Laparoscopy & Endo Removal.... pregnancy?

Plastik and little: I'm sorry that your AF showed up. I hate her.

Lv: thanks for the encouragement.
VL - so good to hear your story. We all need these positive stories right now! May you please explain what Cerazette does exactly, don't think I have heard of this before, is this like Clomid, or something completely different?! Whereabouts did they find the endo was? What was your cycle like after coming off the Cerazette? How long was it? and more importantly when did you DTD? We need all this information to help our crusade for the BFP's!!!! :)

Plastik - I am with you abou the Depo luv, my AF isn't too bad, just the mood I am in is shocking. OH is out of work at the moment too, so it all seems to be caving in on us. Did you decide about the Horse?

Love - You never know, you would well be PG!! Sending positive thoughts to you hun!! What CD are you?

I am officially CD1 today (first day of the month... I am taking this as being a positive sign) now I don't have to revert to my diary to get my day calculation. Thinking I might do some OPK's this month, why the hell not, focussing on this will help me cope I rekon. And got to by some more Preseed too, I am going to use a whole tube this month!! What else can i do to do things better?!!?!??! hmmm.... not sure, I am sure I will think of something!

Positive thoughts to all you ladies, although we have hit a bump in the road we will all get there, and not only that, WE HAVE EACH OTHER!! Have a good day ladies xx

Cerazette was a minipill not containing oestrogen, which you take every day.

I was hospitalised at the end of March last year with extreme abdominal pain and bleeding. After a week in hospital they still were none the wiser as to what was wrong. They found some cysts but refused to do anything, and had queried fibroids and myoma necrosis among other things.

2 weeks later I was hospitalised again as in agony again. This time they found that the cysts had grown, and wanted to drain them. Was tested for ovarian cancer, (thankfully negatve), and also found that my left ovary (when they eventually found it!) was behind my uterus and my right ovary tucked in front of it.

In early June I was hospitalised again in agony and after presuading the doc they agreed to perform a diagnostic lap. After 2 days waiting in hospital, the rd day they tried to cancel it again and send me home, and I put my foot down and was operated on the 4th day (early June 2011). They found more cysts on my left ovary, and a parovarian cyst on the right side, and have endo on the uterine ligaments, behind the uterus and several lesions in the pouch of Douglas. All were burnt away.

I was given the option of starting HRT, but wanted a child, but at the same time my partner was diagnosed with a broken back, so I was started on Cerazette whilst waiting to hear what the outcome would be for my partner.
Before the lap (and all the problems last year) I had a cycle of about 19 days. After the lap, and starting on Cerazette my cycle got worse and well in months i had only 3 "blood-free" days! Stopped taking Cerazette end of September and well concieved mid-October!

As another positive story, I also have a family member with severe Endo as well as other medical problems, has had 4 failed attempts of IVF, radiation treatment on the ovaries, and miraculously is also naturally pregnant!!:happydance:

On the other end of the scale, I also know people who have been completely debilitated by Endo etc and have lost everything! :cry:

Mental attitude plays a huge role in dealing with this all, so chin up folks, and I wish you all the best. :flower:
Vl- it's soooooo nice for u to give us ur story! I'm so glad ur pregnant now what great news!!
Little- I'm on cd21 today which is weird cause I haven't been counting down the days until af so now I no I could probably test on Sunday? So I woke up this morning at 6 to wee I couldn't hold it anymore but that's not really a sign! I'm over thinking it! How are u today?
How's everyone today??? Does anyone in here on clomid get there cycles monitored with ultrasounds? To pinpoint ovulation? Maybe I should ask for that next month?
Well I hope to hear back from u all soon! Xxxxxx :hugs:
thanks again VL - there is hope for us all yet! :)

Mrs - I have everything crossed for you hun, you are the last of us all the get a possible BFP!!! BABY DUST... now that you know what day you are up to, you will be feeling EVERYTHING, its kind of better not to know where you are up to in your cycle I rekon (if that is at all possible), otherwise you send yourself around the twist!! I will be thinking of you on Sunday ;), I am ok, my AF is REALLY light, which I assume is the Clomid, as I have been doing a little research about it. Its been barely a Flow, which is really odd, I am hoping this won't effect the lining for this cycle.... Got to put my order through via soon... OPK's galore I rekon... :)
Hey ladies,

I had a lap done April 5th, several cysts removed from both ovaries and now I'm on cd 33... My cycle has always been regular 29-30 days. Been feeling that I'm in a love and hate relationship. Reading some stories about how terrible 1st AF after a lap but also deep down... Still hoping she will not visit anymore this year... Hoping for a miracle... I'm 33 and DH is 40, been trying for 2,5 years. Hugs to all...
Welcome to you Martian, good to have you here with us! Fingers crossed the lap is all you need to get your little miracle. I wouldn't stress about your first AF, mine wasn't painful/heavy at all, so it is not always bad. I am sure you will be fine. xx
Yes.. u need to wait for the day to come.. i wish to have success for you!! Don't worry
Hey ladies, can i join u please? if i'm totally honest then i haven't read every single post but i have looked at lots of them and i think this could be the right place for me???

I started ntnp immediately after my youngest (now 14mths) was born, 8 or 9 mths ago we started actively ttc and no bfp yet! I had endo diagnosed in the past and was treated about 4 yrs ago, now i suffer from alot of the same symptoms of endo so myself and the doctors think its probably returned, i am going in for a laparoscopy on the 16th and hoping they will find and treat endometriosis which i'm praying will lead to my bfp!!

hope you don't mind me crashing this thread just thought u lovely ladies would understand xxx
Hi just seen this thread and want to say good luck to all ! I have had two laproscopys cysts removed and lazer treatment on endo deposits and put on decapeptyl for a early menopause for a year and I fell pregnant with my first 5 months after the decapeptyl wore off ! I was told at the time I prob wasnt ovulating as my overies had cysts on them and very swollen and I was booked in for another lap in feb 2011 ( they thought they where going to havr to scar/remove ovaries then I got my miracle BFP in the dec 2010 naturally after being told id need fertility treatment ( I know I am extremely lucky )! just wanted to say miracles do happen and good luck to all you endo girls out there!! :)
Thanks littleR & Sonia... I'm trying to keep busy, keep my mind off things, it's driving me nuts :wacko::wacko:
Has anyone experienced late AF (first aft lap)? And how late? My longest cycle (ever) is 31days and right now I'm not feeling anything coming, no tender breasts, no cramps nothing, well just a little bit moody here and there... Could I be.....? It's prob too soon to test, right? What do you guys think?
Hey Martian & nats, welcome guys! thank u gem for ur story that was lovely of u too share!
How's all the ladies going? Of the top of my head... Pdx, praying, little, tracey??
Still trying really hard not to symptom spot which I no I am! Im praying I get my BFP so scared that I'll be really devastated if I don't again! Xoxox baby dust all round!
Hi ladies!!

Welcome to all the new ladies!! Martian, my AF was a couple of days late, I actually did a little dance on the loo when she finally did arrive!! :haha:

Mrs, how many dpo are you at the moment? Good luck to you!!

Tracey dear, you alive? When is AF due for you?

Little, when do you take your clomid this month? I'm not being monitored last month or this month. I'm only doing 2 months of the clomid so might speak to the doc next month to be monitored if I get that weird spotting again this month.

I'm 4 dpo and start my clomid tomorrow (which means I need to remember to go and fill my script today). I've been having some cramps near my ovaries which I don't normally get. Not sure what it is, hope I haven't develped cysts or something. That would NOT be cool. But I'm going to just ride this month out, try at the right times, not use opk's but I am temping with my new, proper BBT thermometer which is really cool!! Thinking we're just going to go for it every other day from day 10 on. Or 9. Or 8. :rofl:

Good luck ladies!!
Hey plastik, AF came so my last cycle was 34days. She came hard this time, but I was ready :thumbup: been taking arnica, pretty helpful. She scares me tho because I've had tons of huge clots (tmi sorry). I hope it's how it's supposed to be, she's prob doing major spring cleaning in there...

Why are u on clomid right away? Little also taking clomid right after lap? I thought clomid makes endo grow back or something. We were on clomid 1st & 2nd year of trying, but my Dr actually told us to just try naturally 1st 2-3cycles after lap and maybe IUI could be the next step. So, I'm excited for my O day :winkwink: we will be in the US by then visiting family...
Sorry about AF Martian! My AF can be really clotty sometimes, I don't think it's anything to worry about. I'm on the clomid coz my gynae said he wanted to give us the best chance possible the first 3 cycles after the lap. I haven't heard about it makIn endo grow back, but I'll research that a bit. Doesn't most endo grow back on its own anyway?
Sorry about the :witch: Martian. I heard that Clomid might make the endo grow back a little faster then when you ovualte on your own. I think it has to do with the fact that clomid makes you ovulate stronger.

But if the Clomid helps you get a BFP sooner, then it shouldn't make a difference.
Top of the morning to you all lovely ladies. Sorry for the gap between visits, still trying hard to get my head around AF arriving and needed a wee break from stuff. But i am back.

Martian - My AF after the lap was definately clotty, so nothing to worry about there. The current one is really light and pretty much just spotting, so hoping this will still produce a healthy linning for my little egg. I am the same as Plastik Re: clomid after the lap, we have been given 3 cycles only before we head down the IVF trail. 1 down, 2 to go!! I had a fantastic Progesterone surge last cycle on only 25mg, so its encouraging. Good luck to you for this cycle :)

Plastik - How are you hun? Got a new BBT monitor huh, thats great! I doubt your cysts have grown back, but guess your FS will have a better idea about this than me. Our FS said to DTD every 2nd day from day 10, but I guess it couldn't hurt to start earlier than that ;) spice it up a bit! haha How are you travelling with the clomid this round? I have a good feeling for us about this cycle :)

Nats - are you still scheduled for your lap on the 16th? fingers crossed the op is all you need to get your BFP!! Keep us posted on how the procedure goes hun! :)

Love - how are you going with everything?? Any more preg symptoms???

AFM - CD7 today, so I've taken 2 x clomid pills. No side effects at this stage, but guess it's early days. My AF is still just brown spotting which is weird, I hope this stops soon as we have to DTD in a couple of days. I have embarked on a new challenge to take my mind off things... getting a new job!! so going to throw myself into that for a while and see what happens. Its funny if I get pg this cycle it will be the exact same month as when my first angel was concieved, maybe this is a sign... hope so!

Have a good day/nite all! :):):):):):):)
Hello ladies,
Very emotional this morning BFN I don't no why I tested early af isn't due until Tuesday for some reason all I want to do is cry all day today but u see all theses girls getting the BFP so early I thought I'd be a lucky one! so I'll probably test again tomorrow I have had heap of runny then thick cm so it's not helping me!
Sorry for the rant u girls no how it is I just want to run away from everything! I've NEVER had a bfp I want to no what it feels like now!! :(
Oh LOVE, I am so sorry to hear you are not good :'( Well as you say, you have tested early, so no need to cancel out hope just yet. Remember we are all different, and there will only be a handful of ladies who actually get a BFP BEFORE AF is due, some women don't get the BFP until 1 or 2 weeks AFTER AF is due, so as someone said to me, you still have a chance if AF hasn't yet arrived. So chin up, go out with your OH on a hot date, and have a wine or two, I am sure it will make you feel slightly better. I have everything crossed for you hun, and sending you sticky angels!! ;) :) ;)
Well, Im 4dpo today. I'm trying not to symptom spot and so far I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary, just the usual.

Love, sorry about the :bfn: I would tell you not to get upset about it, but I know it won't help!! Due tomorrow so I'm holding thumbs for you!! :thumbup:

Praying, Whoopee!! Into the TWW! Good luck not going looney! I had such good intentions last month but it didn't really work out for me :haha:

Little, nearly done with the clomid! I think we're on the exact same cycle! I'm 8dpo today and it's my 4th clomid day, last one tomorrow!! This cycle I've been taking them at night. I had some hot flashes last night, didn't have those last month. My DH kept asking me why I wasn't under the duvet and trying to cover me up, so sweet!! Today I've got a textbook clomid headache. Yay for me. At least it's working, right? I've ALSO been spotting since AF. It's SO annoying. I hate feeling all manky and gross when we want to DTD!! Looks like it may have stopped today, but I thought that two days ago too. How's your spotting?

I'm really enjoying my new bbt thermometer! It's so much more accurate than my last one which was just a regular digital thermometer

AFM, have take 3 of my clomid pills so far (well, Fertomid, since the whole of my city is low on Clomid they had to give me a generic, I was NOT about to skip a month!). Going to try to not obsess so much this month. I'll accomplish that by actually setting some work goals so that I am busy, only checking in on BnB once or twice throughout the day, and spend some time thinking about the possibility of buying a horse at the auction on June 30th, and convincing my dad that it's a good idea so that I have the cash to buy it .

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