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Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

Yay for sttn Ziva!

And I agree about the driving. I drove pretty much up until I had him hut could only go to school and back as it was so uncomfottable. First time I drove without a big ol belly was awesome! :)
Oh I've missed you girls! And you always know so much! Bf is so hard, even when it goes well. Dd wakes every hour to feed at night, and I've been slipping her my boob side lying so I don't have to move her aka wake her up, but she gets such a poor latch that way. I was telling myself that it was ok because she's eating, sleeping and not screaming (for once) and then I was confused why my boobs turned into rock solid tennis balls?! I never even put it together with the bad latch. I'm so mentally slow these days.
Ok, so at my 2 week appt, the doctor made me change my feeding style / schedule, and since then I've been so confused and overwhelmed. I talk about switching back, but that overwhelms me now too. What to do?
I was bf on demand all day and bottle feeding ebm all night. Worked great. Dd slept 4 hours. Doctor wanted me to force a 2 hour feeding schedule. Dd hated it. And only sleeps 1 hr at a time at night. Dd now also screams terribly from 9-11 and anytime I change her diaper or she poops at night. Getting a burp out is so tough. Should I wake her to get in a good long feed to try to et a longer sleep and just suffer the screaming, or just try to get better at side lying to get a better latch? Or toss the whole thing and go back to ebf bottles at night? Oh I'm so lost!
It's so nice to read all your posts and not feel so alone. My bleeding, or lochia thing, changes every day. Red to brown to orange to yellow. Ew. Hate it and can't wait for it to leave. Still bleeding from the pooper though. I didn't think hemmeroids lasted this long? Worried its maybe a fissure instead. At what point should I go to a proctologist?
C section incision doesn't hurt as much but is still raised on the side that took the brunt of the pushing. Actually walked the dogs alone for the first time yesterday. Driving again is SO nice. Finally not feeling as much of an invalid!
Sorry you're having such a tough time sass..i have been feeding on demand and he has kind of just put himself on a schedule..we d eviate if he has an upset belly or sonething but for the most part he's pretty consistent..maybe try on demand and see if she makes her own schedule?

We have little remedies gas drops that wr use when his belly is upset. ..works great! No dyes in it either and u can give them u p to twelve times a dsy but the most we've ever had to give is 3 doses in a day.

My hemerrhoids got a looottt better by about 2 1/2 weeks pp. They still get a tad swollen when I have a bm but they r mostly gone..how many weeks pp r u? I used prep h cream like a craxy person it rly seemed to help. .and a lot of baths especially after a bm.
Also if you need advice find out if ur hospital has a lactation consultant and call them! Or your local chapter of la leche league
Our babies are growing up! :cry: My LO has started sleeping in his crib for 2-3 hour stretches. But the only way we can get him to sleep longer than an hour (even when co-sleeping) is on his belly. And he hates swaddling so his cotton blankets are loose on him. Part of me feels horrible for letting him sleep like that but he has excellent head control (out of curiosity, we plopped him in a Bumbo and he can sit in briefly already!) and doesn't move around in his sleep so the blankets stay put. I also have an AngelCare monitor in his crib. He is so fussy when he sleeps poorly so I've given in.
Is anyone else's baby fighting sleep? For the last couple days, Sebastian has been waking up and trying his hardest to stay awake for several hours at a time. Eventually he gets very cranky and fights sleep like no other. We were up from midnight to 3:30 am last night and it took an hour to settle him to sleep. I try offering the breast and he just sucks a couple times then lets go so he's not hungry, and I always change him as soon as he soils his diaper.

Oh I've missed you girls! And you always know so much! Bf is so hard, even when it goes well. Dd wakes every hour to feed at night, and I've been slipping her my boob side lying so I don't have to move her aka wake her up, but she gets such a poor latch that way. I was telling myself that it was ok because she's eating, sleeping and not screaming (for once) and then I was confused why my boobs turned into rock solid tennis balls?! I never even put it together with the bad latch. I'm so mentally slow these days.
Ok, so at my 2 week appt, the doctor made me change my feeding style / schedule, and since then I've been so confused and overwhelmed. I talk about switching back, but that overwhelms me now too. What to do?
I was bf on demand all day and bottle feeding ebm all night. Worked great. Dd slept 4 hours. Doctor wanted me to force a 2 hour feeding schedule. Dd hated it. And only sleeps 1 hr at a time at night. Dd now also screams terribly from 9-11 and anytime I change her diaper or she poops at night. Getting a burp out is so tough. Should I wake her to get in a good long feed to try to et a longer sleep and just suffer the screaming, or just try to get better at side lying to get a better latch? Or toss the whole thing and go back to ebf bottles at night? Oh I'm so lost!
It's so nice to read all your posts and not feel so alone. My bleeding, or lochia thing, changes every day. Red to brown to orange to yellow. Ew. Hate it and can't wait for it to leave. Still bleeding from the pooper though. I didn't think hemmeroids lasted this long? Worried its maybe a fissure instead. At what point should I go to a proctologist?
C section incision doesn't hurt as much but is still raised on the side that took the brunt of the pushing. Actually walked the dogs alone for the first time yesterday. Driving again is SO nice. Finally not feeling as much of an invalid!

I feed side lying at night with pretty good success. I found the I have to hold my breast and sandwich my nipple a bit to angle it down into LOs mouth. I often get him to latch on by actually hovering over him, letting him get a strong latch, then slowly lying down. I also found propping his head up with a thin pillow helps (but I stay awake for the feeds so I can remove the pillow when he's done). Maybe try practicing during the day when you're more alert?
I bf side lying. I lay him on his side facing me then lay down facing him and slide my arm that's on the bed under him to kind if prop him up. Then with my free hand I guide my boob into his mouth. Somrtimes I will lay on my back snd put him on top of me lrt him latch then roll both of us over onto our sides
Hey Ladies. Sorry to hear of the various challenges you are having. I've been in floods of tears every day as we are still struggling with latching and so I'm pumping every feed to give her expressed in a bottle. I get maybe 20 mins between feeds, sometimes one just crashes into another.

I'm also finding Hannah screams a lot and is hard to wind. A health visitor and Lactation consultant separately have suggested cranial osteopathy. Sounds odd but I've google it and I intrigued. Obviously a cost but might give it a go. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/...eopathy-Soothing-away-babys-colicy-cries.html. The birth the lady had in the article was exactly the same as mine, fast and she needed oxygen.

It is bloody hard! I though ttc was hard but this is the next toughie!
Thanks for the tips! I'm 4 weeks pp so I'm surprised I'm still having problems with my pooper. It's not itchy or anything. It's just like a bloody show most times I take a bm. And I'm still taking stool softeners too. I eat lots of fiber and fruit.
I'm going to try to side lie feed her tonight before bed. I just feel like she starts screaming once we go into my room every night. It's like she hates our room. Ad there's not much I can do to soothe her except feed her, and that's only when she's game for eating.
She's eating on demand all day, usually every two hours, but occasionally more or less time will pass.
The cranial osteopathy looks very interesting. I guess it wouldn't apply to c section babies?
Oh and our LO totally fights sleep. You can see how tired she is the whole time she screams. It's horrible. And I let her sleep whichever way keeps her down the longest. She's sleeping on her side at ths moment but seems to prefer her stomach most often.
Sass - I pump and bottle feed at night & love it! I think you should do what works for you and Dylan unless she's not gaining weight and your dr is trying to change things to help Dylan... If nothing is wrong with her why change what is working for you??

As for the Constipation issues, try miralax daily. My dr just told me to switch from colace to miralax because I'm on percocet which causes constipation that colace doesn't even touch!! I feel your pain!!!
Sass it could also apply to section babies as I read they can be affected by how the lie in the womb too. Eg can struggle to feed on the left if they lay on their left a lot. Might be worth looking in to as it could help with her fighting sleep?
Ziva had her 6 week needles today, one in each leg. It broke my heart to hear her scream in pain but I know it's for her own good. We are now home, I have given her some panadol and she is now sleeping it off.

How often does your LO poop? Ziva poops once every 2 days without fail. I spoke to the nurse and she said that's totally normal but I have friends who's bubs poop every feed!
Foxy - I've read that as long as its normal for your baby it's normal. If once every 2 days is normal for Ziva, great. If she is way off from that you know to call the doctor. If one of your every feed poop friends babies suddenly doesn't poop for 2 days, that's not normal for that baby and it needs a trip to the doctor.

As for Madelyn, she poops about 3-4x daily :)
Bee generally poops 3-6 times a day. But we can have stretches of like 10 hours without a poop. I then get all
worried and then she'll make up for it by doing loads in a short space of time.

Feeding is still a nightmare. So much screaming. :( Took her to the GP yesterday who said its the reflux and gave us more gaviscon. I'm not convinced but am going to be more strict with it to see.

In good news she fed lovely (after an hour of fighting it) side lying last night and then slept for over 4.5 hours!!! Then I fed her again and she went down for another 2.5.

Sure it was a fluke but I'm grateful for it.

Wore her in our stretchy wrap yesterday which worked great so I'm doing that again now. Have ordered an Ergo carrier to make it a bit easier.

In TMI news. :( I had a BM yesterday and felt a weird pressure at my vangina. Felt it and I have a prolapse that is bulging out when I 'go' :( so heartbroken.

We don't want another baby for 5 years. But I can imagine reparative surgery wouldn't stand up to labour but I can't live with that for 5 years. Also I daren't let DH near it. :( Far too embarrassed!
I am seriously on the verge of switching to formula...it seems we have one amazing day snd I will be so happy snd confident in my decison to bresstfeed. And then hell be up all night and feeding constsntly yet NEVER get full enough to fall bsck asleep and I know i have enough milk...then sometimes he will be so fussy and gassy after a feed idk how hr can be so gassy from breastmilk I don't eat anything crazy...idk...the few times we've given him formula he goes right asleep, burps good, and seems more settled...I'm starting to thinj maybe its just better for him...our schedule is so inconsistent and we can't go more than 2 days without some issue...I am rly conflicted. I adore our breastfeeding relstionship..I am devestated it might be ending. I cried all night and am still crying off and on...I just don't know what to do.
MrsBabcock I'm the same.

Not a day goes by I don't think about switching to bottles. But then DH will say to me "we can switch, that's fine" and then I break down and cry at the thought.

If it helps I've asked around a lot and most people (even on their 2nd and 3rd babies) hate the first 6-8 weeks but everyone is so happy they stuck it out.

I figure I've got this far, I'm too stubborn to throw it in now. :(
I would stick it out for sure if it was a latch problem, or sore nipples, or some obvious reason that I could work on...but its nothing like that..he feeds just fine...but he is never satisfied and is often so gassy and fussy afterwards and doesn't sleep very deeply at all....yet every tine we've tried formula he eats and burps and falls asleep soundly for hours...I think we are going to switch he just seems so much more settled...and I hsve to go back to work soon anywayd it would b a nightmare trying to pump there...I would have done it..but it would have been a real hassle..

I just wish I was at peace with the decision. I feel so much guilt giving him formula bc everything says breast milk is better..and I am devestated not to be able to nurse him...
MrsBabcock twice I've made the decision to ff and twice I've been so devastated I've not done it. I felt like somebody had died I cried so much. It's so hard. Mentally you know the rational side of it, but your heart just breaks at the thought of not BF. I'm not going to say anything about what decision I think you should make, just say I know in some part how you are feeling.

Cupcake get checked on the prolapse, maybe it's not that? Xx
Lady h I've made the decision 2 or 3 times. Then after 3 or so formula feeds I can't take the pain emotionally snd go back to bfing. I cannot stop crying. But I don't know what to do I feel selfish bfing bc I can't stand not to when he seems so content having formula.
Mrs b can you ff at night only? Or give expressed breast milk bottles at night only? Maybe the bottle is making LO take more than he would by nursing? Just a thought...

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