Laparoscopy & Endo Removal.... pregnancy?

Ag no...I'm sorry!!
Very strange that its so late?
I see your cycles are sometimes very short though, which isn't right. You may have had an anovulatory cycle this time around, which is why AF hasn't arrived.
Which means u will still prob ovulate before ur next AF. Some ladies I've known (and u can also see A LOT of charts on fertility friend) end up ovulating on CD40 + and fall preggies.
So not all hope is lost...
and im not giving up until the shows her ugly face... i had EWCM back on the 13 and BD 2 days before and that day and day after just incase i was O'ing so that would put me 7dpo today and that woouldnt show up on a blood test so FX but i have told myself i am not taking ANY more tests.. i dont drink much or smoke and already take prenatals so IF i get pregnant i will eventually start getting a baby bump and start feeling movements,
Ah, PDX what a confusing situation. I really hope the negative result was incorrect. I agree with Tracy, your cycles are REALLY short usually, what was the big difference with the 6th cycle? It is interesting to read about the anovulatory cycle, can't say I have heard of this before......

CD21 for me today... god I hate waiting!
yeah i have no clue what happened with cycle 6, we sinc ei had the 3 cycles in 6 weeks my dr did the laperscopic during cycle 9 and it came back normal. no endomitriosis, no cysts, & almost NO scar tissue from my previous c/s
Little_Ratbag - anovulatory cycles are more common than what ladies realise. Some ladies will have af only a few days late, so they don't realise. Some ladies will skip a whole cycle before af arrives, and get bfn's etc and can't understand it. But its very uncommon if you are on fertility drugs etc. So now you know...its common, and extreeeeemly frustrating!!! Been there a couple of times in the past myself...

Pdx : as I say, I would suggest u bd anyway as I'm sure that's the case for u. So just carry on with regular bd sessions, and hopefully it will end up in a bfp anyway, just a little later than expected.
Keeping fingers crossed for u all the way!!!

Afm : still have mild pains on my left ovary - post ov pains that I'm oh-so-used-to. But lasting longer this cycle. I think the Pregnacare Conception has helped a lot with good size follicles. I'll make SURE next cycle we get in the bd sessions we need to!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!
yeah we really dont "try" to get pregnant, we both want a baby but figure that it will happen eventually and practicing (BDing) is the most fun part. but my Dh had Varicocele and had surgery on it when he was a teen, however it is back (he thinks) so we know our chances of conceiving are really low as it is. but he has a son from a previous marriage so we know that its not totally out of the question.
Pdx that's so annoying, I hope everything works out for u soon, ur cycle length are everywhere!
Tracey I thought of changing to pregnacare instead of elivit but I'm staying with what my dr wants.
Little how are u feeling? What cd are u on? I buy my opks from there good so far!

I no this sounds bad but I can't be bothered opking this month I feel happy with the dr requests of when to bd so I'll go with the flow! Fx so much I've been very depressed this week!
Anyways looking forward to seening were ur all up to now! Xxxxxx
Pdx: I'm sorry to hear about the negative blood test. But the ladies are right, sometimes we don't ovulate every cycle so make sure you continue to :sex:. Have you tried tempting? It drives me crazy but it works. I can confirm when I ovulate and if AF is coming. I've used opks in the past but stopped when i realized it doesn't guarantee that I ovulated. I may do both this cycle.

As for me, AF showed her ugly face yesterday...needless to say, I AM :cry:. My 1st cycle after my lap started 2 days after the surgery so I'm rolling into my 2nd cycle. A couple weeks ago, when I ovulated, I could feel pain in both ovaries and I'm hoping that it was because it was the 1st ovulation post-op and my body was still healing and not the endo still their or back already!!
I'm trying to stay positive since my sister has endo and after her lap, her flood gates became open (4 kids under the age of 8).

Here we go again! Is anyone in their 2WW? Baby dust to you ladies!!
I had my third one last June, and started to TTC from Jan this year. I've heard many of the successive stories, so it will happen to you (and me;-)) as well!!
Hello lovely ladies!!!

Apologies for the radio silence over the weekend. I can feel myself getting so obsessed already and I'm sure it's not a good thing.

Praying, I'm in the TWW!! 4dpo, although I think it's actually 5dpo, but FF disagrees :dohh: SO sorry that the wicked :witch: got you! How inconsiderate! On the bright side, I bet your body was still under a bit of strain from the lap, and this month will be an even better chance!!! :thumbup:

Mamabear, just keep going at it! :sex: I know it's frustrating to not know exactly what your body is doing, but if you keep at it then it has to happen sometime, right? :shrug:

Tracey, sounds like your body is giving you all of the good signs that things are on track!! I'm still going to hold onto a glimmer of hope that you get a miracle baby, but if not it sounds like you'll have a fantastic chance next cycle!!!

AFM, I'm obsessing. It's terrible. I haven't convinced myself that I'm pg, I promised myself that any and all symptoms this monht I would blame on the clomid, but I DO spend a crazy amound of time every day wondering and wishing and waiting for this two weeks to be over. :coffee: I'm frustrating myself! So far my skin has cleared up :happydance: (never happens), my bbs are already bigger but not sore :Holly: (usually only happens from about 7dpo and they would be sore), I've had these weird 'bubbles' in my tummy for two days that actually kept DH and I awake on Saturday night they were so loud, and I've had some cramps pretty much all over my tummy area, up to feeling like a mild stich under my right rib and some around my ovaries (both of them) and some around my groin and belly button. SO as you can see, Clomid is playing havoc with me :wacko:

How are all of you ladies doing today?
Pdx: I'm sorry to hear about the negative blood test. But the ladies are right, sometimes we don't ovulate every cycle so make sure you continue to :sex:. Have you tried tempting? It drives me crazy but it works. I can confirm when I ovulate and if AF is coming. I've used opks in the past but stopped when i realized it doesn't guarantee that I ovulated. I may do both this cycle.

As for me, AF showed her ugly face yesterday...needless to say, I AM :cry:. My 1st cycle after my lap started 2 days after the surgery so I'm rolling into my 2nd cycle. A couple weeks ago, when I ovulated, I could feel pain in both ovaries and I'm hoping that it was because it was the 1st ovulation post-op and my body was still healing and not the endo still their or back already!!
I'm trying to stay positive since my sister has endo and after her lap, her flood gates became open (4 kids under the age of 8).

Here we go again! Is anyone in their 2WW? Baby dust to you ladies!!

no i have never temp charted, and never used opk, figure when ever it is ment to happen it will. i rather not turn BD into a chore for the Dh he is just starting to want to BD more often and i dont wanna put any kind of hamper on it. he already thinks its odd that i track my AF needless to say we are not "actively trying" unless you ask ANY dr here in OR... if you are not preventing they say you are actively TTC.

AF still hasnt showed her ugly face yet, today is CD 45 45 more to go and i will test again. ( who am i kidding i know i am a POAS addict :dohh: ... i hope to make it at least until May 5 before testing again if AF doesnt shoe)
platik: thanks! I hope you're right!

I'm so excited for you!!!5 DPO!!! :happydance: Baby Dust plastik!

Sunray: Thanks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for us both!

Pdx: I understand that. DH is ok with tracking, especially since we found out what was causing my pain. We are hoping it will happen in the next 6 mos. I still have my fingers crossed for your BFP!
platik: thanks! I hope you're right!

I'm so excited for you!!!5 DPO!!! :happydance: Baby Dust plastik!

Sunray: Thanks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for us both!

Pdx: I understand that. DH is ok with tracking, especially since we found out what was causing my pain. We are hoping it will happen in the next 6 mos. I still have my fingers crossed for your BFP!

thanks so do i, my hubby doesnt mind my tracking he just never heard of anyone doing it before. and i WISH my drs could have figured out what the cause of my pain was but they have no clue, and have ruled out everything
WOW ladies, you guys have been busy on here, it's great to hear how you are all going!

CD25 for me today, I had a large clump of Cloudy White CM last night (sorry TMI), not too sure what that is all about?! But nothing today, any ideas? Not much else to mention really though in the way of possible bodily changes, pretty damn moody is the other main thing I guess (comes and goes, so don't think its PMS... at least I hope not!). Ah well, guess I just keep on waiting, thinking AF should arrive CD29 or CD30, so 5 or so more days to WAIT!! aaarrgh... I hate it!

Plastik - Glad I am not the only one obsessing about our bodies right now! Things that are happening to you appear to be encouraging though, which is GREAT! Interesting about the 'bubble effect' Fingers x'd! What day are you expecting AF to arrive?

Love - I know what you mean about not being bothered to OPK, it has done me wonders this month to be honest, not a stress in the world, just DTD regularly. Now that you are on the clomid, you know that things are taken care of from your perspective, so you just have the get the lil' spermies up there as much as possible. Where are you up to on your cycle hun? Have you had any side effects take hold from the Clomid? Are you feeling any different to normal? P.S happy ANZAC day ;)

PDMX - CD45!! goodness, what the hell is going on?Also sorry to hear about the docs not coming up with a solution?! Hope everything happens for you soon :)

Praying - sorry to hear AF arrived, onwards and upwards for the next cycle! :)
Morning ladies!

So sorry for the silence - it's month end here at work, and I never get a chance to even breath this time of the month here, let alone post.
So it's a quick one from me....

Pdx : Still fx that your cycle ends soon (in a BFP if I have my way!!!) so you know what's happening in there.
Can't believe they can't find the route of the's crazy?!

Praying : Sorry the old :witch: arrived!! Let's just move forward knowing THIS is your cycle...positive vibes coming your way from me!!

Plastik : Hahahahaha - that's crazy about the bubbles.....I had the exact same problem 2 nights ago. The noises coming out of my stomach were BF and myself were in histerics lying in bed listening to it....we had a good chuckle...

Little_Ratbag : Alot of ladies have "blobs" of creamy CM in the 2ww, so fx that's a poitive sign for you!

All the other ladies...hello!!

AFM : Well, I still have the pain on my ovary, and I keep on having pink/light brown coloured CM (and last night, LOADS of it). It is on & off, but when it's there, it's enought to have to put on a liner, it's incredibly heavy. Starting to wonder if I don't have either a cyst on the ovary, or an infection in my uterus. It's really really weird. And yet, no cramping at all, which you usually get if you have an's weird.... :shrug:
But Im not stressing just yet - worried, but not stressed....know what I mean??
I have alot of work to keep my mind semi-off it for now.

Have a wonderful day ladies!!!! :hugs:
Hello all you lovely ladies!!

MammaBear, you need to do things the way that they suit you! If no opk or temping is what makes you guys happy, then that's definately the way to go!!

Little, only 5 more days!!! Are you going to test early? I still have 7/8 to go and I'm loosing my marbles!! :wacko: Luckily we have a long weekend from Friday to Tuesday this week, so only back to work on Wednesday. I find myself obsessing more at work, probably because I have the dreaded DR Google right at my fingertips.

Tracey, I'm a bit worried about that consistent pain in your ovary and the weird CM!! Maybe you ARE pg!!! (Hey, a girl's allowed to be positive!!) If AF does show up this cycle maybe you need to see your doc about it? :shrug:

AFM, ladies, things are strange. The bubbles haven't stopped and the cramps have gotten a little worse. 6dpo today if FF is to be believed :shrug: (I reckon I'm 7dpo - HALFWAY!!). I've had (**TMI ALERT**) diarreah for the last two or three days, and the weird thing is, its green !! :dohh: I don't know what to make of it. I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary, I've been on my prenatal vits for months already so it can't be that. I'm starting to feel that monster Hope rising inside of me, and it scares me.
Plastik : Heehee...thanks for the positive vibes :hugs:
You're a star! BUT, nope....this is definately not pg signs. Somethings going on in there, and I'm realllyyyyy hoping it's not a cyst on my ovary.
Will go to gynae if it doesn't clear up by the time AF arrives. Don't want to suffer next cycle too.
About your stomach - you might have a small bug. I had it a few days back, and it was the same. Took some satchets the pharmacy suggested & it helped alot. Actually started with me waking at 4:30am rushing to the loo to throw up wildly...VERY strange for me. And then no nausea again after that, just horrible noises & the runs, badly.
Satchet name is Smecta, if you wana try that.
If it's not a bug, then let HOPE prevail!!!
Thanks for the info Tracey!!! Will most definately pop past the pharmacy and pick some up. I haven't been nauseous at all, but if there is a stomach bug going around then I almost always catch it, so that's probably what it is!! I hope I don't start throwing up, coz then I'm going to get REALLY excited. Isn't it sad that a bit of vomit and runny poo can get us ladies so excited? :rofl:

I definately think a trip to the gynae is a good plan. We want you to be in perfect working order for the next cycle!!! Maybe you should go soon, while you are experiencing these weird pains and leakages. Probably easier for the doc to diagnose something if that something is still going on when he sees you! :hugs:
Hey ladies, :flower:
I can't keep up with u all hahaha it's good we have such a friendly group! Sorry I don't get on as often as I should. Okay were to start.... Sorry if I miss anyone :hugs: it's hard when were all on at different times

PDX- I no what u mean about if u start temping and opking it will become a chore but maybe do one or the other so it's not as stressful, it sucks how no one knows about ur pains it must be annoying! P.s (I'm a poas addict too).

TRACEY- I hope work isn't too stressful for u! What cd are u on? I'm confused about ur light blood I hope it's nothing serious are u getting cramps?

PLASTIK- I'm obsessing too! Sorry u feel sick I hope its for a good reason then I'm happy ur sick, it's great ur skin cleared up too I WISH!!

LITTLE- yay for ur creamy glob of cm I think that's a good sign, what signs did u have with ur other pregnancy? So I'm on cd14 YaY!!! Yes ive been dancing hehe and lying upside down Hehe normally it drips out of me as soon as he pulls out but we have been keeping it in then dh grabs my legs and lifts them on to the bed head with 2 pillows under my bum so they stay in haha sorry if that was tmi. Not really any side effects a few headaches here and there and MAJOR bloating which my dr warned me about. The clomid made me more comfortable to not worry about opks and my dr made me more confident to dtd on the days he said rather then test! Sooo 5 more days for u I'd be getting ready to poas! Happy Anzac day to u too did u enjoy ur day it's freezing here like freezing!!!

So I've heard of 3 pregnancies in 2 days I'm dying inside I cried today :cry: I'm just upset and really want it to be my turn, I'm really thinking clomid will work but if it doesn't I just don't think I can try for another 2 months, I just want iui now. My dh said that if af shows in 2 weeks he wants to go back to the dr's! I no Im meant to do 3 months on clomid but I should just stay positive for now and pray to god to send me my baby :baby: sorry for the rant! I'm now getting jealous of pregnant people! I'm not a jealous person :dohh: thanks for listening to me ladies :hugs:
Eek!! Help ladies!! The last two times I've been to the loo today there has been brown spotting when I wipe!!!! I never ever ever ever have any sort of bleeding between periods! FF says I'm 6 dpo but I'm still convinced I'm 7 dpo. Could it be implantation bleeding?! Or am I getting my hopes up (again) for nothing?

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