Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

CONGRATULATIONS!! :cloud9::hugs: That is a stunning scan pic for 12 weeks!! aww I bet you are so happy!
Sorry to hear your LO is unwell :( Hope he feels better soon and they get excited about the news!!
My LO has a rotten cold and me and DH have sore throats - is it srping time yet? haha
One week til my scan urg the wait is torture:haha:
Congrats mrs. I wanna vote team pink :pink: i suck at guessing though :haha: Are you finding out?
mrssat - Amazing picture!

Hope everyone is doing well! :)
My throat infection is gone! Heart checkup done and they said everything is perfectly fine and said heaviness may be because it's my first and haven't stretched yet so it's a full feeling. Also got my tooth re-filled that was causing so much pain and I can eat on that side after 4 months of not being able to! :happydance:

When is everyone making their announcements??? The people that know (family and a few friends) are dying for me to announce it now but I kind of wanted to wait until my check up next Friday. Seems like forever but thought it might be good to make sure everything is ok. Can't wait! And even though this is my first I swear I felt flutters while I was working at my computer earlier!! :happydance: (maybe it wasn't but I'm going to be excited about it anyway since my stomach has been normal all day)
I made my announcement last weds after my scan on the tues. I was 11 weeks aa my scan was early but we'd seen a hb so i was happy to share
Congrats mrs. I wanna vote team pink :pink: i suck at guessing though :haha: Are you finding out?

Hey! Chinese prediction test says girl & it was correct with my other 2. Nope not finding out this will be our last & we haven't experienced the surprise gender thing so want it with this one because there will be no more!

What are you all going to do re finding out?

Jac so pleased you are better! & had a positive heart appointment.
I've been to see some girlie friends this eve & told them. I've got another group of friends I'm seeing at the weekend so will tell them then. I can't hold back anymore!!
Thank you all for lovely congrats on scan. Can't wait to see more on here x
Im finding out. Once my car goes in the garqge on monday ill know if i can afford a private scan
Morning! Jac - yay, glad the throat is better, mine is really sore now:wacko: and great news about your appointment going well:thumbup: As for announcment, all of my close friends and family know but we are announcing officially the evening after the scan next Thursday, all being well I will be 13 weeks almost so I feel that is a good time:flower:

Mrssat - Chinese prediction was right with DS1 but wrong with DS2 for me, it's saying girl this time round. I can't wait to find out!! I didn't find out with DS1 although I was convinced from the day I took the test it was a boy.

Tani - When will you book the private scan for? is it 16 weeks?

So last night I decided to go for it - night 1 of sleep training DS2. He has a cold but it's only a runy nose & doesn't seem to bother him too much so I just did it. And he went to sleep fine, was up at 2.15am, cried on & off for 40 mins after I went and settled him once without picking him up. Then he slept until 6.15! not bad for night one! I wonder if the cold is making him more sleepy though, hmmmm. My husband and Ds1 slept through the whole thing despite DS1 being in the same room as the baby haha xx
Yay! Honey, it sounds like the 1st night of sleep training went really well! Clever baby boy long may it continue!!

So most of you guys are finding out. I have to admit neutral clothes etc aren't that appealing but I really want to experience the's a boy/girl! thing . It's so exciting!!

Think I'm feeling flutters too now it's lovely.
honey great to hear the sleep training is off to a good start! Hope it continues!

We started telling people after we heard a heartbeat on Doppler at 9 weeks. I don't have fb or anything so there hasn't been an 'announcement', we just tell people when we see or talk to them! Obvs family first but yeah, it's been low key and that's how I like it. :)

Oh and mrssat we are not finding out gender! We actually prefer gender-neutral stuff and I like the idea of bonding with baby without having all these pre-conceived ideas about oh she'll be so sweet or oh he'll love trucks or whatever. I have a whole feminist rant about it haha, but I find people aren't so interested in that so when they ask I just say we want to be surprised and think it will be practical to have baby stuff we can re-use with future children regardless of gender!

Anyway all that to say I'll be waiting for a surprise with you! :)
Aaah mrssat yay for flutters! It's amazing isn't it :)

Marmoset - how exciting you're waiting to find out too! It was a wonderul moment when my first son was born and we asked them to let us see so they just lifted him and we say it was a boy will never forget it. :flower:
Far too weak willed this time though and my husband is convinced it's a girl so we arw so eager to find out not that we mind either way. 3 boys would be amazing too xxx
Marmoset I see you are in Canada. I'm in UK gender neutral stuff here tends to be very beige! I love bright colours on my babies I'm hoping the spring/summer season will bring some lovely vibrant things I can nab.

Yes I don't like being specific with toys etc for boys & toys for girls. My boy loves trucks he just likes wearing his sisters dresses while playing with them!! He also loves his football kit whilst carrying HIS dolly. It's lovely!
Aw mrssat that's so sweet about your son! I hear you on the beige though, I'm always keeping an eye out for green or yellow! I find some stores are better than others, there's a kids clothing store in my area that's literally just split in half, blue boys stuff on one side and pink girls stuff on the other! I don't even bother going in there but other places have more of a mix. I hope you stumble across some good sources of cute colorful stuff!

Honey that's such a sweet memory of your son's birth, I'm kind of in denial at this point that the whole birth thing is even going to happen haha, but I'm sure it will be exciting!
With DS1 I went for a lot of pale green things, also I liked white things with patterns or pictures on. Hated beige.
If we have a 3rd boy we have a wealth of clothes already, but if it happens to be a girl I have said to DH, & he agrees, when people (family etc) buy us clothes we will politely ask for it not to be all pink frilly stuff. Of course I don't mind the odd pink thing, but the idea of only dressing a girl in baby pink and a boy in baby blue doesn't sit right with me.
My DS2 plays with dolls, and trucks. I love it:flower:

So night 2 of sleep training, he slept from 8-1am then cried for 10 mins then slept u til 5.45! I am amazed!!

Well I am off to London with my cousin today, she has treated me to a ticket to see the Alice In Wonderland musical! I LOVE Alice in Wonderland! am a little nervous will be annoyed if they have changed it too much though:haha:

5 days til my scan and I hit the 12 week mile stone tomorrow:happydance:
Honey - gasp is it the damon albarn production. I'm desperate to see that one. I'm obsessed with everything that man does & he can do no wrong on my eyes. If it's that one I'm well jel! Enjoy it! You must feel like a new woman getting all this sleep. He's doing fantastic!

We told out little monkeys last night ds was cool didn't really take much notice. But Dd wasn't impressed in fact she cried which made me cry. & she was quite upset. I think she's a bit confused about her feelings. We had a lovely chat after & she seemed annoyed she'd not been told sooner (little madam) but I explained why etc. After the chat she was better but still very sure she didn't want a baby around. Tough s@#t I say!
Yes it's the Damon one! I love him too! Have seen Blur a number of times and the Gorillaz too and he always pops up at Glasto each year one way or another. This year is the first glasto that i am not going to in forever.

Aww that must have been emotional for you with the kids. How old is you daughter again? She will love it once the bump shows big and she gets used to the idea of having a baby around i am sure. Xxx
Eeek it looks amazing but your right it looks very diff from the traditional alice.

Yeah seen blur a fair few times we seen them last year at Hyde Park & went to the come back gig in 2009 at Hyde Park - I was preg with Dd then. We took the kids to latitude where he played & we seen them before we had kids as well. We lived in London for 5 yrs so catching gigs was easy. Aaahh those were the days. Only went to Glastonbury once but radiohead played so don't think it could ever be topped. We try to go to a summer festival even just for 1 day but not sure this Yr. Pj harvey (who I love love love) is at field day but we have a wedding that day! Damn it!
Sounds like we have similar taste in music honey.

Dd is 6 yeah she'll come round she'll have to. I plan to get her very involved in shopping etc if she's up for that. Lots of girl time before the babe comes.
I am hoping to wait until valentines day to announce on facebook. We have already told family and a few close friends. I am telling my best friend today! I don't have a scan until feb 8th so I if we don't make it to valentines day I am hoping to at least make it to the scan but I think a valentines reveal would be cute! My hubby is getting really impatient lol.

We will be finding out at a private 3d scan if we are having a boy or girl. They wont tell us what we are having during hospital scans here. We found out at a private scan with our son and it was such a special moment. We both had a sob fest when we found out he was a boy because we really wanted a boy first and we were sure it was a girl lol. This time I am hoping for a girl, hubby wants another boy lol.
The next person to brag about there nice alcoholic drink is gonna get a swift backhander :grr:

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