Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

Lo looooooves his hands. He is always sucking on them!
He follows lights if they move but not rly toys. He also isn't grabbing at things yet except for me lol he grabs at my shirt but thats about it
jackson constantly sucks his fingers/hands. even right after he's eaten! i haven't caught him looking at his hands, but he is always sucking them. weird!
Jtink Hannah is the same. Never looked at her hands but the are constantly in her mouth!
The constant sucking cokes first if we're anything to go by so won't be long until they're looking at them. X
how are your kiddos doing with neck control? jacks is 11 weeks today, and even though he's strong, he's sometimes still a touch floppy. his head is in the 99th percentile (as is his weight!!!) so i wonder if his head is just so big and heavy for him? haha!
Hannah is quite good, still a bit wobbly at times but she can hold it for quite a while. She's pants on her tummy though. She can't really lift her head much for long. I need to give her much more tummy time I think.
My LO is really good with head control, he keeps it up really long periods. When I hold him he holds it up!! I am really surprised, though he does all of a sudden go limp so I still support it to be safe.
I feel like her head control is pretty much done now.

I can sit or stand her up and just hold her waist and she'll look around all over.

Gets floppy when she's sleepy but then so do grown ups.
J will hold his head up for 10-15 min pretty steadily in all positions (tummy/sitting/standing) his legs r craazy strong tho! He will stand forever its his favorite game! And he can pretty much hold all his weight just can't balance onviously. Wonder if hell be an early walker?
Maddy is the same - loves to stand with her arms against my shoulder and look around & is holding her head up all the time now :) little ones are growing up too quick!!!
U said it bella! Waayy too quick!! But its starting to look like I maayy be able to squeeze one last baby out of oh :) :) we were joking around and made a bet I can't remember what but he said o if you do that we can have another and I said don't tease when u said you're totally ddone and he said if I was totally done for real I wouldnt even joke. And when I used to joke about a sibling and "o well next time we'll do.." he would instantly b like no way no more! And now when I joke hell smirk or be like o ok

:) so yay
Yay that's great MrsV something to look forward to :) had my two boys 17 months apart and I'm so pleased they have each other.

Sophie is quite strong with her head control now but her legs are still weak. She has talipes though (turns her feet inwards still from being in the womb) so I think she finds it difficult to put weight on them as they aren't at the right angle yet. She's sucking her hands like crazy but hasn't really started looking at them yet.

Bedtimes are driving me crazy at the moment. She will self settle for a lot of her naps apart from , it can take hours to finally get her down even though we have a routine. I can cope with night feeds if I can just have a bit of time to myself in the evening :(
Hi how are we all doing?

Foxy are you and Zita any better?

Kezzie any better getting her down at night? The heat is not helping, Hannah has been struggling to settle at night.

MrsV yay! How long would you wait before ttc again?

Bella, cupcake, jtink, ttc, how are you all getting on?

Hannah is smiling a lot more and cooing. It's really helped DH bond better as he's getting feedback from her now. I think he really struggles with knowing what to do for her. It's great now he sings to her and get smiles and little attempts at a giggle!
probably 2 years before we ttc again. we'll see not 100% sure yet we're gonna have another one but if we do itll be at least 2 years.

jayson is doing wonderfully he is sleeping through the night!! he sleeps from 8/9pm to 6am every night for a week except one night where he woke up at 1am ate and went right back down. so i am getting a decent amount of rest

only nights it suks is when i work and get home at 2am and he is up at 6am and since hes slept all night he isnt ready to go back to sleep until like 9 or 10
Lady h, we're great over here! So lucky - Madelyn sleeps through the night - usually 10:30 until 8 am!!!

Big news of the week: Madelyn rolled over yesterday!!! :D so proud of my little munchkin!

Anyone else with exciting LO news??
anyone else starting back to work? i have 2 weeks of maternity leave left, and i'm dreading leaving my baby. he'll be 14 weeks when he goes to daycare (which isn't really a daycare - we're nanny-sharing with another couple whose baby is 5 weeks older than jackson. so just jackson and another little baby)
i'm so worried about him missing me, crying and such. i'm sure he'll be fine. anyone else going through this?
Jtink- I'm almost there too. Madelyn starts at a daycare center at the end of August and I just wish there was a way for me to be a SAHM. Thankfully they actually won't miss us because developmentally, they don't have the ability to think about us when we're not within sight yet. (According to my sister; she's a daycare center director). If I remember right, I think she said babies will start to miss us around 6 months old. By that time our LOs should know the daycare worker or nanny and be okay with leaving us. Sadly, it's me that will be a wreck dropping Maddy at daycare - not her!
Well Ziva and I are finally back to our normal selves. Missy is soo smiley and chatty now, it seems like she is constantly talking away to herself wherever we are.

Go Madelyn with rolling over!!

I am fortunate that I do not have to go back to work in the near future. The plan is to have the first 12 months off then maybe go back to work part-time till Ziva is in Kindy.

Here is a pic of Ziva today at 13 weeks and my older daughter Jordan at 11 years!

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