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Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

Lady h I agree on the hormones thing I was a mess the first two days...I am a lot better now I don't cry anymore and the more of the face to face awake bonding I get with him the less not bfing hurts. He slept 4 1/2 hours straight yesterday afternoon then woke up and flashed me a big ol smile then kind of squeaked to tell me he was hungry :) and I thot...that never would have happened bfing. It gets better! :hugs:

Mightymom mine does the same he will SCREAM to the point where I run up to check him and I walk in and he's dead asleep! He will do that on and off for maybe 15/20min then pass out. Sometimes I help him along by giving him his pacifier which makes him drowsy.
DD also wakes up the second she's put down. :(

If she lays on her back, even on an incline, she gags and gurgles and then cries.

So she's been sleeping on her front on my chest, which although she's secure on there I don't like doing it.

I've ordered this side sleeping cushion:


And am hoping it will keep her more comfy poor thing.
I'm seeing the cranial osteopath Thursday. I was going to cancel as we are no longer trying to breast feed. However I've read it can help with colic/reflux and restlessness so I think I'll still go. It's a free consultation after all.

Cupcake: Not sure what kind of crib you are using, but you can prop up the crib mattress to help baby sleep at an incline. If laying flat brings up stomach bile, propping can help. Or letting the baby sleep in a swing strapped in or a car seat.

I'm feeling a little blue today, not sure why. Just feeling the day to day grind. I'm not sure how I can do this alone for another 9 months...
Had a really hard day today--a friend of mine's aunt and uncle lost their baby who was born the same day as hers (he was sick) and a friend of OH and I lost her nephew who was born the same day as her son (her and her sister had babies the same day in the same hospital one room away) very sad :'( i could not even imagine...i've been giving my boy tons of extra cuddles today and i find that i'm checking on him a lot more often :\

if any of you can send some prayers i'm sure these families could use them <3
Thanks MM - we've had the matress at an incline for a couple of weeks. Still doesnt help enough.

We bought her a new bouncy chair today so have put that in the crib.

No luck keeping her in it yet, but just because she's being moany, not because she's refluxing.
Henry choked in his sleep last night too, scary! Hes been so good at sleeping once we get him down - 6-8 hour stretches but it can take hours to get him to sleep! Last night it took 3 hours to get him to sleep. He is obviously really tired but can't relax enough to settle. He keeps feeding but then crying and coming off so I think he just wants to comfort suck and is upset as he gets milk. It's weird though because during the day he has no problem falling asleep, just at night. Very frustrating.
Cupcake: Be very careful about putting her in the bouncy in the crib. Unless it has a 5 point harness (don't know of any bouncy chairs that do), then there is a possibility of her arching her back and sliding out the side and getting trapped between the chair and the crib. If you won't be checking on her often, the best place for a bouncy is the floor away from walls and furniture.

Hann: Was Henry born late? Just thinking maybe he's reached his first mental milestone and is having trouble adjusting at night. The first one is at 5 weeks after the due date (not birth date) so maybe that's it.

MrsB: Sending prayers to the families. Been listening to Zach Sobiech all day and thinking a lot about death and such. Makes me hold both of my babies closer. Even when DD is being a pain like today.
so....i got an ergo, and jackson HATES HATES HATES it. screams and cries, just like he does in the moby wrap. he's happy as a clam the moment i take him out of either one. he also has hated being swaddled from day 1. i think he hates being wrapped up or held too close to the body. (he's already 13 pounds, too)
so i've come to the conclusion that i've got a very independent little boy on my hands. i'll be taking the ergo back, as it was $120, and i don't have that money to waste! maybe i'll try to find a used ergo or borrow one when he gets a little older and see if he likes it then.

anyone else have babies that are super independent?

ttc, i've been thinking about you. how are you doing, love? i'm not having breastfeeding problems like you, but having sleep/schedule/emotional issues, and i almost had a nervous breakdown the other day. my husband came home from work early to watch the baby so i could get out of the house. i cried in the car on the way to target and when i got to target, just walked around and shopped for 2 hours. i sometimes feel like i'm going crazy. you're not alone, love! :hugs:
Mightymom big hugs, i really feel for you it must be so hard. I'm finding it very and my husband is here. :-(

Jtink my first was like that-not particularly cuddly and needed his own space. He likes a cuddle now but I think he just got overstimulated easily when he was a baby.

Hann its taken me hours to settle little miss the last few nights. I am letting her sleep and eat when she wants during the day though which might not be helping as I think she's still quite muddled between day and night although she has done the odd longer stretch at night.

I am heartbroken that my baby has caught her first cold already :-( her older brother has it too and I know it was inevitable at some point but I had hoped she would be a little older. The day times aren't too bad but at night she is just snuffling, sneezing, unsettled and coughing. Feel useless as can't do much to alleviate her symptoms. I have a nasal aspirator and some saline drops if she gets really bunged up.
kezzie, my mom told me that i never liked to be cuddled, either. (i also walked at 8 months, so i was super independent) makes me a little sad - i wanted him to love the ergo!

my baby has a tiny cold, too. sounds super stuffy and snotty. so sad :(
Aw kezz, that's hard! I hate that there's nothing we can do for colds until they are 2 years old! So hard to watch them suffer. :(

jtink: DS doesn't like the Moby either. He tolerated the Ergo with the infant insert, I think he didn't mind sidesaddle. But flat against me he's not a fan. I'm going to wait for a couple more weeks to see if he'll come around.

I was thinking today...between a potty learning toddler and a newborn, I don't think I go more than four hours without having to deal with fecal matter. I have a package of wipes in every room and clorox biodegradable wipes in every bathroom. Anyone ever watch the movie Baby Mama? "Chocolate or poop, let me see." That's about right.
ttc, i've been thinking about you. how are you doing, love? i'm not having breastfeeding problems like you, but having sleep/schedule/emotional issues, and i almost had a nervous breakdown the other day. my husband came home from work early to watch the baby so i could get out of the house. i cried in the car on the way to target and when i got to target, just walked around and shopped for 2 hours. i sometimes feel like i'm going crazy. you're not alone, love! :hugs:

:hugs: Thanks for asking how I'm doing... it means a lot! :) I'm doing okay, well as okay as anyone could be in my situation (Breastfeeding is still a horror). LO is super attached to me and won't even nap without touching me. I am still just sitting around my house.. I laid in bed with LO from when we woke up (8am) until 1 pm. I finally told DH I need some "me" time because I felt like I was slowly going insane/wasting away. I went downstairs and witnessed how dirty things in my house have got... so I spent me time vacuuming, washing the floors and cleaning the kitchen. :dohh: I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown sometimes... maybe I already have, I sit crying a lot lol. LO is starting to take a bottle finally, we're giving him 1 a day to get him used to it. That'll give me some more free time I hope.

Sounds like you had a good time, I'd love to have 2 hours to just walk around and shop. I actually did go for a walk around the block with my dog (baby free!) and ended up taking way longer than usual. I forgot how nice it is outside. :flower:
TTC i hope things start to fall in to place for you soon. D make sure you get some me time to help keep your sanity.

Ziva had her 6 week check up today (though she is actually 7w4d). she did brilliantly her stats are from birth to now:

BW:3.58kg to 5.15kg
L: 49.5cm to 57cm
HC: 37.5 to 39.5cm

She is hoovering on the 85% growth line.

The only issue is we have a slight concern with her hearing. She passed her newborn hearing test but we are worried as she doesnt really respond to sound. she doesnt turn her head towards loud/ sudden sounds or the dog barking. The nurse said its probably nothing as she is hitting all her other milestones but wants to review it when she is 4 months old.

do your little ones react to sounds/ talking?
Great news on Zivas check up foxy. :)

Is she smiling yet? Bee isn't and it worries me a little. Although she does really look at us and really looks like she understands we're talking to her and moved her face and makes little noises back. I'm just concerned that all her reflux crying will delay her smiling.

She reacts a bit too well to noise unfortunately, if she's in a light sleep even a tiny noise will make her startle. She doesn't always bother moving her head toward sound though, sometimes she's just happy to stare into the distance and listen.
Ziva does smile and coo, it is so adorable it just melts my heart.

This is what I wake up to every morning. Don't mind the picture quality the light is rubbish in our bedroom of a morning.


Cupcake I'm sure Bee will smile any day now. Does she do wind smiles? All babies move at their own pace, so unless your doctor or nurse is concerned try not to stress.

I partially think Ziva doesn't startle easily and we have a noisy house and we haven't changed anything. Our little dog still barks like a maniac when somebody comes to the door, we still watch all the same shows at the same volume as before and my daughter still plays her music nice and loud. My mum always said the baby has to fit in to your world not the other way round. As in don't take the phone of the hook, turn down the tv so you can barely hear it or put a sign on the front door saying baby sleeping. Go on with your life as normal as you can (within reason of course). But in saying that I will still be keeping an eagle eye on her hearing just incase.

I know the first few weeks/ months suck but I promise it does get better. They will grow up so much faster then you think.

Eek sorry the pictures are so big :blush:
Aww she's adorable.

Yeah we've never turned the tv down or been quieter than normal etc.

It's sudden noises that startle her, even tiny ones like our door latch etc but the tv or our voices etc are fine. Strange little lady.
Foxy she is so cute!!
Jayson reacts to rly loud sudden noises he doesn't rly look in the direction of the sound he just does the startle reflex throwing all his limbs out...we hsve a noisy house too and haven't changed anything so maybe that's why? :shrug:

He doesnt look at me when I talk to him either like if I come up to his crib snd say hi he doesn't turn to look at me he's ususlly too busy looking around at something else...
He will look and study my face when I'm feeding him though and look at my mouth when I talk but that's if I already have his attention...he too passed his newborn screening. Maybe he's just too young? Or too distractable?

He smiles when he is falling asleep and even giggles sometimes but he doesnt smile at us the most he does is mske like an O face or just move his mouth around and sometimes make a noise
Madelyn has smiled at us but just this week. Before that she was smiling as a reflex but not in reaction to us. As for hearing, she can sleep through our dog barking - but I think it's sounds she's used to from the womb. Sounds that are startling and out of the ordinary will make her jump. Foxy - maybe the sounds are just normal for her to hear and therefore don't startle her?

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