Last chance for bfp before xmas 2010!

Oh well...the same for me...although the tiredness is still there....lets see tommorow...if i get a good night's sleep...and then the tiredness continues...would be a good sign..wont it??

Just a silly question for it ok to BD just in case we are in the process of getting preggers......thing is...i dont want to take a chance of DTD during the initial phase (if preggers) and spoiling my chances.....dumb question i know....just need some assurance
Would definitely be a good sign if you feel you have gotten a good nights sleep and yet still feel exhausted! could mean a bump is on the way :) :) :)

No having sex now won't affect your chances and any implantation or anything, but keep an eye out for any bleeding afterwards or whatnot because if you ARE preggers your cervix could be in a different position and you don't want to agrivate it! But im certain that BDing now won't have any effect :) so bump away!! :) :)

What date do you think you will test? im not sure!
Well....I have planned on 16th December....since i want to wait till my cycles have gone that long for 2-3 times.....but normally i have 29 days cycle....which means i can test on December 13th.....lets see....i think i can wait till December 13th atleast....thats when AF is due

One good thing is i never had the urge to test early...What about you???
oh goddddd lucky you to not feel the need to test early!! I always get the urge but i never keep any hpt at home so i know if i DO go and buy one then i try to wait atleast until im 12/13dpo, dont have the money to waste on testing any earlier! So im thinking i'll test around the 8/9th December and see what happens! Least if its a BFN i know AF is only just around the corner.
Oh cool.....I would be praying for you on 8/9th december to get ur BFP....if u get a BFP then i too would be tempted to test early.....
Fingers Toes all crossed for a BFP!!!!
Feeling anything new yet?
thankyou! we'll be keeping our fingers, toes and eyes crossed for good luck! hah!

Well funny you should ask i was JUST about to write that i hadnt noticed anything new over the lunchhour but ive been sitting here for about 10 minutes now and all of a sudden about 30 seconds ago i got about 4 or 5 SHARP stabbing pains right behind my bellybutton! No idea what thats about but was certainly enough for me to shout 'OUCH' literally felt like sum1 had stuck a needle in me! Very weird .. and now my stomach feels very tender, not to the touch, but like tender inside.. weird! How about you hunni? Anything new?
thats the exact feeling i was referring to around my belly button yesterday....Wow...looks like somethin

just a quick update!

Have just started getting the pains in my lower right side again! Not as bad as yesterday but definitely there again! Hoping this is a good sign as i dont remember having the pains in 2 consecutive days on the trot last month! (you watch i will check my phone app now and i will find out i DID infact have it haha) fingers crossed!!!

p.s just HAD to point out my avatar (excluding the big fat ginger cat who looks very much like my own! haha) where it says 'have a great week and make it happen' thought it was very fitting to our situation! haha! But the picture made me laugh anyway :) its a shame you can't see the writing next to the pc on it but i think you would be able to on my profile picture!

Hope your day is going ok! not sure what time it is there! You will have to tell me how many hours ahead/behind you are so i will know in future!
Hello ladies! It's morning where I'm at, so good morning!

It sounds like you guys have some good symptoms going on! Have either of you felt those belly button twinges before? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that those are some good pg signs!

I'm on CD 8 today, and I'm going to talk hubby into BDing with me tonight. Never really too early to try right? I'm a little nervous about this cycle; I don't want to miss that darn eggy!

Hailz - the opks are super easy, and it IS just peeing on a stick every day, and then when you get a dark test line, you know it's time to BD. I thought I had it timed perfectly last month though, so who knows. I saw your guys' earlier posts and isn't it horrible when your friends or other people you know get preggers so easily?? One of my girlfriends was just casually trying, for the first time, and she just told me last night she's preggers! Here we are obsessing and tracking our Ov dates, and some people just have it so easy!
Morning JJ! All these different timezones are throwing me out of sync! haha! Its 4pm here!

I haven't felt the belly button twinges before! (certainly not that i can remember!) so really hoping thats something good! and hoping that as ive had pains the last couple of days that will mean something positive aswel! can only keep trying!! (gahh!!)

Definitely never too early to start BDing! I know of loads of women who start BDing as soon as AF goes! I might try that aswel next cycle if i dont catch on this one! More you do it the more chance you have of having the result we all want i say!! :)

Well that does sound easy! im just a bit nervous for the fact that i keep reading a lot of women have trouble deciding whether the (you will have to bare with me as obv ive never used them so could be wrong in what im saying anyway!) second line is darker than the first?? but i guess trying it believing right!?

That must be hard having one of your girlfriends tell you she is expecting :( i felt awful when i found i wasnt AS happy about my friend getting pregnant a 2nd time than i thought i would have been! but you just can't help it!
Hailz, I notice your ticker says you are ovulating today - is that off? Are you sure you aren't o'ing today?
i used opks last month and it was so easy. when the test line was as dark or darker than the control line, i got busy that day - actually didn't hit the day of O though. but once you get the line i guess you can stop testing bc it means you're going to O in the next 12-48 hours.

so today at 4 dpo my sxs have been this cold still getting me down...covering up all my super spotting capabilities :) but i have been noticing pulls and twinges down below. again, pretty normal for me. but the bbs are a bit sorer and tingly. weird thing is im a bit backed up, but i didn't think that could happen before implantation. i am a very regular girl! other than that im as normal as ever! but it's still so early so im not worried.

babyrock - all sounds good on your end! the fatigue, the pricks behind the belly button, very promising!

hailz - yours too! and good luck with the opks, ask any other questions you have!

oh and a quick note (hoping none of us need this info next month) but i used an herb called false unicorn root that made me O earlier with tons of EWCM. i swear by it now!
Good morning everyone!!

Here i am at 4 dpo today with nothing much to report other than the fact that the twinges continue...but seem to have moved to the left a stitch kinda feeling

whitglass-get well soon dear....and even your symptoms seem like they are very positive....i have heard that the body's immune system goes down while getting preggers since it is concentrating more on the new developments :) i guess havin a cold is a good thing after all :) :)....
thanks babyrock! hope you're right. :) the days before possible implantation are the worst because every sign i think is a symptom but then i'm like, wait - it's too early. :(

so are you gals temping? it's annoying but helpful. i think i might keep temping this cycle to look for possible triphasic action. right now they are higher than they've ever been, but could be due to the cold i'm fighting. keep updating the sxs!!!
Good morning ladies!

oh dear Whitglass feel better soon won't you! I agree with JJ that i heard having a cold is a good thing about O'day to make the egg easily to implant! Lets hope it happens for you! You said you're feeling 'backed up', well i was too around your same sort of dpo! sorted itself out now thank god, VERY uncomfortable! haha. I don't temp though as i think i'd drive myself even more crazy if i saw my temp went up and then down and then up! haha! trying to keep it simple! :)

JJ i'm almost certain i didn't O yesterday! Really believe my ticker is off as i reckon i O'd on Friday what with having the pains and EWCM! Fingers crossed i did! Else i'll have almost missed this cycle if i DID O yesterday! (really hope i didnt!)

Babyrock the twinges sound good! Especially as they have continued! Do they feel any different at all to the ones you've had over the past couple of days? Any more painful than before? Did you sleep better last night and still tired this morning? Hope so for you! (in a nice way of course haha)

Well i dont think i have much to report today! Feeling ever so tired but could be the late nights so not holding my breath on that one! Feeling like my stomach is tight with some random pinches behind my belly button every so often but trying not to think too much into it! noticed my CM is still a bit watery (making me feel 'wet' ergh!) and has more of a yellowish tinge today. Fingers crossed eh! Really hoping i am infact 7dpo and that i havent missed this cycle as didnt manage to get any BDing in the last couple of days! Argh what if i missed it!! ill be gutted :(
Just another little update, for the past 3 mornings now i've begun to feel really queasy around 11am'ish .. feeling it again today .. comes on quite suddenly .. waiting for it to disappear now!
I got 2 BFPs yesterday and a clearblue digital pregnant 1-2wks this am! Stil cant believe it, I didnt hav my symptoms this month! Just the usual niggly twinges like ov pains! Hasnt quite hit me yet!
that's so great Wanabe!! I'm SO jealous! Especially for the fact you didn't notice anything! Do you felt like you had relaxed a little over the symptom spotting this month??

Happy and healthy 9 months for you!!! :) :) :)
Wow wanabe mum-Congrats to you!!!!...great to hear this news..the first BFP of december...many more to come...FX'd

Well....from my side....i was in the loo....and when i wiped...i noticed a small tiniest tiny speck of me worried..didn't get it when i wiped the second time.....the tiredness has peaked right now even though i got a very good nights sleep.was not able to keep my eyes open all evening.

can anyone please tell me what that red speck indicates???

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