Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Tanikins I've just been in the pub with friends - sigh!! Alcohol never bothered me in last pregnancies but I'm really missing it!! Glad I'm not the only wino x
Magan- aww valentines sounds like a great day for your announcement:)

Mrssat-the show was good, very different. It was a modern story about cyber bullying & the world of phones & internet tied in with Alice in wonderland. It kinda worked to a degree. Worth a see. I would give it 7/10.
That was 2003 when Radiohead headlined right? If so i was there too& it was amazing! That was my 2nd year (now done 10) but i am angry with Radiohead now for turning all experimental & in my opinion, shite. What a waste of an amazing guitar band. Ues, it sounds like our music taste are similar :) i LOVE muisic, constantly listening to bbc6 rafio. I have been a suede obsessive since i was 12 & their new album was out friday so that was my excitement haha.

Tani- i am ok about alcohol, until i am out & see places that sell cocktails! They are my weekness. I miss them.

So i went to bed at 9 as I felt really sick, like sea sick, & dizzy. Still not feeling right now. Also had a horrible dream that i was bleeding heavy :( am very glad to be 12 weeks today & only 4 days til the scan xxx
Congrats on 12 weeks honey! I am there on Tuesday :)

Threw up this morning which surprised me a bit, but it's also reassuring to keep having symptoms, so I'll take it.

I don't have a scan until 20 weeks! But I have my next prenatal appt in 2 weeks and I'm assuming they'll listen for the HB on Doppler again. Can't wait to see my baby but it's still a long ways off!
I am hoping to wait until valentines day to announce on facebook. We have already told family and a few close friends. I am telling my best friend today! I don't have a scan until feb 8th so I if we don't make it to valentines day I am hoping to at least make it to the scan but I think a valentines reveal would be cute! My hubby is getting really impatient lol.

We will be finding out at a private 3d scan if we are having a boy or girl. They wont tell us what we are having during hospital scans here. We found out at a private scan with our son and it was such a special moment. We both had a sob fest when we found out he was a boy because we really wanted a boy first and we were sure it was a girl lol. This time I am hoping for a girl, hubby wants another boy lol.
Ya I'm thinking of revealing of the news of our pregnancy officially on FB on Valentines Day cuz I wanted to get out of my 1st trimester to make the announcement but I'm going to look on Pinterest for any cute reveals that ladies came up with
Thanks ladies :hugs:
Marmoset- hope you feel better, but i agree anout it being a positive sign.
Sounds like there will be a few valentines announcements then :) xx
Valentines is such a cool day to announce! I'm not on Facebook so I'm kind of just telling people as I see or speak to them. Close friends & family know now. It's great that it's out in the open. Feels more real.

Honey - whoop whoop for being 12 weeks! Such a relief to get to that point. Roll on that scan.
Yeah i think that was 2003 REM were there too? I hear you re radiohead but their 90s stuff is special to me. Yep I'm a radio 6 addict too, my husband & i basically got together through our love of music so all our memories of falling in love are based around a gig or a song or a band. I'm getting smushy just thinking about it.

Urgh marmoset so sorry you were ill but it is a nice reminder your body is just dealing with growing your little bundle. Hope it goes as quick as it came. I have a consultant appointment in a few weeks & wondered if they would do a doppler. I hope so although I don't think Dh will be coming so will be sad if he misses that.

So I had a few spots of blood last night after dtd! I'm so pleased my sex drive is back but if I have that every time I'm going to freak out! It was the tiniest amount but it still makes you stop in your tracks. Nothing more today so I'm sure it's nothing.

I seen a beautiful pushchair yesterday but it's pricey. Might have to work some magic on Dh if I want it. Well see.

Hi all:flower:
How is everyone doing?

Mrssat - Yes, that was the REM year! and 90's Radiohead were AMAZING. Aw that is lovely that you and your husband share music taste and memories. Music is so important to me, my life events always have a soundtrack in my head:haha: am listening to radmac on bbc6 right now, bloody love thier show. I am sure you can talk him round re the pushchair:thumbup: and slight spotting after bd is very common, just keep an eye on it but I am sure it's fine:hugs: My sex drive in pregnancy is always doubled:blush:

Hello everyone, can I join you? I'm due August 2nd with baby #3. I was quite active on BnB with the first two.. but this time around life seems much more busy and I might not have time to post as much. It's always nice to hear from others due around the same time though!

I was going to stay team yellow since this is likely our last baby.. but I'm just so impatient. I want to know!
I'll get my anatomy scan early at 17 weeks because I'm leaving for the Philippines for 6 weeks shortly after.. so only 4 weeks left until I know! :woot:
Hi MrsK! Congrats & welcome:flower: I shall add you to our front page.

How has your pregnancy been so far? this is also my 3rd and it has been very different for me this time around. xx
Congrats mrs k

Afm - 5hrs untill 12 week scan part 2. So excited to see how much newbies grown
We were put back 3 days so now 12+5 and edd 4th aug

Any guesses on gender
Hey Mrs k! Congrats & welcome! 3rd pregnancy for me too & yep you don't get any time to think about it really. I still don't feel preg despite having a lovely scan last week! Maybe when I start to show it'll kick in. Jeans felt a little tighter today!

Tanikins! Awww cute scan pic. I think team pink but I have to say im often wrong. Lo looks great!

Honey is your scan Thursday or Friday? Can't wait for more of these scan pics

Hi ladies! I'm pretty late to join you but for whatever reason I've never been on this board before, lol.

I'm due July 25th, measuring just slightly bigger (u/s tech put me at July 22nd today) and I'm team :blue: this time around! We managed to find out today and we're super excited!
My scan is tomorrow! only one more sleep! I am soooo pleased the day is almost here. I keep feeling movement which DH says means I should stop worrying about the scan but I just want to see little one with a healthy hearbeat measuring right on the screen then I will relax, a bit:haha:

Caitie44 - welcome and congrats to you!:hugs: aww so you will have one of each then! I will add you to the list and look forward to sharing this journey with you.

I am pissed off, my iphone has broke and there is still 5 months before I am due an upgrade:growlmad: I use it for my ebay sales as well as keeping in touch with people so I really am gonna be struggling without it.
Hey caitie. Congrats!! & your going to have one of each! How lovely. Hope things have been OK so far.

Honey! Oh my, it's tomorrow!! Eeek. I'll be thinking of you.
What a bummer about your phone! I'd be lost without mine.

Let us know how you get on tomorrow xx
Thanks! :) well the day is finally here, yikes!!! In 4-5 hours I will hopefully have a reassuring pic of our little one. I will update later. Not too nervous at the mo which is good. Husband has the day off, we have to take da2 with us but I called the hospital and they said it's ok xxx
So happy and relieved :) measuring a few days behind with ties up with my ov dates so dd now 10th August :cloud9:


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