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Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

My ergo was meant to be delivered today but is going to work and not here as there was a delay. :( Gutted that I'll have to wait until Monday now.

I might try phoning the depot later and seeing if we can pick it up, but the website says its on the can for delivery so probably by the time it's back at the depot I won't be able to get over there before they shut. :(
Also about the ergo - ok worried she's going to be too hot in the insert.

She's only 10-11lb though so I'm thinking she'll need it.
I have a baby k'tan and I love it. It's like a moby but no wrapping. Dylan loves it and so do I. She calms then sleeps whenever she is in it. I've worn her in it to go out to dinner and get my nails done with no issues.
We have the ergo and the insert, and it fits DH too which makes him feel included, but we haven't used it yet as the k'tan is just so simple.
I'm so sorry ttc. I feel like all I do is bf all day too. It's very debilitating.
Having a seriously rough day, he's crying all the time! It's so frustrating. I feed him and he looks like he's going to sleep then he wakes and screams again! I think some of it is wind but he won't burp to release it. Just got him to take a dummy but its only a partial help as he keeps spitting it out. He must be exhausted as he's barely slept all day. So tiring!!
Hann it's exhausting. Hannah has antibiotics for a skin infection and has cried all day and wants to be held. I'm frazzled and dreading tonight. That and she spits her medicine out so were having trauma getting her dose in and it has o be on empty stomach. Nightmare.
Is the ktan adjustable? I tried a few other baby carriers like the baby bjorn but my issue is I'm rly petite/slim so even on the tightest setting it was loose and hung down to my hips. So I went with the moby. I have to wrap the end around like 3 times or theyrr dragging on the floor.

How are all you ladies feeling about your pp bodies? My stomach is rly tan for some reason...I never was in the sun when I was pregnant or anything and it was only like that pp:shrug:
So sorry hann and lady h :(

Lady h-is daddy around? Maybe pump a bottle and hand lo off so you can get a small nap in? That's what I did a few times so I coukd have the energy to handle the night feeds.
Had to share this-- one of my favorite pics of my little man :) https://imageshack.us/a/img51/262/img20130528122513.jpg
So cute! I don't take ones of Hannah as her rash is hideous! He has beautiful skin. X
So cute! I don't take ones of Hannah as her rash is hideous! He has beautiful skin. X

He has a bit of a rash now. It comes and goes it depends how hot/sweaty he gets sometimes its rly bad sometimes not :shrug:
Awwww adorable.

Bee is smiling now I think. Tried to get a photo but this is the best I got. Still adorable though.

I think Hannah smiled today but it was at the Panda rattle not me!
Hehe sooo cute! Ya littke man smiles everytime he falls asleep and sometomes he even giggles. Today I picked him up and said hello and he looked right at me and smiled but I'm not sure if he's old enough for that to be intentional or not. Still melted my heart :)
Hann & LadyH: Colton has been fussy too. I had a really bad day on Thursday, he was crying and wouldn't stop. He was fed, changed, burped, warm, but would NOT sleep. I had to put him in his cot, close the door and go downstairs and turn on the TV. After two hours he was still screaming. Eventually he fell asleep, but it left me feely utterly horrible. He's been better today though. Must have tired himself out!
It's so hard isn't it mighty! Especially with other children to take care of. I was lucky today because i am at my parents so I had help. If this continues it will just be me next week. Finally he went to sleep at 9.15pm! I went and bought gripe water, colic drops and infacol and gave him some of those, fed him again, he burped, he poo'd, he then poo'd again, he burped again, and then fed again and then went to sleep! It was exhausting though as really throughout the day he got very little sleep. Felt terrible for the little guy.
Really hope it was a one off.

Love the baby photos! We have smiles too but they are wind. Looking forward to a proper smile!
Lately he has been gulping his milk. And I mean GULPING. I have OALD, so I understand he's just trying to keep up but even when I unlatch him and try to get him to slow down he's just voracious! This morning he drank and drank and DRANK. Then he threw up on me. While I was in the lobby at the ballet studio. With 30 minutes of ballet for DD to go. It was lovely. At least I had my wetbag with me to put the blanket and clothes in and a fresh change of clothes for him. I, on the other hand, just had to smell like sour milk. Oh well. He had a good nap in his car seat and then let wind on me repeatedly while I changed his diaper. I just had to laugh. Being a mom is so glamorous!
Lol mighty - I have OALD and the same thing happened to me this morning - he gulps too and did the same and then I got a full projectile all over me straight after! Thankfully I was at home so I could change. I think that's why he's so windy though because of the OALD and the gulping.
Maybe we should pump down a little before we feed so that they can't overfeed? But I didn't feel like I was overfull this morning...and I had already pumped on that side. I just make sure to always have a prefold in my diaper bag so I can wipe up.
Good idea (if we had time lol!). I did feel engorged this morning when it happened so I wasn't too surprised. I'm guessing it should be sorted by week 12 when our supply regulates. I had OALD last time and it sorted itself out by week 12. The wind issues went with DD by then too so I'm sure it's all connected to OALD.

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