Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Sorry if tmi but does anyone get cramps after a BM!!! Twice this has happened to me & I don't like it. It feels like very very mild contractions! Hope it's normal .
Thanks mrssat:hugs: It's horrible the thoughts that rush through our minds isn't it. I know this sounds really silly, but I think to myself 'I have been lucky enough to have 2 healthy babies, am I pushing my luck'.
Yay for your scan being tomorrow! can't wait for an update! Will be thinking of you:thumbup: and yes! I get those pains during and after BM too! not every time but occasionally, I think I had someting similar in my last pregnancy too.

Well Dylan's development check went really well, he is very advanced for his age which I knew as he keeps me on my toes 24/7:haha: and she told me without a doubt I need to do strict sleep trianing, a whole week of hell but she assures me it will pay off. Just settle him in the cot and not lift him out, eventully he will learn. Wish me luck! I am going to bring him in our room to do it as he currently shares with DS1. We will start at the weekend as DH isn't at work then.
Took my lb to lool at prams today. That was so much fun :haha:

Theres a few i like
Ickle bubba v2
Cosatto woop / giggle 2
Hauck lacrosse
Silcercross pioneer

So much choice it hurts my brain
We had our scan today and they put we forwards 3 days :happydance: now due 23rd July. Everything looked lovely and baby girl was wiggling around and crossing her legs.
Having seen at at 7, 10 and 13 weeks, it is amazing how much the change in such a short space of time.

We also chose and brought our pram this week, :happydance: so excited for it to come. Luckily we have a spare room I can store it in but it was such a good deal for the new v4 I had to snap it up. I love stokke x


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Jac sorry about your throat! Seconding the gargling salt water suggestion - my routine is to gargle a glass of warm salt water every couple of hours and then not eat or drink anything for about 20 mins afterward so the saltiness kinda sits back there. It tastes a bit gross but the salt should help kill the bacteria! Good luck!
Congrats on the scan babydust! What a lovely pic you got. And the stroller looks great, very minimalist and functional which is my style as well.

Honey good luck with the sleep training - maybe you'll be too tired to worry for a few days, haha. ;)

Tani I know what you mean I just about broke my brain looking at car seats the other day. It's so confusing with all the options! Bah!

AFM working from home today as they're putting draft stop in the windows at work and the fumes bother me a lot (plus don't want to take any chances with the little one!) Oh and my app says baby is the size of a bee hummingbird today! I LOVE hummingbirds so this is making me irrationally happy! :happydance:
mrssat & marmoset - Thank you! I gargaled salt water this morning and it actually seemed to relieve some of the pain. Plan on doing it throughout today and praying it'll help! I feel like I'm being a baby but it always made me tired before and now it's double, not to mention we are swamped at work and it's also real feel of -5 outside. Totally just venting right now. :neutral:

Thank you all for your support!! My husband has a lot on his plate so it helps having people to come to. 8-[

Honey - I don't think you're pushing your luck and don't think you have anything to worry about :) I've had some worry and this is my first lol But you've had 2 healthy ones before it sounds like ;) Looking forward to your scan!

babydustcass - Perfect picture and Congrats on being 3 days ahead! So amazing that you got to see her move around! :)
Great pic babydust. Being put forward a few days is always amazing
So surprised how clear the pic was, I was absolutely busting for a wee though by the end. It's kind weird to watch her wiggling around so much yet not be able to feel her. Can't wait to feel some kicks x

Honey I know exactly what you mean. I had the exact same thoughts, i feel so lucky and blessed times three but so worried something will go wrong. I am a worrier by nature and this time i felt worries I've never experienced with my other two before.
Honey - glad your Los check up went well. Good luck with the sleep training. It's so tough but so worthwhile for all of you. I remember doing it with my dd around 8 months or so. She had been a good sleeper but had started waking up and being a nightmare to get back to sleep. It was happening so often that the health visitor recommended controlled crying. The trouble was, if I went into her room after 5 minutes she got worse. The first night was total hell, me and dh both cried. The second night was hard but better. By the third night she was asleep within 15 minutes and slept through the night and by the fourth night she was asleep by the time I got to the bottom of the stairs!! It will be so worth it. Good luck xx

Babycas- lovely scan pictures! Glad she is doing well. I love Stokke too, I had their bouncer with dd.

Jac - glad the salt water helped some. It's so so hard being ill when pregnant and not being able to take anything. Hope you feel better soon x

Marmoset - happy hummingbird thoughts!! X

Not much happening here. Got my booking in appointment Thursday. Just still feeling so anxious. Have felt less sick the last few days which seems a bit early. I just won't relax until after the 12 weeks scan!! Sorry for the moan!!
Tani - I found choosing a buggy almost as hard as choosing a name the first time round:haha:

babydust - What a gorgeous picture!! aww:cloud9: And being put forward a few days is great!:thumbup: I had that with both my boys & am hoping i happens again this time, it shows they are growing strong.

Marmoset - aww hummingbird! that's lovely:flower:

Jac - I hope your throat feels better soon, and thanks for your kind words:hugs:

Mrs W 11 - Thanks for sharing your experience, I told DH and although he looked terrified he liked the fact there was proof it has worked for someone! I am nervous but prepared to go for it. Hope the booking app. goes well and he wait for your scan goes quick, I know mine still feels like a lifetime away.

Well I am off to bed in an hour or so as I am sooo tired. All I want to do is eat and sleep:haha:
Oh and babydust - I will update your due date, and will do he same for anyone who's dates move :) x
Tmi but woooow theres a lot of cm. If i wasn't preggo id think i was gearing to ov. Actually had a freak out i was bleeding
Anyone else signing up to do that DNA/genetic blood test in the 1st trimester if so has anyone got it done before I am thinking of doing it knowing I don't have any genetic issues just to find out the sex sooner
I go in to have blood drawn tomorrow for the genetic testing. I'm not worried about defects. I'm sure everything is fine. Can't wait to fine out the sex!
I go in to have blood drawn tomorrow for the genetic testing. I'm not worried about defects. I'm sure everything is fine. Can't wait to fine out the sex!
Ok sounds great let me know how it goes o and how long for the results to come back
Tani- i am havingg the same thing and had it each pregnancy too. Sometimes it is so uncomfortable i worry i might be bleeding but it's just loads of cm. Not fun but very normal i think x
Thanks honey!

It all went very well. It was quick I felt like we were in & out but I seen what I needed. A perfectly sized 12 wk baby with a little heart fluttering away. Aaahh! Baby was very still I think maybe snoozing we did get a few little wriggles but mostly he/she was well behaved.
Sonographer measured baby crown to rump as 5.4 cms which is interesting because ds #2 was 5.3 cms at this stage. So pretty much bang on. My dates were also bang on no change to Dd.
We didn't tell the little ones because my boy was really poorly last night - it's one thing after another!! Ear infection I think now hopefully get him to docs today. He's much more chipper so I think we'll tell them tonight. He litteraly cried for the whole evening.

Oh had my bloods for downs test taken as well.

I'm trying to upload a pic!!

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