Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Hi everyone,

Meggy sorry to hear about your appointment, at least you've only a week to wait.

Jac - hope you are feeling better, it's good your Dr didn't think it was anything to worry about. I guess when we are pregnant we notice every little thing and worry whereas normally if we had a few pains we wouldn't think as much of it. I am the same though, it's so hard not to worry.

Tanikins - usually I love wine but at the moment the though of it make me feel sick!! I know once I start feeling better I'll miss it though!

Honey - good luck at your booking appointment, I always like that as it feels like something is finally happening!

Afm, had a NHS scan this morning at the epu as I have had lots of brown spotting. All was fine and blob had a heartbeat so I told myself I would finally get a ticker!!
Mrs W 11 - So true. I find myself constantly worrying because since it's my first I don't know what is normal and what isn't. Glad I'm not the only one though and so thankful for all the support I've received here! Definitely helps me through a lot easier.
Update: The nurse just called and said she talked to the doctor. He set up an appointment with the cardiologist because of the chest heaviness, shortness of breath and palpitation symptoms (had a surgery for it at age 15). He wants to see if there's anything that can be done or if something is seriously wrong, I'm a little nervous about that appointment. I do have slight asthma but only to cleaners and heavy exercise, does it increase when pregnant maybe?
Hello everyone.

Jac - I'm not sure about asthma in preg tbh. It's good they took you seriously regarding your symptoms & you got a referral. It's really hard thinking things are wrong & no one listens. I have 2 lo's already & I have to say I never worried about a thing before this one. I have my scan on the 20th & am so anxious something might be wrong. I've mentioned before I haven't even got a hint of a bump. Not unusual for me but 3rd baby I'd expect a lil something by now. I looked into a private scans but it's £100 here & I'm just telling myself to wait because all will be fine & I've only got 13 days to wait! To keep a lid on this anxiety all I can recommend is staying busy. Then soon these babies will be kicking us all the time & well know there are a-ok! The pulling pains are totally normal though as is ridiculous fatigue. I hope things settle for you soon & you can start to enjoy the pregnancy it does get better!

Hhhmm who mentioned wine? I'd love a wee dram. I'm a red girl & in this cold weather it's such a nice treat but a baby will be better.

Mrs w I'm really glad all went well with your scan. Such a relief to see that blob & hb!

I'm very irritable this evening. I've not been sleeping great & been getting up for a wee every night for that last week or so. So that's a good sign!! But would rather that symptom would pass.

Morning all! I am happy it is the day of my booking app:happydance:

Jac - yes - pregnancy CAN make asthma worse, I have mild asthma that usually only pipes up with allergies but with my first pregnancy and this one I have had to get inhalers again as I can't walk up a hill without losing breath which is blow to me as I am super fit and do 2 hours of power walkng a day - up hills! Obviously I have cut that down now.

Meggy- sorry to hear about the insurance mix up. That must have been really annoying :nope: hopefully you won't have to wait long.

Mrs. W 11 - Hi hun! great news about the scan, that must have been lovely to see:hugs: and yay for the ticker!:happydance: You are totally right, the booing app is when you feel like something is actually hapening haha

mrssat - only 12 days for you to wait now:hugs: I know how you feel though, if money wasn't an issue I think I would pay for an early scan. I have 20 days to wait grrr. You are right though, staying busy really is the only way to pass the time. Luckily I have a few things going on between now & my scan. Me and husband are away to Rome for 2 nights next weekend, I have the booking app today, I am changing my hair colour tomorrow (this doesn't sound a big thing but I am so fed up with my hair haha).
Booking went well, gotta see a consultant at 16 weeks ro discuss birth plan given my last situation etc. Feels more real now i have my maternity notes :) 20 days til my scan xx
How is everyone doing today? Xx
Im feeling great :thumbup: i managed to run 5k in just over 22mins :happydance:.

Ive gotta see a consultant as high risk due to having a tia (mini stroke) a few years back.

4 days till scan
Honeysuede - Glad to hear your booking went well! Excited for your scan in 20 days! :)

Cramps/pains have gone away for the most part! Still have the chest heaviness/shortness of breath, hoping to get that resolved on Monday though!

Hope everyone else is doing well! Excited for those who have recently had scans and will be having scans soon! :happydance:
Happy New Year ladies!! So sorry I have been incredibly absent from the thread. Over the holidays I was not at work and our visiting family and our little daughter kept me so busy I never had time to check into see how you all were doing! Sounds like everyone is doing well, so happy to hear that :)

jac - glad your cramps and pains have gone away and good that you will be able to get your shortness of breath addressed on Monday!

tani - wow 5k in 22 minutes - that is amazing! I am not a runner and have always admired those who are :) 4 days till scan, so exciting!!

honey - yay for booking! 20 days till scan, that is so soon - will be so amazing to see your little one.

mrssat - i think it is natural to have those concerns especially before the first scan. in less than two weeks you'll be able to see what is going on - am sure the time will fly by with 2 lo keeping you busy!!

mrs w - how wonderful you got to see your little blob and saw that wonderful heartbeat!! i love it :)

As for me - we had a scan this past Monday at 9 weeks and I was so happy to see a strong heartbeat at 170bpm!! I was worried over the holidays as our previous scan showed a pretty slow heartbeat but that was quite early on. Next appointment is next week with our Obgyn and assume we'll have another scan later this month. We have started to tell people about our news - I know it is a bit early, but we couldn't keep it to ourselves any longer!
Hi ladies,

Glad to know everyone is doing well.

The wait between scan dates are taxing on the brain. All the what ifs, but so far so good.

Had my scan today at 7weeks gestational age, little one is measuring 6.4 -6.6 weeks +\- 4 days and .68cm which is good. Actually heard the heart beat today a strong 135 bpm. Seeing the doc on Monday.

Is anyone experiencing a metallic taste in the mouth and if so how can I get rid of it? I find using salty stuff helps but only for a very short period of time.
Tani - wow that is great tming with the run:thumbup: when do you see your consultant?

Jac - glad the cramps have eased. My midwive at the booking app yesterday told me my astmah flaring up is very common in pregnancy along with shortness of breath so hopefully there is a way around it for you, maybe a temporary inhaler?

Starlight!! Happy new year:hugs: congrats on the scan! and telling people is fun isn't it:flower: all our close family know know, but unfortunately we don't get a scan til 12 weeks here so won't announce it officially til then. 19 days:haha:

Tramaine - glad the scan went well. And yes, I have had that funny taste and the only thing that helps is drinking and eating which isn't a solution I know.

AFM - I am excited as today I get my hair done and I am going back to black! I am naturally golden blonde but never liked it on me, I have green eyes & it looked dull. I had black hair from the age of 18-26 then it has been dark red / plum for 6 years. But I am sooo fed up of paying tons of money to the salon for lovely rich shiny colour only to have it fad within a week. I know that is the nature of those colours but I have decided I am having it black again, black doesn't fade:happydance: XX
Seeing my consultant on the with 28th jan. Not sure how it works with a stroke. If it'll just be extra blood pressure monitoring or it ill have to do all the growth scan and non stress tests. Not that id refuse a few checky extra scans
Was the stroke after you had your son? A few extra scans won't hurt ;) it is a bit of a drag having to have more appointments but it will be worth it. Sonur app is the same day as my scan :)
I just had a surprise phone call, our panorama results are in and everything is great with baby and we found out we are team PINK :cloud9: so happy
Oh my god congrats! That is amazing news!!
Did u have to pay privately for those tests? Xx
Oh my god congrats! That is amazing news!!
Did u have to pay privately for those tests? Xx

Yes we had them at 10+4 last week privately with MUMS. Results were back in 7 days with Low risk for all the genetic and chromosonal screening tests. So happy
Was the stroke after you had your son? A few extra scans won't hurt ;) it is a bit of a drag having to have more appointments but it will be worth it. Sonur app is the same day as my scan :)

Yes he was about 11 months. It was stress related not suprised by that :haha: im a giant stress head. Im just glad there keeeping it in mind. I cant find any advice on pregnancy after strokes just about them during

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