Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Hi everyone!
Tani-so sorry you had to go through that! What a knob that dr is! So happy all is ok, what a great scan pic! How are you feeling now?
Jac- cute bump!
20yr-your mum will come round:hugs:
Marmoset-that sounds horrible for you. Hope the barfing phase passes for you soon. I know what you mean about people assuming you ate drunk or hungover though haha.

As for me, i went to 2 gigs the last 2 nights, stood safely back so I wasn't pushed around in the crowd. But last night i blacked out. I found security as my vision was going, I didn't know if i was going to be sick or hit the floor it was horrible and very scary. I have had a headache since and feel woozy, shakey and really not myself. Sooo tired despite my husband insisting i have a rare lay in. Not sure what is going on to be honest.
Eep honey that sounds like it was really scary! Maybe it was warmer than it seemed like with all the body heat, or you were standing with your knees locked & didn't realize? Hope you feel better soon!
Today has been such an emotional roller coaster today and I'm in the middle of my parents and husband fighting over 2 1/2 days out of the week where I need my parents help with my kids pick up n drop off while my husband is 2 hours away working 2nd n 3rd shift he basically does his 40 hours in 2 1/2 days so he can get back home to me and my kids the parents r getting annoyed with the whole routine n bring up old wounds which gets me all upset n I just hit my breaking point today! These 4 months can't come fast enough so we can start shopping for a house and move closer to my husbands work but I really don't know how to deal with this until then
Thanks Marmoset:hugs: How are you feeling now?
Aww Meggy, so sorry to hear tat. Really hope the stress eases for you soon:hugs:

My boobs are so sore, heavy and solid at the sides:wacko: sypmtom city for me at the mo
Thanks Marmoset:hugs: How are you feeling now?
Aww Meggy, so sorry to hear tat. Really hope the stress eases for you soon:hugs:

My boobs are so sore, heavy and solid at the sides:wacko: sypmtom city for me at the mo
Idk about you but at 13 weeks 5 days lets just make it 14 right? Idk if it's because I had breastfed before/another pregnancy but yes the sides are constantly sore no bra here I'm using the built in bra/tank tops they feel most comfortable and occasionally if I lay on my back or in a position sleeping for a long period of time all the areas of boobage hurt especially getting up at night for pee trips I literally have to hold them cuz the gravity pull kills heating pad does just so much but good news is I can eat eggs without gagging finally lol and tried eating potato chips cuz of the salt then felt so sick my baby girl rather have me eat pickles n a dozen of apples a day lol good baby!!!
Hope everybody had a lovely Valentines Day! DH and I went out for brunch and then bought a puzzle and worked on it together, we got the whole edge done haha. Rock starrrrrs. :D

Had a much more uneventful bus ride to work this morning, and even asked the driver to pull forward a couple of feet before I got off because she was stopped right in front of a huge patch of ice and I didn't want to fall again! Proud of myself for speaking up. :)

Hugs to everyone!
So my scan today was quick but so relieved that everything is fine. No signs of bleeding and all swabs came back clear.

And to top things off my placenta is posterior :happydance: i had anterior so im really happy about this
Hey girls!! I would love to join the group. I am due August 1 with baby #2. My son is currently 17 months. I had a dr appt. yesterday and I scheduled a gender/anatomy scan for March 17!! Also had blood work done for any birth defects which I am praying comes back normal! Can't wait to get to know you all.
Hi ladies!
Meggy i am right there with you on the boobs! Ouch!!
Marmoset- good for you for speaking up!
Tani-yay so happy it went well, great news :)

Welcome babydust818! And congrats! Happy you have joined us :) how are you feeling? Xxx
Hey girls!! I would love to join the group. I am due August 1 with baby #2. My son is currently 17 months. I had a dr appt. yesterday and I scheduled a gender/anatomy scan for March 17!! Also had blood work done for any birth defects which I am praying comes back normal! Can't wait to get to know you all.

Hi and welcome! My 20 week scan is March 17th as well so we'll be counting down together haha! Neat! :D
Honey - I am feeling pretty good! If it wasn't for the positive HPT test then I wouldn't even know I was pregnant. I am just really tired all of the time. That's about it. No MS or tender boobs. It was like this with my son as well. How are you feeling?!

Marmoset - how awesome!! Then you know my pain waiting another month! LOL. Seems like forever, but it's not. Do you have a feeling if it's one or the other? Are you rooting for boy or girl? I know we all don't care as long as they're healthy! Just wondering is all.

Thanks for being so welcoming! :)
Hello lovely ladies!

I've not posted in a while. Sounds like lots has been going on.
Tanikins - I'm so relieved all is well with your little one what a scare!
Honey - did you find out what caused you to fainting episode. This preggo lark can really mess with us can't it.
Meggy - congrats on your little lady!
Babydust - hey! Welcome. I'm the same as you no huge symptoms really. Feel very lucky for that.
Marmoset - your story about barffing in the snow make we chuckle (sorry!!) But only because I've been there only for very different reasons!Ha.

So all OK with me really. Not much to report. I'll post a bump pic because it's popped out! Yippee. Had a call from a midwife today who explained she is from the home birth team & as I want another home birth they will take over my care & do my antenatal appointments at home!! Happy days! So she's coming on Monday. & it's only 3 weeks til my 20 week scan! Eeep.

Here's my bump 16 weeks today. I got it all out for you guys! (It looked rubbish covered)


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Had my 16 week mw appt today. Everything is fine. We heard the hb again and i even got to record it to my to my son. He loved it :cloud9:
mrssat your bump is beautiful! So jealous. I'm a bigger girl so it's going to take awhile to show on me. Love your bump already.

tanikins isn't the heartbeat just so relaxing and reassuring? :cloud9: what did your son do when he heard it?!
Thanks babydust. I've been moaning about no bump for ages then I started to pop!! I can still wear normal clothes but it's only a matter of time. Yours will be here before you know it.

Went & looked at pushchairs yesterday. I'm really torn about what I'll need. With my 2 lo's I mostly put them in my sling because I didn't have a car in those days so we by passed the need for a carry cot. This time I'm doing school runs everyday in the car (it's too far to walk everyday but am going to try a few days out of the week but I'll prob use the sling again) as it's 2 mins out of the car walking them into school I'll prob just lift the car seat out & put that on the pushchair frame. My point is am I going to need a carry cot?? What are your experiences with this as I've not used one before I'm kind of not sure how much use you get out of them.
I quite like the mothercare orb because it's one seat that converts from a carry cot to a seat. But not sure the frame is the best... hhhmm decisions. Would love to hear what you guys are doing or have done in the past? X
Tani - really please your app went well:hugs: I can't wait to hear the heartbeat! I have my consultant's app on 1st march to discuss what to do re delivery so they will do my 16 week check then.

babydust- I am feeling ok thanks apart from sore boobs, faintness & headache.:haha: Felt soooo sick until about 11 weeks so am glad that has gone - never had that with my boys, it was only mild with them.

mrssat- Gorgeous bump pic!! yay you've popped:happydance:
Nope - still don't know what caused the fainting but it scared me. I have low blood pressure, always have, and had to take iron in the last trimester with my boys so maybe that's it? who knows. am keeping an eye on it anway.

As for the pushchair - I would say you only need a carrycot if you will be walking a fair bit. Otherwise just get a car seat that comes off the pram and fits in the car. I walk everywhere so would need a carry cot but if you only do short journeys with the pram there wouldn't be a need I would say. I am starting to panic about how I will manage - I have a double buggy at the mo for when my 3.5 year old is off nursery and I have to go to town, pushing that bad boy up a steep hill is getting too much. I have a carry cot, car seat & toddler attachment for dylan's pram but realised the other day I won't be needing it! as there won't be many, if any occasions where I will be out with the new baby but not dylan. So when Jack's at nursery I will have to use the double buggy & when he's not it's double buggy & getting him to hold on!! eek Oh well, I like a challenge:thumbup: My husband should be driving in a few months but it will take a while for us to be ale to afford the expense of a car & insurance etc. xx
Hey girls!! I would love to join the group. I am due August 1 with baby #2. My son is currently 17 months. I had a dr appt. yesterday and I scheduled a gender/anatomy scan for March 17!! Also had blood work done for any birth defects which I am praying comes back normal! Can't wait to get to know you all.

Welcome!! :wave: I'm due with my first on Aug. 2nd!! :)
So the other day I got up the nerve to email the doula I've been interested in using. Found out her fee is $800, which is apparently normal around here I just have a bit of sticker shock haha. So then today I talked with my sister about maybe having her be there instead (I can have 2 people with me so DH + 1 other). She was keen on it which I wasn't totally expecting! But also she talked a lot about how scary it sounds, and the pain etc. (She's 5 years younger than me, no kids). I'm planning on going all natural/hypnobirth/deep relaxation style so that got me thinking about like... even if she's interested and wants to help I'm not sure if ultimately the energy would be kind of anxious/scared/etc and that might interfere with my whole self hypnosis process etc.

Anyway kinda just thinking out loud here. When I envision the birth I see it as myself, hubby (who is very grounded/energetically calm/etc - we're pretty much opposites that way) + the doula kind of complementing and enhancing that sense of normalcy/safety, plus running interference with the hospital staff of necessary to get them to mostly leave me alone haha!

Hm. Lots to think about! The doula does offer payment plans but it's still a chunk of change! Then again how many first births do you have eh? Not to mention the repercussions of a calmer vs. more stressful birth experience could be really long-lasting. So. Hm!

I'm open to thoughts or experiences if anyone has any. :)
14 week 4 days!!! Baby Hailey Joy!!!


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