ovulation tester, just to stop my curiosity. I think I can pretty much tell I am ovulating as I am VERY uncomfortable for 12 hours (bloated etc), but I wanted to get the test to be 100% sure I am correct. I still think my luteneal faze is completely out of whack personally, but time will tell I guess.

AFM - I have my appointment with the IVF doctor on Thursday so we can get things moving. Realistically I am going to have to wait a week or two before we start anything, as we need to make sure we're not already UTD, but I am guessing all the blood work I need to do before we start will encompass a PG test too. First thing I will be addressing with the doc is my luteneal faze, I am convinced I am o'lating too late, which is making it impossible for my little eggs to implant properly. a girlfriend of mine had the same problem, they rectified the problem on the 3rd round of the IUI, and hey presto, she was pregnant! So I have complete faith in what the docs can do, I am only hoping it doesn't take us 3 bloody rounds to get there.

Hope you all have a great week and take care of yourselves! :)
Little- okay my monitoring was good but i think more stressful, so on cd7 I went in for bloods in the morning then they ring u by 3 to tell u what happens next so for me I was back cause my levels were strong so they wanted to do an internal ultrasound to look for follicles there weren't big enough then the next bloods my levels had dropped so I didn't go back for bloods until cd10 it was just bloods every morning it's kinda funny cause u see everyone waiting in the waiting room and everyone knows why ur there but it's like u want to be nice to everyone, then for me cd11 was strongest results so they asked me back for a trigger shot in the morning cd12 which I paid for separately at the chemist downstairs then took it back up for them to give it to me, the needle didn't hurt one bit but the medication that goes in u stings like a bi#ch, then they told me to bd on Thursday night and Friday night to cover all bases but if I was doing iui it would have been done on Thursday she said! Without sounding rude it didn't work for me but still be positive for urself maybe that's what ur body needs. I think I'm liking the more relaxed approach I'm saying that when god thinks I'm ready he will give me a baby! but yes I'll still do iui next month if af arrives with the same dr I like him although I think he thinks I'm crazy for wanting a baby soooo bad and being so young I'm always complaining to him so I hope he likes me deep down haha he the only dr that's helped me with my fertility, come to think of it I wonder how much he is for pregnancy hrmmm! Anyways I hope ur excited for ur monitoring let us no how it goes! Xxx mwa
Hello lovelies!!

I haven't gone the monitoring route yet, but if this cycle doesn't work out then it's back to the gynae next cycle, so we'll probably start monitoring then. I might actually just give my body a break next cycle, not temping, no opk's, and then go to the gynae after that. That will probably depend on wether or not I get the horse on 30 June. If I do then I'll definately give it a break for a month so that I can ride before I give the horse time off. If I don't get the horse then it's straight to the gynae!! :haha:

Well, AFM, who know that being all hormonal and moody (thanks clomid) could actually have it's uses? I feel like a bit of an idiot, but I just know you ladies will understand.

So this morning, I'm driving around (I'm a rep so I drive around alot), there's this truck in front of me going really slowly, so I overtake it. Nothing serious, nothing scary, I didn't even speed to do it. Anyway, a few min later there's a cop care behind me flashing at me to pull over. So I'm like "what now"? For some reason I always get pulled over on this specific road, but last time I was talking on my cell, which I know is wrong. Anyway, that cop tells me that I overtook illegally on a solid line. Now, to be fair, the line is hardly visible it's so old, how the hell am I supposed to know this? Anyway, we have issues with cops looking for bribes in our country, and I'm one of those sticklers who refuses to bribe anyone, if I did something wrong, then just fine me. So he tells me it's going to cost R2500!! :hissy: That's like 200 Pounds for all of you in the UK. :dohh: So he says "Must I charge you" and I'm like "I guess so", then he says again how it's so much money and what do I do? I BURST INTO TEARS!!!! :cry: At which point he called his boss over who told me that we all make mistakes and I must just calm down and look carefully at the signs on the road. And that was that. Goodbye, no fine.

So I guess I really due owe clomid some thanks, even if it hasn't helped me get pg yet!!! :haha: :rofl: :rofl: :haha:

And that's my story. 5dpo today, nothing special going on. BBS might be slightly tender, which is a bit earlier than usual, but whatever. I think I'm going to take the money I nearly lost on a fine and buy myself a nice hot pair of black boots!!
Hello ladies!!!

Sorry to leave you all in the lurch for a is financial year end here, and I can barely breath with the workload & stress.
So please excuse me if I disappear every now & then.....I am still here though in spirit with you all!!

Plastik : Hahahahaha - sorry, but that was funny!! So glad you got off fine-free though!! At least you know Clomid gave you ONE form of a positive....for now. The next may still be coming.... :happydance:

That was the only post I read, sorry ladies - going to go back & catch up quick if I can....

Quick one on me : Well, my man was supposed to have flowen out on Sunday to Korea for a week on business, and of COURSE, I am due to ovulate tomorrow :dohh:. But low and behold (this brute of a man I have that NEEVVEERRR get's sick EVER) comes down with pneumonia AND bronchitus. So the doc wouldn't give him the go-ahead to fly. SOOOOO.....woohooooo, he got to stay with me!! So we have been BD'ing up a storm, and will get in another round tonight for my ov tomorrow. The fact that he's sick & on med's (me too) doesn't give me much hope, but hey, if it's meant to be it will be.
Can't believe it, he was last at a doc in 2007 for flu. Never again. And now this month of ALLLLLL months, he misses his Korea trip by a few days.

Hope you are all well ladies! :hugs:

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