Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Hi Hollie & Meggy! how are you both?
Well I felt he flutters last night!! very faint and I only felt it as I was laying still on my back but there is no other feeling like it so I know it was the baby:cloud9: it was lovely as I have been convincing myself (for no reason) that I will get bad news at the scan (15 days and counting).

So yesterday was a bad day, we got scammed by a driving company, paid a load of money for an intense course and practical test for my husband and long story short they took our money and he didn't get to do his test. So angry, google now has 40+ other people giving it 1 out of 5 stars saying it was a scam, if only they were there before we booked :(

Then we were kept awake from 3am by noises in the EMPTY flat abov us, it has been empty for 3 months but there is always movement like chairs moving, it's odd, and last night it was so loud and were heard whispers but my husband went up there and no one is there, they don't even have their electric on. Spooky... and annoying!
Hi Hollie & Meggy! how are you both?
Well I felt he flutters last night!! very faint and I only felt it as I was laying still on my back but there is no other feeling like it so I know it was the baby:cloud9: it was lovely as I have been convincing myself (for no reason) that I will get bad news at the scan (15 days and counting).

So yesterday was a bad day, we got scammed by a driving company, paid a load of money for an intense course and practical test for my husband and long story short they took our money and he didn't get to do his test. So angry, google now has 40+ other people giving it 1 out of 5 stars saying it was a scam, if only they were there before we booked :(

Then we were kept awake from 3am by noises in the EMPTY flat abov us, it has been empty for 3 months but there is always movement like chairs moving, it's odd, and last night it was so loud and were heard whispers but my husband went up there and no one is there, they don't even have their electric on. Spooky... and annoying!

SO sorry you had to go through all that! I work for my dad and we are constantly getting scams :/ Luckily all of ours have come up on Google. Not that this will help now, but something I've found that works most of the time is if you type in the company name or person and type scam at the end. Normally it will pop up if it's had any scam reports. I can imagine that would be a horrible process to go through. :hugs: Prayers your way!
Hi all!

Not been around for a few days just been a bit busy! Dealing with my bowie grief has taken up much of my time for the last 2 days! Still can't believe it. I've been gorging on his music big time. We have a beautiful poster of him in our living room & my 3 yr old has been looking at it saying "David Bowie died!!" Same 3 yr old has taken to wearing dresses so I think he might be channeling a bit of bowie himself. I must stop listening his music it maybe affecting my kids! Ha ha hoping the dresses are a phase.

Glad everyone is moving along nicely.

Tanikins - what a lovely scan pic. Happy all is well. It must be so real now.

Honey - man sorry to hear about the scam what a bummer. & wth is with the flat above!? Spooky stuff. Your hair looks fab BTW. I'm going for the chop tomorrow eeeeek! How cool to feel movement I thought I have a few times but then thought naaa not this early must be wind but I know it's possible it's buba .

So I've been OK, very tired & irritable but OK. I'm defo getting action in the tummy area not much to post yet but I reckon I'm stretching out. Yippee. Only a week till my scan & I honestly can't wait. I need to tell my kiddies & friends. Mum's & our siblings know already.
Been getting a few headaches but I think that's due to caffine withdrawal -meh!

So like I say hopefully getting my hair chopped tomorrow, my little lady is ill though so I may be cancelling my appointment. Hopefully she'll be OK. Poor kid.
We booked a holiday for may just to majorca for a week but thought we'd better get one in before I'm too big to fly! Can't wait. We also have a child free weekend coming up in Feb for our wedding anniversary so looking forward to that to. I figure we better get this kind of thing in because once we have 3 tikes all these things will become logistically a nightmare!!

I know we are still fairly early but have you guys had birth plan thoughts? I had a home birth with ds he was #2 it was lovely & everything I'd imagined. I'd like to do the same again all being well. I'd love to hear anybody else's plans if you have any yet!

Well keep cooking ladies.
Big love xx
Aww tani, love the pic!! How thrilling 

Honey – ugh sorry you had a bad day yesterday, hope today is much better! Hope there are not funny noises tonight so you can get a good sleep!!

Mrssat – new haircut, that is exciting! I am keen to get mine cut but don’t have an appointment till later in Jan.
Thanks ladies:hugs: sorry for my negative rant!
I feel better this morning, just really tired. Oh and I have reported that horrible company to trading standards and watchdog.
Spooky noies were minimal last night which is good. We are off to Rome for the weekend tomorrow and I can't wait! 2 nights just me and my husband!probably for the last time in years :haha: and all I can think about is getting some real sleep:haha:

mrssat - Oh my goodness I am right there with you, I was DEVASTATED on Monday about Bowie, still am. I have been a huge fan since I was 12/13. Have you seen the video to his last song? so sad. What a massive loss, I still can't beleive it. His music is just AMAZING and he inspired so many,including my favourite band Suede. :cry:

Yay for your holiday and haircut!!:flower: and less than a week til your scan!! As for birth plan, I have to see a consultant at 17 weeks to discuss as I had an assisted delivery with DS1 (he was stuck at the pushing stage for 2 hours) and an emergency section with DS2. They may want to book me for a planned section. I really don't want a section as it was so painful and hard with recovery, last time I haemorrhaged and was back in hosiptal 4 days later. But I guess at least that way we can plan child care and my husbands leave from work etc.

Anyway, busy day for me today, gotta get the place tidy as y mum is coming to babysit while we go to Rome and I also need to pack woohoo!! xxx
Well today is the day we go to Rome! So excited. Hope everyone is well and have a great weekend! I am back sunday xxx
Well today is the day we go to Rome! So excited. Hope everyone is well and have a great weekend! I am back sunday xxx

Wishing you safe travels and I hope you have an amazing time!! :) (and that you'll be able to get caught up on rest that I'm sure is needed) ;)
Well I finally went to my official first baby appointment and I am 9 weeks 2 days and baby is due August 17th 2016!!!! The baby is laying more on the right side so hopefully that means baby is girl we will see very soon cuz I'm looking at getting that blood test that checks the DNA for any abnormalities and the SEX!!! And they didn't do a heart Doppler check but u can clear see the fluttering of the heart racing so my next appointment will be in two weeks to check out the baby I had to do 8 vials of blood and a urine sample did anyone else had to do an extra urine sample when they went for blood work idk this was new to me and hopefully it's nothing here's a baby pic too you can clearly see a hand and facial features


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Aw Meghan cute! I'm getting a scan today too. Super nervous!
Hey everyone
Just checking in, I have been super busy the past week with work and errands. These past few weeks are just flying by, can't believe we're mid January already.
Since we found out baby is a girl we've been doing well little bit of shopping. So exciting to be able to get some stuff and makes it feel more real. We have another scan next Tuesday which I cannot wait for.
Using my doppler every now and again for reassurance has been a God send.

Hope everyone is well and everything is going great

Babydust I've been thinking of getting a Doppler too. What kind did you get?
I would love to get a Doppler if the price is right I do have that app on my phone to supposedly record the babies heartbeat but doesn't work and also nervous on using my phone cuz of the radiation
I have a Sonoline b and it was 25£ brand new off ebay, I think they resell really well too so definitely worth the small investment x
Hi!! Well i am back and sitting here at 3am with a baby that refuses to sleep:haha:
Eome was amazind, we crammed so much into one day it was great. Was lovely getting back to the boys though.i had a little scare, taking off on the plane both there are back caused bery painful cramps for about 20mins each time. Now the 10 day countdown til my scan. Just want to see baby and know all is ok.

Aww congrats Meggy, ehat a lovely pic :flower:
Hollie how did your scan go?

Hope everyone is doing well, I can't beleive we are all heading quickly towards 2nd tri xxx
Honey, the scan went great. Baby measured right on target. I was so relieved! I bought some maternity pants today. They were a little pricey but will be so worth it!!
:hugs:Awww that is lovely!! I love all these scan pics!!! makes me emotional!!
Hey girls!

Yep been a little crazy here too. We had a chicken pox scare my ds woke up with a spot on his face he'd had a cold so really thought it was the pox but it wasn't! Not sure what the spot was. Dd had same cold but no spots. Would actually like them to catch it sooner rather than later. I've had it so no worries on that front.
So because they were sick I missed my hair cut appointment but got another booked in for Thurs. Its desperate. It's super long & sooo thick I just need a new look.
Started swimming yesterday it felt great to be doing some exercise after weeks of not wanting to get off the sofa. I plan to go 3 times a week from now on. I've been lucky with last 2 pregnancies with getting back into old jeans fairly quickly but I'm not taking chances this time. Also splashed out on a juicer because I found I'm just craving rubbish food in between meals so I'm making myself & bubba get some extra nutrients!!
Got my scan weds eeeeek! Honestly so excited. We're gonna take the kids for pizza & give them a little card each with a scan pic in & write the card as if it's from the baby. I hope we get a good response!!! Ha.

Holli - what a beautiful scan pic. Glad all is well.
Honey - glad you enjoyed Rome. Wonder why the cramps on the flight. I'm sure all is well but not long for the scan now!

It feels crazy to be heading for 2nd tri but I'm so ready to hopefully feel a little normal again. Bet we all are!!
honeysuede - Glad you had a great trip and made it back safely!

Holliems - Lovely picture!

*sorry for the grumpiness rant in advance but do have a question*

So I haven't had the typical nausea, vomiting and all that type stuff...but I tell ya these little things are getting me! (not even due to pregnancy) Now I have a throat infection! (I get them every year and a half or so and normally take antibiotics) So my questions is: Does anyone have any natural remedies or relief for throat infection? Cannot swallow without pain and to be honest, I'm getting grumpy lol (Possibly because the neck/back ache and fatigue are overrunning me too)
Morning all! Mrssat- i agree it is better for the little ones to get it earlier, i always panic when i see a spot of any kind on them though haha
Jac- sorry you're suffering, sorry I don't have any advice :(

As for me i am getting myself in a state of worry. I keep googling things I shouldn't. I have no reason to think anything is wrong with the baby and i can even feel very faint flutters at times but I can't stop worrying i will be told bad news at the scan next week :( i was like this with my last pregnancy too so i know it is probably normal pregnancy anxiety but i just want to know all is ok.
Ds2 has his development check today and i am going to ask for help with his sleeping as it is showing no signs of improvement xxx

Oh jac thats horrible you poor thing. I don't get throat infections so not really sure what to suggest for you. I think gargling with salt water is supposed to be good & then honey & lemon drink (natural not shop bought lemsip or anything) is good for soothing. Being ill when pregnant is just the worst!

Honey - I know what you mean about this pre scan irrational anxiety! I have it for sure. But I am excited too. I just keep having these horrible thoughts! I never had this before. It's not nice. Only 24 hrs to go for me so hopefully these thoughts will be gone tomorrow. Step away from Google honey!

I found baby whisperer very helpful with my Dd when she wouldn't sleep. It was tough so I feel for you hope you get it sorted so you can all zzzzzz peacefully.

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