Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

Still no smiles here. The little minx.

She is very chatty and pulls all sorts of faces while we talk to her. She's just keeping us in suspense I think!
jackson has been looking directly at us and smiling for about a week. it's seriously the cutest thing ever. i think he knows when i'm about to go crazy with exhaustion and frustration - because then he smiles a huge big gummy grin, and i melt. :)
Talked to ds today with him propped on my lap and he made O Faces at me and smiled a little bit and then kept this little half smile on his face for a few minutes. Very cute :)

He still doesn't rly react a ton when he sees me but I'm with him all day every day so maybe that's why.

Can't believe all our babies r a month old!!
I get looked at very intently but no smiles or noises other than screaming!
HV today at the clinic was watching Bee today when I was talking to her and she was pulling her little faces back. It is happy looking faces and the HV said that's her smiling. They're not huge gummy ones but she's definitely expressing pleasure at me so it counts. Made me feel better.
I can't believe Ziva is 2 months old today!!! We have been getting loads of big beautiful smiles and she talks so much now it's adorable!!!

Are any of you lovely ladies in RL mothers group? I've been going to one for the past 6 weeks and I love it. This weeks we are going to see fast n furious 6 (mums and bubs session) and I can't wait, mmmm vin diesel. Next week we are going to do mums and bubs Pilates. Normally we just meet up at a local cafe and chat about baby stuff or just about anything.
Foxy I have a group of mums I meet with every Wednesday since my first was born. It's nice having it to look forward too each week.

We are starting to get smiles here too, it's lovely but all mine smile quite early but are later developing in other respects. She still mostly wants to sleep and eat and burp though there's not much playtime in between yet. I need to figure out how to safely let her play with the boys around. They just love her and are fascinated that they just are all over her whenever they get chance.

Am I the only I one here with three bubbas now? I know Babee was having her third but not heard from her in ages z:-( it's just I'm struggling with routine at the moment. My husband works late shifts and whilst I can survive through most of the day with little sleep and looking after them all I hit absolute chaos Late afternoon until their bedtime. I don't know how to incorporate her cluster feeding/getting her into a bedtime routine along with their teatime, bath time and bedtime stories. Sometimes she sleeps through it all- which is lovely- but then she is fussy and up late and I don't get an evening to shower/make dinner/tidy up etc. when my husband is home it is lovely as I can bath her and feed her and get her down even if its just for an hour or two while he sorts the boys out.
Sorry I've not been on - so busy with 2.

Ttc - how are you now? I'm glad you got him to take the bottle, I hope you have had a bit if time to yourself even if its just walking the dog.

Cupcake - we got smiles at 4 weeks 2 days but they don't happen a lot. He is starting to coo though which is cute!

Kezzie - I may not have three but two under two is hard work so I can sympathise with you. I can just about cope in the day but its bedtime that's killing me too. I try to get Henry ready first and feed and put him into bed while I get DD ready and in bed. Mostly H starts to cry while I'm doing DDs book etc so I either have to let him cry a few minutes or I go and get him which upsets her and then she wakes up during the night wanting cuddles because she's scared she's being second place or something. It's frustrating to say the least. H is a nightmare to get to sleep too so sometimes I'm lucky and he's properly asleep by 8/8.30 but more often than not its 10/11pm. Once he's asleep I normally get a 5 hour stretch, sometimes more, which is good as DD often wakes in between that too.
We have good and bad days but time flies past with both of them and I keep us busy as much as possible with friends round and activities. It's hard work though and I am looking forward to getting my evenings back one day!
I can't imagine having more than one to cope with! Well done ladies!

We're going ok here other than her reflux. :( It hurts her so much bless her. Good news I'd our insurance has given us the go ahead to see the paediatrician so hopefully we'll have an appointment ASAP.

Also seeing the osteopath on Saturday so fingers crossed for that.

Other than that the BFing is now going fine. After a very hard, tearful start I'm pleased to say other than of she's in acid pain she eats well and I'm much more at ease. I now know I can easily do this for another 4.5 months at least and most likely another year or two. Very glad. :) We had such a bumpy patch where I couldn't take it and was expressing but then she wouldn't take a bottle and we were all stressed about that and arseing about with the steriliser etc. now we've just abandoned anything that's not boob it's made it all so much easier.

Also for me I think learning it was definitely the reflux making her angry removed that level of me worrying she hated my boobs, so now I realise she loved the boobs but sometimes her throat hurts, so I am much more able to be patient and comfort her without feeling rejected etc.
Echoing you both, bedtimes/evenings are HARD. I'm always juggling dinner and feedings as well as bath time, story time, and DS's insistence on crying during story time. Maybe I'm a bad mom, but I always let him cry. He won't remember and it lets DD know that she isn't being put aside for him. Of course I'm sure I do other things that still make her feel that way, but at least at bed time the last thing she knows is I am paying 100% attention to her. Then I come in and deal with another hour or so of DS crying/trying to get himself to sleep. I'm usually to bed around midnight/1am (which, coincidentally, it is now). Even the animals are already asleep!
Kezzie, Hann, Mighty...Wow you ladies with more than one are awesome. I'm struggling with just the one!

Cupcake glad your BF is ok now, is so upsetting when you have a bumpy feeding ride.

Foxy I need to find some Mummy friends round here. I don't know anyone and don't go anywhere to meet them. There is a buggy fitness group locally so I might join that. Meet people and get fit too!

MrsB how are you doing? Hope the feeding is still going well.

Jtink they have an intuition and know how to pull your strings. No matter where we are on her feed cycle, she always screams the second I sit down to eat something. Plus point I'm loosing a lot of weight!

Hannah seems to have changed quite a bit in the last few days. She is more alert when awake and just seems different, I can't explain it! She's getting over an awful skin infection that made her really fractious so maybe now that's clearing I get a calm baby back.
We get in bed at 8pm but are rarely asleep by midnight.

Once she does go down though the last few nights she's done over 4 hours so I'm super happy.

After that though she won't do any long stretches. :(
Spoke too soon she's a nightmare today. Not drinking all her milk and screaming when I put the bottle on her mouth. Don't know what to do with her.
cupcake so glad that bfing is going well for you...makes me wonder if i could have pulled through it :[
thanks for asking lady h! he is doing wonderfully on formula. he eats 4-6oz at a time (chunky butt :p) and we give him rice cereal in a 4oz bottle at his 8/9pm feeding and he sleeps until midnight or 1. he is so much more settled...he still gets pretty fussy if he has bad gas so we are switching from regular formula to gentle formula to see if that helps a bit but its not super bad and its not every feeding only sometimes...the main time he is rly rly fussy is when he is fighting his sleep which he does a LOT but its pretty easy to calm him if i hold/rock him or i just let him cry and he will go for 5-10 min on and off then fall where near as bad as when we were bfing and he would SCREAM for an hour or more and nothing we did could console him.

he is so curious and looking all around now, and today when i put his carseat in the car i gave him a little kiss and talked to him a bit and he looked right at me and smiled and cooed! it melted my heart :D

are you still ff lady h?

i am definitley finding other ways to bond. i go back to work next week and im rly excited to have extra money i think i am going to get a didymos didytai (its like a combo between a mei tai and a wrap) so i can babywear more and bond that way.. (i have a moby but i dont rly like it..too much hassle to get on for me and im rly petite so the wrap is waaayyy long which makes it even more of a fuss to use)

he is already growing out of his newborn clothes and fits into his 3 months clothes now! cant believe how fast my baby is growing :'(
Mrsbabcock - have you looked into giving rice in milk? It's really not recommended to give babies any type of food before they are 6 months although a lot of people do it at 4 months plus, but at just over a month babies guts are really not equipped to deal with this. What this can mean is that they develop stomach issues.
Obviously it's your choice, and some doctors say its okay but quite frankly every study says its not and the official guidelines in most country if not every country will back that up.
Sorry if you think I'm interfering saying thIs but I know you're a first time mum and if it was me I'd want to be told something like that if I wasn't aware.
Glad you mentioned that Hann, I was going to suggest MrsB ask her pede about that.
MrsB: I'll bet you find the baby sleeps the same with the rice and without. Also not much you can do about the gas, all babies get it. Even with gentle formula they still swallow air when they eat and cry. ;)
Everyone's babies should be going through their first Mental Leap right now! If you don't know what I'm talking about check out Seems like everyone's babies have made the leap (staring more intently, smiling, cooing). So cool to see them change right before your eyes!
Colton is the best baby ever. This morning he just lay in bed looking at the ceiling and walls while I cleaned the house. He even put himself back to sleep! I feel like I got so much accomplished. Can't believe how much time I "get back" while he sleeps. The heat has helped too, since he sleeps longer when it's warm.
You might even find that taking away the baby rice actually makes the wind better as it can really do nasty things to a baby's gut. As mighty said, check with your Pede and see what they think (unless you have already).
The sleep side of things is more to do with pot luck than filling them up - my baby is BF but does stretched of 6-8 hours per night. Some babies do just sleep more than others. My little girl was up every 1.5-3 hours for the first 2 months - also exclusively BF, it's pot luck what you get!
Thanks hann! I rly hadn't looked into it as MIL said she gave it to both oh and his sister from 4 weeks on..I sshouldve done my research :/ he has only had a handful of bottles with cereal maybe a total of like...6 or 7. Hope I didn't cause any damage :(
He does seem to spit up less with it being a little thicker tho...can I add more formula to make his bottle a little thicker?
It was something that people used to do before they realised it wasn't good - no I doubt you've done harm but I wouldn't continue. If he needs something more substantial can you get hungry milk? They do it over here:
They should do something similar
I've never heard of aptamil or seen any formulas like that. Ill just keep giving him the formula and hell just have to deal with it not being as thick.

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