Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

I am so excited! We got to see our little one yesterday! :happydance: Also got to see him/her move!! :) Also measured right on schedule which makes me even more happy!
For some reason I can't attach pics but it's set as my profile picture! :)
Arrow and Abi :hugs: so so sorry to read both of your updates. look after yourselves and take it easy over the next few days. Arrow, sorry to hear about your family bereavement, I had a mmc after a similar event and dealing with both was devastating. :hugs: thinking of you both xx
Early happy new year to everyone else, congrats on your scans tanikins and jac. I had my early scan yesterday too and we saw a baby measuring 6+6 with a heartbeat. A big relief after my history and recent bleed and we are cautiously over the moon. Xx
Jac- great news! So happy for you.
Mrs w 11. - great to see you back hun! How are things?
Happy new year everyone.
Abii and arrow, i know i have said it already but you really are both in my thoughts xx
Thanks honey! Ok I think.... I had a couple of days of brown spotting after my bleed but nothing since. I just hasn't been online in a few days and was lying low until I knew what was going on. Scan did show a bleed under the sac so they said I might bleed again or my body might reabsorb it.

How are you doing? X
Also curious if anyone else has been told this...

Had my exams by the OB yesterday and he mentioned that I probably wouldn't be able to have a 9 lb baby but if it's 7 or 8 I'll be ok. I've tried not to think about it but it's kind of in the back of my mind. My husbands side runs a little higher I think but I was early and only 5.2 and my side runs in the 7's I believe.
Jac why were you told that?

This is my first, so not familiar with all the exams they did. But something about I'm not big enough "down there" to deliver that big of baby. I've never had any of the "woman" exams either so I had to do all of them. I should have taken a notebook because I can't remember exactly why he said that. Next appointment is Jan 27th
Hmm...weird. 9 lbs isn't that big? Our bodies adapt and stretch. When you say..."down there", do you mean your v? lol
Happy new year all!:hugs:

Jac - it sounds odd to tell you that at this stage:wacko:
Mrs W11 - I am ok thanks, bad nausea, bloat and embarrassing constipation:blush:. I am so pleased the scan gave your answers, it must have been sooo scary with the bleed. It shows how touch and go these first few weeks can be.
Jac, that's so weird because surely that's only something you can find out when you're in labour. So, predictions can be made based on... what I don't
Know since your pelvis opens during labour. .. but their just that, a guess and most of the time are completely off. How does he know what your body can and cannot do in labour, I'm sorry he's put the fear of God in you. It's so stupid if you ask me, we're powerful women I hate how the doctors make giving birth so medicalised like we never gave birth for millions of years. Women need to feel empowered and confidet about labour and birthing, not scaremongered into second guessing their capabilities. Are you in the US
Hi ladies,

Arrow and Abii sorry to hear about your situations. I pray that you get the strength to deal with this ordeal and don't lose hope.

To all others with good news, congrats.
Hi all can I join?
Due Aug 3rd. I'm 31 this will be 3rd & final lo for us. I've been super focused on Xmas for the last few weeks I've not had time to really get excited. Had midwife on Tues & that just makes it all real. Eeeeek.
It'll be nice to share stories & experiences here.
I totally agree with babydustcass. No need for scare mongouring like thay.
Hi tramaine! :)
Mrssat-hello and welcome! Of course you can join us I will add you to the list now. This is also my 3rd and final little one, what do you have already? I have 2 boys, 3 and 10 months xxx
Thank you honey!
We have Dd 6 & ds 3. Wish the age gap was smaller but we really weren't sure if a third was what we wanted. Luckily after deciding to go for it I had bfp 2 weeks later! We got very lucky. Kids don't know yet we are waiting for scan to give them the news. It'd killing me!
Aww one of each :) you're hood not telling the kids yet, our 3 year old heard us talking weeks ago and keeps saying "there's a baby in mummy's tummy" haha so far he has only said it to us though thank goodness. I am really showing now. 9 weeks tomorrow and look about 16 weeks xx
check out the belly! I went maternity clothes shopping this week thank god, i just seem to be getting bigger and bigger. :shrug::dohh:

Had our panorama test this morning and got to see the baby on the scan. We took the kids with us and they were so excited! We also got to see bubs in 3d! It was soooo cool and weird to see them this early so detailed.
In 7-10 days we will have the results of the genetics tests and also find out the gender :happydance: crossing my fingers and toes, everything is good


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You guys are showing! Wow jealous! I got nothing! I tend to carry small but this worries me because Dd 1 was small for dates & I had reduced waters which resulted in me getting induced at 37 weeks she weighed 4lb 3ozs. She was fine though. Ds 2 was 7lb 3 born at home so no complications but my bump was still small. I hsd xtra scans & it showed he was a good sz.
I want a bump! I'm being seen by consultant again this time but all being well I'll have a home birth again. I hope for a good sz bub again.

Babydustcass - you look lovely! What is your genetic testing for? I hope it all goes well.
Honey - yep it's totally killing me not telling them but just want to see a Healthy scan before I tell them. My 6 yr old is very perceptive so I'm pretty sure she knows the craic but hasn't let on. Scan is on the 20th so I'll be shouting from the rooftops on that day x
Babydustcass- looking gret hun! And congrats in the scan that must have been lovely!
Mrssat- you may wake up one day and your belly will have popped! I had a work collegue who had a similar situation, then at 16 weeks a perfectly round bump popped up out of nowhere!
As for me, i am 9 weeks today and i can no longer fot into size 6 jeans! Look at the tummy haha. 3.5 weeks til my scan.


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