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Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

Btw is anyone having joint pain? The past week or so I've had rly stiff/achey hands snd feet and sometimes wrists too. I feel like I have arthritis! :/ I've been taking my ibuprofen perscription but it ran out yesterday so now I'm just taking tylenol. Doesnt seem to be helping at all it helps with the hip/pelvis acheyness but not my hands and feet..they must b a bit swollen too bc my rings still don't fit! They fit my whole pregnancy lol ugh
I had stitches last time and they took about 8 weeks to heal and were very sore but they also got infected so maybe mine were worse than most and recovery is normally better.

Not sure about achy joints mrsbabcock - have they said its related to pregnancy?
My stitches bothered me for a couple of weeks.

I think they're all sorted now though. Was actaully brave enough to put my fingers in there yesterday. Felt around all the walls and all feels healed, no pain or tenderness at all and the skin feels perfect.

Doesn't feel like its old self though. :( It's just an open hole and doesn't have the sort of sphincter it used to at the opening. :( also I feel like
on the top wall there is a bit where it's stretched out so
It's not a round hole anymore, it's got like and extension. :(

At least I hope it's that and it's not a cystocele or something hanging down.

I guess the doctor will have a look soon enough.

If I was brave I'd have a look but I'm worried what I might see.
Cupcake I had the same fear about a prolapse of some kind too!! I looked on day 3 and was really swollen but since then things appear to be more normal feeling although i haven't actually taken a proper look I have to assume they are fine as my bladder and bowell control are good and I can feel my pelvic floor easily. Lets hope we are al fine!!
I feel terrified about "down there"... i have a piece of tissue that feels stretched by the opening to my vagina, kind of like a stretched elastic band, and im worried that was my tear that healed wrong? Its still painful and heavy down there and no way feels anywhere near to have anything near me anytime soon!

I still also feel so sore down there? Like it still stings when I pee? I thought that it should have healed by now? Though reading all of your problems makes me realise things dont heal so fast...
Yes my bladder and bowel have been pretty good.

Had 2 tiny wee leaks when I've sneezed when I've needed to go. But nothing awful. And I've not done many excercises yet as my MW said give it a rest as I was getting that severe clotoris pain and she thought I could've over done the kegels.
As if we didn't have enough going on without worrying that things don't look the same down there!! I just took a look and I still look swollen but its not even been 2 weeks yet so I'm going to put it to the back of my mind and think about it again at the 6 week point!
My bowel/bladder control is great, but I had a look down there yesterday and was competently shocked. It looks way different. I am worried I have some sort of prolapse. :( TMI maybe, but when I look into my vagina, I don't see just the 'hole', I see a bulge area that's my urethra and some other fleshy bulge. It's really strange, wasn't like that at all before birth. It doesn't hurt or anything - just curious how sex will happen with that sticking in the way? :(

I've been getting clitoris pain too. I am hoping in another couple weeks this all sorts itself out. I could just be swollen still. I see my ob in 2 weeks so we'll see.
It sounds like we all have something not quite right looking down there - and we can't all have prolapses so hopefully it's just normal and by 6 weeks post partum it will all look a tad more normal. I did last time so hopefully this time will be the same. It's scary though!!
Hann not sure if its pregnancy related its not so painful that I feel the need to call my dr yet

My lady parts look normal and feel normal but I have some clitoris pain like someone is pinching it especially if I arch my back to stretch. But sometimes it just randomly hurts..hope it goes away!! And I wonder what causes it
Hann - I hope you're right and we all look a bit unusual now but that's par for the course and at 6 weeks everything will be back to lovely.

Really struggling tonight. Bee is being so fussy and I'm in loads if pain. Luckily I have about 2oz expressed milk so DH is hearing that up now and we're going to see if we can top her up with that now.
I'm glad I'm not the only one still healing up. I took a look and I too have more than just a "hole" so it must be normal. I remember breaking down crying the last time we DTD before DD was born because I would never be the same down there. But then when I healed I was actually tighter than I was before. I'm hoping it's like that again this time. But I've certainly earned my "war wounds" with this one. Stretch marks, vericose veins, and stretchy skin just hanging in a little Mommy pooch. Oh well. I EARNED these!
I am having a bit of a problem with my temper. I keep cursing at other drivers, and DD will pick up what I'm saying sooner or later. BAD. I need to figure out how to keep from losing my temper!
Last night they air a very interesting doctor called JABBED about the debate on vaccination. I thought you girls might be interested in having a look. I hope the link works as I'm in Australia if not just google JABBED.


I'm sorry to hear so many on you are still having pain from your births. I am 5 weeks PP tomorrow (seriously where has the time gone?!?) and I am feeling back to normal apart from exhaustion. I had am EMCS after Ziva got stuck in my birth canal so I was sore both vaganally and abdo for the first week but I'm all good now. I can't wait to see my OB next week for my 6 week check up so I can be cleared to drive again!
This breast feeding thing is not happening. We are 18 days in and she still really struggles to latch. I can't keep up with pumping and trying to latch her, as in the three hour slot I get maybe 45 mins until next feed. I think I'm going to have to cave in and switch to formula. Got enough frozen BM for a couple of days. I'm crying buckets, DH and I fell out over it this am as he hates seeing me so down. I even sometimes feel like I hate Hannah when we are trying to feed. It's not good. I'm not enjoying my baby and am so down it's scares me that it will spiral into worse problems for me. So sad right now.
:( Lady H.

I have those moments in the night when Bee is screaming and won't latch and I just want to put her down and leave her.

Luckily it's not that bad too often but if it was every feed I'd probably switch to formula too.

You need to be doing things to look after yourself so you can get some rest and be a happy mummy. Xx
I am going to scream. I woke up with mastitis again. Thankfully no flu symptoms but my breast is hard and lumpy and in so much pain. Trying to get LO to nurse, but it's hard for him since it's so hard. Still dealing with thrush and nipple pain galore. LO sees the doctor Wednesday hopefully for treatment, I have to find him insurance still so might have to cancel the appt. :(

Tried the bottle twice now. First time he flat out refused it, second he didn't really want it and ended up choking on the milk. It's a newborn slow flow nipple too. something's gotta give. It can't be this hard to feed my son. :(
I'm so sorry ttc, my suggestion on the bottle is to try a MAM one if they sell them where you are. It's the one I eventually got my DD to take at 8 months but they are really good and I hear that they are the best ones for BF babies.
Mastitis is often caused my latch issues, I know you've been seeing lactation consultants so may not be that but I would be tempted to call them and ask why it's come back. Really feel for you :hugs:
Ugh little man is ravenous boob monster! Hes feeding every 1.5-2 hours all day...he's still every 2.5-3.5 hrs st night thank god but daytime is still rly a mess! It takes likr 45min to feed him bc he goes for 10-15 min then falls asleep so I wait a few min to see if he's rly done and try to wake him and offer it again or burp him to see if he makes mmore room and if none of that works I put him back in his cradle and 5min later he's screaming for more! I give him his paci sonetimes and if its just the sucking he wants hell fall asleep .but more often lately he rly wants to eat more. So its a good 45min to go through this whole process before he's full and falls asleep.. :/ its exhausting!!

Anyone else having a similar experience?
My nipples are also itchy..not painful itchy just mildly itchy...theyre not cracked or dry, lo has no white patches in his mouth or any other thrush symptoms so idk what the deal is..just a little annoying

So sorry the mastitis is back ttc :( sending u good booby vibes!
Thanks Hann, I will see if I can find that brand. I called my LC and she will come out Friday if I'm still having issues... she thinks the pain is just from thrush but we figured it wouldn't hurt to check him over again.

Mrsbabcock - My LO has 0 thrush symptoms, no white patches or anything! I don't have white patches or any physical signs on my breasts either. I just have intense burning deep within my breast, pain galore in my nipples and itchy nipples. So itching can be a sign, even if there isn't white patches. GL, I hope you don't have thrush!!
Hm. Well I have no pain in my breats or nipples. No lumps or anything either..its just the mild itching but ill keep an eye on it!!

I'm taking a nursing vacation...doing very minimal housework and resting tons and eating and nursing to see if it helps my supply..MIL said I maybe was doing too much too soon and wasn't getting enough down time for my body to focus on making milk..anyone ever heard of this? Oh wwell its an excuse to stay in bed :p and I do seem to have more milk today especially in my usually smaller less full boob

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