Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Yay hello baby :cloud9:

Looks boyish to me - but i suck at this game

Thanks Tani:hugs: I am so so happy, we both feel like we have been iven the best news ever.
Well heart rate was 164 & I measured ahead with both boys so I am actually wondering if it's:pink: but I guess we will find out in 8 weeks:haha:
I went for my 11 week appointment today and took that DNA genetics blood test today now I need to wait 2-3 weeks for the results to come in I know everything is fine I just want to know the sex but the midwife said well don't just do that for that reason cuz there may not be enough specimen to find out the sex so I'm taking a gamble I'll find out eventually no rush lol and the baby's heart rate is 155 and so far so good
Aww there that baby is!! Gorg honey glad you are relieved enjoy the post scan happy haze! I suck at the guessing gender game as well so I'm gonna sit on the fence.

Meggy - I've seen a few people talking about this DNA test but it's not something I've been offered. What is it for? I know it tells you 100% what sex the baby will be but what is it looking for? Hope all results come back OK. I'm sure they will.

I've been nursing a very poorly lil girl today. My 6 yr old spent the night throwing up in her bed & then ours! After no sleep & constant laundry I found myself wondering why I'm having another! Ha. X
Consultant was good and bad. I need to do the gtt at 28 weeks and there doing a growth scan at 30 weeks (well actually ill be 31 due to a holiday)

Bad point was as i have hip bursitis i need to be assesed as to weather i can have a vaginal birth. If they deem i cant be in that postion for a long time without causing me damage ill have to have a csec. I really dont want 1 😭😭😭😭

Got my date for my 20 week scan. 9th march. Ill only be 18+6 though :wacko:
Aww there that baby is!! Gorg honey glad you are relieved enjoy the post scan happy haze! I suck at the guessing gender game as well so I'm gonna sit on the fence.

Meggy - I've seen a few people talking about this DNA test but it's not something I've been offered. What is it for? I know it tells you 100% what sex the baby will be but what is it looking for? Hope all results come back OK. I'm sure they will.

I've been nursing a very poorly lil girl today. My 6 yr old spent the night throwing up in her bed & then ours! After no sleep & constant laundry I found myself wondering why I'm having another! Ha. X
The DNA Genetics test I had was Panerama which is the top of the line 100% more accurate than any other genetics test on the mark I attached some pictures basically separates blood n plasma n ur DNA from the babys and the other pic shows what they look for like Down syndrome stuff like that and of course the SEX!!! But make sure u request it to find out the sex as well besides the genetic profile any other questions let me know n Good Luck!


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Mrssat- here is the other picture


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Tanikins & Honey - Love the scans!! They are so precious and perfect :)

Seems like everyone is doing wonderful from what I see... I've been a little distracted lately with politics lol :dohh:
I have a check up tomorrow and I'm so excited! My aunt is a local rn and even though they don't have an OB facility she got me in for free to hear the heartbeat! It was around 152 and I was so thrilled to hear it! I've been such a worrier. (if that's a word lol) That was on Saturday so once we heard the heartbeat we went ahead and made our announcement :happydance:
Morning!! Mrssat - I hope your little girl is feeling better, that sounds horrific:nope:

Tani - Sorry about the bad part of your app, a csec isn't the best BUT at least you will have a set date to work towards so planning is easier. :hugs:

Jac - Politics hey? intriguing.:flower: aww that's a lovely pic, congrats on the announcement!

Meggy - looing forward to hearing ow you get on with thoose results, exciting!

As for me, when I put my ov date in the online dd calculator my new dd is spot on:thumbup: we made our announcement yesterday which was great, now everyone know, yay.
Anyone else dealing with chronic migraines in the 1st trimester I try to relieve it naturally like eating extra eggs and bananas for the B vitamins but still it's a uphill battle im at the point that I need a yummy maternity pillow so bad especially cuz of the frequent leg cramps
Hi, how is everyone doing?
I have been struck down with a flu type thing :cry: every muscles aches, my throat glands are so sore and I have chills. Apparently the flu jab is only 60% effective urgh. I had it 2 months ago.

Meggy- I had 2 migraines in the first few weeks after finding out I was pregnant which has never happened before. Hope it eases soon for you xx
Im crazy tired all the time. I know its bevause i do to much but i gotta work/workout

Look what cuteness arrived today
Ahhhhh adorable onesie!!! So so so cute look at the little animals eee! :) :) :)
Morning ladies, how was everyone's weekend? Well, my good old pregnancy insecurity is back :( I had it really bad last time round... For no reason. We have a healthy sex life & are a soppy loved up, committed couple... Yet I start creating scenarios in my head & convincing myself he won't want me and will want to go behind my back. I know it is my issue & I warned dh I may get insecure again which he understood & shows me nothing but love yet here I am being crazy insecure bitch again. I think it might be that when I am not pregnant I am slim, toned etc as I work hard to stay fit then of course pregnancy changes that & I worry my body becomes unattractive or boring even though he seems to find the pregnant look sexy. Sigh. Anyone else get insecure in pregnancy? Just me? xx
Hi everyone, sorry I havent posted in so long, just havent had the energy for posting but I have been reading along.

Honey - sorry to hear you've been feeling unwell, so hard when pregnant and you cant take anything. I think feeling insecure is pretty normal in pregnancy, I do a bit as well. I don't feel like my normal self at all, I feel very unconfident and want to hide away and keep everything private. It affects us all differently but I wouldn't worry too much, its normal and your dh understands. You'll soon be on track again and feeling yourself once baby is here. xx

Tankins - those vests are gorgeous!! Love them.

Hello to everyone else! Still waiting on my 12 week scan date, really annoying, just want to know when it will be!
Hey girls!

Feeling OK here quite energetic actually. I don't seem to have any movement though. I thought I had flutters a few weeks ago but nothing now...? Not even 14 weeks yet so trying not to worry.

Meggy - thanks for the info on the genetic testing. I'm team yellow so don't want to know the gender. I just wondered about this year that everyone was talking about.
I too am prone to the odd migrane & would normally take a strong migrane reliever but obviously can't in pregnancy. Luckily I've only had one bad one since being preg. It's horrible. My only advise is rest I always think your body is telling you something & it's important to listen.

Tanikins - my 20 wk scan is 9th March as well!! I'll be 19 weeks though. Seems such a long time to wait!

Honey - I can relate to this insecure feeling. My hub loves my figure when I'm preg & even says he can't wait till my bump is poking out. I worry more about after. With the other 2 I'm lucky enough to say I just ping-ed right back. I had a few stretchys on my thighs & breasts that never bothered me. I worry that this time I'll be out of shape & that he'll think urgh! We've spoken about it & he's really reassured me but I still have those silly thoughts. I try to think I am what I am & I have to love myself but his opinion does matter to me. I bet we aren't the only ones feeling this way!

On another note I had a dream last night I went for a scan & they said sorry your baby is too small we'd recommend that you terminate it. They then bought in some tablets for me to take I was frantic & demanding to see a doctor! Horrific!!

Hope you all are doing OK. I'm loving this thread btw!
Mrs W 11 - Hi hun! Good to see you posting:flower: Hope you get your sca date very soon, the wait is log isn't it but it will be here soon:thumbup: thanks for your upportive words - I feel better just for talking about it actually. Ad thankfully I am almost fully recovered from the horrible flu thing I had. That was not nice.

Mrssat - I started worrying about movement last week, as I felt flutters but they seemed to vanish, then since the scan they have picked up again on & off. It's so early, I think it's hard to notice most movements.

That dream sounds horrible:nope: probably caused by anxiety, I get similar themed dreams at times & it always shakes me up. Our minds can play nasty tricks.

So glad you can relate to me re the insecurity. I too worry about the after body, I have got back to my weight within 3-4 months both times with work, but I worry Iw ill be left with saggy boobs or even more of a saggy bell with strectch marks. DH assures me I am worrying for nothing but it is easy for him to say isn't it:haha:
Just got the 20 week scan date! 7 weeks 2 days, 23rd March, the day I turn 20 weeks! So excited! Xx

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