Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

marmoset - I haven't got experienece with doulas. The advice I will give is go with your gut instinct as that rarely fails. If you really feel it is the right thing for you then the money will be worth it although it is quite a large sum, I am shocked. :hugs:

Meggy your bump is lovely! So neat!

I have attached a 15.5 week pic from the other day.
Yesterday was DS2's 1st birthday and we had a tea party for him, he loved it! he ate so much and was such a little personality dancing and playing. It was lovely.

I have been having bad anxiety dreams the last few nights. I know they are common in pregnancy and I have them last time. Mainly baout my husband bieng horrible and going off with someone, last night it was my sister!! it sounds silly now but the emotiona in the dream were so so real I woke crying and couldn't calm down. My husband tried to comfort me but I don't think he gets it bless him. I am so secure in my relationship when I am awake and I trust him completley but these dreams mess me up. Sorry, just needed to vent.


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Aw honey that sounds stressful! I have kind of the opposite I keep having dreams where I'm dating or married to my high school bf and then I wake up all confused looking at DH like 'wait, I DID marry you, right???' Always takes a few minutes to sort my head out + come back to reality.
Hey girls!
Oh honey that isn't nice but I must say I'm the same as marmoset I'm the one who strays in my dreams. It's so weird! I've had several of these in pregnancy. Defo hormones.

Honey & meggy - looking good girls those bumps are growing well I see.

Marmoset - I have no experience of a doula but I've had both an induction (very medicalised & I felt totally out of control) & then I experienced a natural home birth.
My induction was totally necessary & I really see that however I do feel I had people push/force me into decisions that in hindsight I wasn't really happy with. My mother in law was one of these people. But it was because they were scared & they thought they knew what was best for me. Maybe they were right who knows but I wish I'd of been more in control. She got here safe that's the main thing. My natural home birth. Was just me hubby & supportive midwifes. There was a time during that labour I nearly went to hospital because bubs heart rate wasn't happy but a midwife asked to examine me & found my waters bulging & baby couldn't get through although I wanted no intervention I want him to be born at home safely so gave her permission to break my waters. After that we were plain sailing. My hubby knew what I wanted the midwifes knew what I wanted no one suggested anything unnecessary & I was confident & in control. Having the right people there was the key. I truly believe that. So if your sister is scared or unsure I'd say this will probably effect you plus the fact she's your wee sister you'll probably be concerned about her. You & hubs needs someone who sees your vision for the birth & is committed to seeing that through with you all the way. If that's a doula I'd say money well spent! That's my 2 pence worth!!

I had midwife app today! Listened to hb - eek she said it was between 130-140 but as it's still early ish they don't take a full reading. It was special because my little boy was there & he was quite intrigued.very lovely. Felt my tummy uterus is exactly where it should be despite a small bump. So all good in my hood!
Just counting down to 9th March now for my 20 week scan

Take care ladies xxx
Oh & reading my notes she pointed out my placenta is anterior so might explain my lack of movement.
Ugh the yucky yellow pollen n all the trees r blooming and I'm here coughing up a lung and runny nose this pollen will be going on up until Aprilish ugh any relief would be great
O n ladies if u have the time it's really worth doing a registery at Target, Babies r us, and Buy Buy Baby even if ur not planning a baby shower or sprinkle it's good to do cuz u get a ton of free samples n Coupons!!!
Meggy super jealous of your bump!!

Honey your bump is gorgeous too! As for the dreams, I can totally relate. I have the weirdest dreams. I always have even when not pregnant. When I am pregnant, I dream about even more. Those dreams about your other half are just so hard to get over even though they aren't real lol. Thank God it's just a dream. I know it's hard to let it go sometimes when it seems so real, but if you trust him completely, then you should have no reason to believe otherwise.

mrssat glad your appointment went well! I can't wait for your 20w scan. Are you going to find out the gender or do you want to be surprised?

Have any of you ladies experienced a lot of nosebleeds while pregnant? I did with my son and I am with this pregnancy too. I know it's from the extra blood flow, but it's quite annoying! I haven't really felt the baby move yet. I think I do, but i'm still not convinced. I do have a Doppler here at home which helps me when I need that reassurance. It's about the only thing that kept me sane through my last pregnancy since I had 2 losses before my rainbow. Have any of you thought of names you might go with if you have a boy or girl? Boys are so difficult to me. Girls I have a few I like.
Thanks ladies, it's good to know I am not alone. Hormones have a lot to answer for don't they:haha: well last night's dream was better - I dreamt I was sentenced to death via a gas chamber and they were talking me through the procedure then I woke. Upset me a lot less than the cheating dreams :haha: My husband is so supportive and loving, when I am awake I feel silly for being upset but the dreams cause real hurt and emotions.

Aww mrssat that's lovely about hearing the heartbeat:thumbup: and 13-140 indicates boy judging from the old wives tale.

Meggy - pollen hasn't got to me yet but it will do once sprng kicks in.

babydust - I have had nosebleeds with each pregnancy, although not too bad or too many. It's very common though but annoying at the same time.
Oh wow Tani how exciting!!! I can't wait to hear how you get on! Have you booked a private one? xx
Eee enjoy the gender scan Tani!

Meggy and honey gorgeous bumps both of you! I'll eventually post a pic when I feel like I'm legitimately showing haha.

Mrssat thanks for the input on the doula. I am planning for a natural low-intervention birth (has to be in hospital as the are no birth centres or midwives here) and pretty much hoping for the medical staff to leave me alone as much as possible. (Barring an emergency or true medical concern of course). So I think having someone there who is both experienced with birth and will be fully on board with my plans will be really essential. I'll just have to figure out how to pay for it I guess.

Oh and yeah I haven't been getting hardcore nosebleeds but there's almost always a bit of blood on the tissue when I blow my nose, which never happened before pregnancy. I've read it's totally normal!
I'm getting really worried about the girl posting on the second tri board about thinking she might be leaking amniotic fluid. Kind of crazy how much you can worry about someone you don't even know! I hope she goes in and gets checked out.
Yeah its a private one. We wanted oscar to see a scan and the hospital said if he wouldnt sit stil the bf would have to sit out with him
Tanikins I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes!!

marmoset I haven't saw her post yet. When I was pregnant last time a girl posted about the same thing. She went to the hospital at 21 weeks and was scared she would lose the baby. They kept her there until baby was born. Her son was born a little after 24 weeks and he was in ICU for 15 months before he came home. I follows her story and still do via Facebook! It's crazy how attached and how much you care about someone you don't know!
Tanikins I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes!!

marmoset I haven't saw her post yet. When I was pregnant last time a girl posted about the same thing. She went to the hospital at 21 weeks and was scared she would lose the baby. They kept her there until baby was born. Her son was born a little after 24 weeks and he was in ICU for 15 months before he came home. I follows her story and still do via Facebook! It's crazy how attached and how much you care about someone you don't know!

Is this carter? I still follow them aswell
Aww girls it's nice to be part of a caring 'community'. I tell my hubby about things I read on here & he just doesn't get it but it's such a nice place to get support.
Tanikins can't wait to hear what you're gonna get!! Eeek.

Nosebleeds - not had a full bleed but get blood on tissue when I blow & I've got a cold so it's pretty frequent at the mo. I get bleeding gums in every pregnancy though. The joys!!

Yes honey I think I'm having a boy not just due to heart rate. Looking at my scan I think boy. Started off thinking girl but steering the other way now.
Tani i am so excited for you today!
I agree, it's funny how attached you can become to an online community but lovely too. I am still in touch on facebook with a group of ladies from all over the world from when i was trying for my first. It took 20 months with him. We all went through a lot together and now they all have babies, some more than me!

I too am convinced i am having a boy yet was convinced it was a girl to start with due to us conceiving by doing the deed 4-5 days before ov and the pregnancy being so different. But my scan pic screams boy. We will be just as happy either way but i am having sooo much trouble with boys names! We even got 4 baby name books from the library and it still didn't help. Of course, we have a girl's name settled which is not helpful as it is probably a boy haha. I am sure a name will pop up when we least expect it though :) Xxx
Tanikins where are you have news for us!? Team pink or blue?
We are having our 2nd boy :cloud9:
Tanikins Congrats on boy #2 they are going to be best friends for life

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