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Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

Mrsb -my LC had me do that when my LO was having trouble latching. She called it a "baby moon" and ordered me to bed - told DH he was to serve me food in bed and all I was allowed up for was to use the bathroom lol. It focused me on feeding LO and things have gotten better since then. I never did have supply problems tho... Not sure if it works for that but no harm in trying :)
Worst. Day. Ever. Idk what changed or what is going on but baby has NOT been happy nursing since late last night...every time he unlatches he screams. .even tho there is milk coming out even dripping out..he sucks for 2min unlatches then screams and its a struggle to get him to relatch..feeding takes an hour or more and then he still fusses and cries on and off for an hour after he's done like he has rly bad gas or something..it got progressively worse all day to the point where his last feedings were expressed bottles..then we ran out of those bc I wasn't able to pump but an oz from either side...so I've just given him 2oz of a formula bottle...he sucked it down burped twice and fell straight asleep no issues...what is going on?? I am so upset...I wanted to ebf...I cried when I gave him the formula and still feel like rubbish..I wasn't ready for our breastfeeding relationship to end but he seems so much happier with the formula...

:cry: :cry: :cry:
It does sound like wind. Mine has been struggling with it but only at night. I've not yet found much that helps and Infacol Gave her diarrhoea. I hope it gets better for you. Ff supplement is OK hun if you need to. He'll get over this bump and be back EBF xxx
Wow sry this is like my 3rd post in a row. But I'm rly happy I've just had a successful nursing session no bottles involved! I pumped 4oz from right side bc I was very engorged and about 1.5oz from the left...then let him nurse on the left right after. He wasn't gulping or smacking and only unlatched once but didn't cry and I burped him and he went right back on. He nursed for 20min straight and fell asleep and only spit up a tiny bit twice afterwards. I think the problem is my let down is too fast for him so he gets rly bad gas and probably gets frustrated too so he cries..going to try pumping an oz before feeding him until the milk flows a little slower and see if that helps. Crossing my fingers.
MrsBabcock. I was going to say about overactive letdown.

I expressed a little this morning before feeding Bee and that feed was great. 30 minutes and she was happy as a lamb.

Then the other two feeds today I didn't express and she was screaming and miserable after 12-13 minutes and wouldn't latch again. :(

So will be letting the worse get pumped and added to my stash and then feeding her after taking an ounce off. Makes for a much happier baby!

Also it makes her reflux much less of a problem. Earlier after a particularly bad feed she threw up a load of acid poor thing. It smells so horrible and must hurt her loads.

Last night we fed her from a bottle with EBM and her gaviscon mixed in. She ate so calmly and then slept for over 4 hours without wriggling or groaning.

I pumped while DH fed her but then she had 10-15 minutes cuddling and comfort sucking on me as I don't want we out of the boob habit. X
How is everyone doing lately?

Been having a bit of a rough time with my LO. He has tummy troubles that keep him up for hours... which in turn gives him the worst melt downs that last hours upon hours. Yesterday he woke up at 7:30 a.m. and didn't take a nap until 2, which latest an hour, and then didn't settle in for the night until a bit after midnight. Nothing seems to work to get him to sleep. He will dose off but then wakes up and screams in pain. :( LO's doctor just said it's probably colic and to just administer gripe water - it does nothing! :(
:( TTC I'm sorry you're struggling.

It seems as of we're all having a time of it.

Bee is back to being a nightmare each feed. :(

She'll eat for 7-10 minutes and then unlatches and gets so angry!!

Basically then I have to leave her until she's work herself out and goes to sleep. She'll sleep for 2-3 hours and then feed again. And she's peeling and pooping plenty so I think she gets enough food but Id like her to eat for longer really.

Poor little thing. I can't wait for my OALD to get better as I really think its the cause of most of her problems. She's great the rest of the time bless her.
TTCBean: I would take a look at your diet to see if you are eating something that is upsetting your LO's tummy. Common things include: cabbage, caffeine, garlic, peppers, dairy, or soy. Maybe try to eat a limited diet for a day to see if that helps. Or perhaps the weather near you is heating up? Might also try keeping the baby in a dark room when he's fussy, as bright light may be upsetting him. That's all the tricks I know, wish I could help! My LO was fussy tonight as well, but he always seems to fuss about from 10pm to midnight. It's not a terribly long witching hour, but it is trying.
To anyone using the "breast sandwich" technique - 2 questions: are you having any breast pain? I almost wonder if I'm squeezing my breast too hard because both of my breasts are very sore and red where I'm grabbing them to compress them... Second question: when can I stop doing the breast sandwich and just pop her on my boob?? Will I have to squeeze it forever?? Thanks :)
I was using the sandwich and changed to nipple tilt which works better for us. I just push on the top of the nipple gently so it tilts upwards and it helps her get it in her mouth. Might be worth trying?
I stopped the sandwich once he figured out how to latch. Although I still make him open extra wide. Sometimes I still have to draw my nipple down onto his chin to make him open up. I like Lady H's suggestion above too.
Hi ladies.

How are you all?

How's your PP bleeding? Mines still on and off has been heavier the past two days but is now going brownish so I'm hoping that's it signalling I'm nearing the end.

LO is still super fussy every feed. Now she'll only go about 4 minutes before screaming. I've been trying to do things to help my OALD but no help so far

I'm thinking it could be thrush? My nipples are sore whenever she latches, sort of in a stinging way. I'm going to take her to the Dr tomorrow I think.
oh, cupcake, that's no fun. :( hope the doc can help you!!

went to baby's 1 month appointment today, and he weighs 12 pounds already!!! (he was born at 8lb11oz) doctor was shocked when i told her he's never had formula, only breastmilk. he's a tall, chunky, healthy baby! :)

how is everyone doing?

ttc, are things getting better for you?
Cupcake: I'm interested to know if you have thrush. I experience burning nipples every time I let down and at the beginning of every feed too. And I also have OALD. Poor guy drowns at the beginning of a feed! I may go to the doctor if yours says it's thrush.

jtink: Our LOs are about the same! Mine was born 8lbs 14oz and weighed 11lbs 14oz at the last weigh-in so I'm sure he's over 12lbs by now. He gains about 14oz per week. :)

AFM: Colton has been fussier lately. I've also been crankier. I wonder if my hormones are affecting us both? My lochia has turned brown and is less every day. My stitches are still there though and my wound is still bleeding. Can't wait until that heals so I can start working out again!!
Hi Ladies -

Cupcake, my PP bleeding stopped about a week ago. Mine turned brownish before it completely stopped!

Jtink, things are getting a bit better breastfeeding wise. Latch still hurts, but I think it's thrush related still. I have a week left of my thrush medication. I am hoping the end is near for that nightmare!! LO's doctor refused to give him thrush treatment as he has no symptoms, so I'm scared it'll just return.

LO has horrible gas and reflux. He cries all the time and never naps. I feel so sorry for him. He had a major melt down this afternoon which resulted in his first baby tears - my goodness that was so heartbreaking to see. :( I brewed some fennel tea and will give some in a dropper once it cools, I heard good things about it. I've tried gas drops, gripe water, massage, aromatherapy, and even this tummy wrap that has herbs - nothing seems to help him so far. Hope this passes quickly.

Good news though, we had his 1 month check up last week and he's up 10.5 lbs (from 7lbs 10 oz)! Healthy little guy! He's also grown 3.5 inches! All my breastfeeding pain is doing him some good at least!
First up let me say I envy all you ladies in the northern hemisphere right now, it's just turned winter here and it's bloody freezing!!!

I don't comment a lot as I feel I can't contribute enough due to the fact I have to FF. I did struggle to BF both my girls so I can relate to some of your problem but feel like I can off no advice :-( I do hope thing get easier for you all.

TTC poor LO. My lil brother suffered terribly with acid reflux as a baby as still does to this day to a degree. FX you find a remedy to help ease LO discomfort which in turn will help improve life for everyone involved. There is nothing worse then seeing your baby in pain and not being able to do anything about it, it's heart breaking.

AFM it seems we have turned a corner. Ziva has STTN for the last week! Last feed at 1130pm and doesn't wake till between 630- 830am. I feel like a new person! Ziva is going for her 6 week shots tomorrow and has her 6 week check up next Friday (she will actually be 7w4d due to a stuff up). My bleeding stopped by the end of the forth week and now I am cramping like I have pms. I'm hoping that doesn't mean AF is on its way again already! I have my 6 week pp check up this Friday. On a final note I can officially drive again from today!!! This is the longest I've gone without driving since I got my license as a teenager, now ill I have to do is gett hubby to move the carseat from his car to mine!
Well done with sttn Ziva!! Bee has done 2 stretches of 4 hours in the last week. So I'm hoping they become a more regular occurrence.

Great news on you driving again.

I couldn't really fit after about 34 weeks and so when I started again (about 10 days pp) I was so excited!
I am so jealous of your sleep!! For the last few nights we went from Henry sleeping 3-5 hour stretches to now only able to do 2/3 hours. It's ever since I started him on a bedtime routine. I got my evenings back as he's slept from 7pm/7.30 until 10 but then wakes every 1.5-2.5 hours the rest of the night. I don't know whether to go back to having him up on the evenings but get more sleep at night or stick to trying this. Very frustrating!
If that wasn't enough my DD has had tonsillitis and has been miserable! She's been really clingy and unsettled during the day, crying about everything and had been up hourly for three nights running. It's not been fun! So I'm officially very behind in every thread, pm etc
So I apologise that this is one sided, hopefully I'll be able to catch up properly soon
Poor you and Annabelle, Hann.

Hope you're all a bit more settled soon. X
Lo slept a lot better last night!! Fed at 1 went right back asleep, fed at 4 and was a little fussy so I let hin lay next to me for a bit but this time I was actually able to put him back in his cradle without him waking and crying :) he was rlllly fussy yesterday but got better by the evening...I honestly think it was the fenugreek that was the issue giving him a lot of gas...it did increase my supply tho...but I stopped taking it yesterday at 1pm and by his evening feeds we had no issues...well see how it goes or if its just a coincidence. I'm pumping between feed s about every 2 hours so I'm crossing my fingers it will keep my supply up

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