Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

We have our scan on the 7th and it can't come quick enough. I just want to know that baby is ok and developing well and it would be lovely to know the sex As I think it will really help us all bond with him/her.

All your name choices are adorable. Were thinking v traditional English rose names of its a girl like Charlotte, Elizabeth or Jessica
Aw beautiful names everyone! Every single one! So exciting. I think we'll start talking names after my ultrasound on the 17th (Ee soon!)

I wouldn't worry too much about name duplication (e.g. with friend's kids etc), it seems like it will be weird in theory but the name will belong to each of them differently. Case in point my husband's sister, sister in law and ex-wife(!) ALL have the same first name as me. It seems like it would be weird or confusing but it's really not. Did lead to a funny moment at Christmas though when my grandfather, bless his heart, sent me a money order as a gift with my first name and my husband's last name. I kept my maiden name though so the bank wouldn't accept it - I briefly considered sending it to my husband's sister or SIL since they both have the right combination haha!
Hi frangi33 and marmoset!!
I have my consultant's appointment today to find out what we are doing regarding the birth. May be a planned section. Will find out today hopefully. Then it's rushing back as Dylan has his 1 year jabs.
Oh good luck honey... we're last births complicated? I'm sure you've said but baby brain up in here can't retain any info at the moment! !

Locked me & my 6 yr old our of the house yesterday! Serious baby brain!
With my first he got stuck for 2 hours at pushing stage, had to be cut & have vontouse delivery. After doing it without an epidural i had to have one and go to theatre as the placenta was retained. He came on due date. 2nd came a week early. Waters broke while watching Eastenders, so very "Eastenders":haha: meconium was in waters, laboured quick but had emergency section as his oxygen was very low. I was fully dialted & he had to be pushed back up the birthing canal :nope: i was then readmitted due to severe hemorrhaging a few days later, passing fist size clits :nope:all if this lead me to think maybe my body isn't capable of a "normal" birth but the consultant today seems to think differently. She is happy for me to attempt a VBAC but i will be monitored during labour constantly with the view that an emergency section may be needed. I am to go in as soon as labour starts. She said 70% of ladies who had a section last time go on to have successfull VBACs. She also said there is a very small (1%) risk of my c section scar rupturing diring labour as it's relatively new but they will be checking. I have another meeting at 36 weeks to see if anything has changed.

How are you today mrssat? I can relate to baby brain. I keep loosing things and finding them later... In the fridge!
Good news about the app honeysuede! I will have a consultant led birth too but nothing has been mentioned of a pre birth meeting so who knows!

Has anyone else had their boobs start leaking yet?
O baby brain I was so forgetful today I put my son in the car and forgot my purse drove him to school was going to head straight to my mothers but had to go back home cuz I forgot my cell phone gurr lol
On a lighter note at 16 weeks today woohoo moving on up! Does anyone else still have sore bobbies like the outer sides ache? Who started to feel the baby's first kicks yet or the whole quickening thing? Hope everyone is doing well!
Thanks ladies!! :)
Meggy, my boobs are massive, swollen and so sore, especially at the sides! My littke boys keep jumping on me and wondering why i scream! Xx
Awe yes same here my 4 year old sneaks in my bed at night and kicks n lays on them yup no sleep for me but on a heating pad for the boobs ouch!
Morning ladies. I am worried. Last night i felt sick and had an early night. Woke at modnight with severe cramps and nausea followed by diarrhea (sorry for tmi) that settled after a few hours but the cramps haven't and i can barely have the energy to stand. My husband had a day off earlier in the week due to a cyst on his back so can't lose another day and it's a non nursery day for Jack so i am at home with both boys all day with no family local to help :( i am worried it is bracton hicks as it doesn't seem like a bug. Severe bh this early can't be right can it? Think i will call my midwife when they open Xx
So sorry you are having a rough time honey! Hang in there. Hopefully your midwife can give you some peace of mind. Maybe the cramps are related to your digestive upset. I hope they go away soon! Maybe drinking a bunch of water will help. Big hugs, keep us posted. <3
Oh honey I hope your OK. I've had some bh I think but just mild tummy tightenings. The cramps could be diarrhoea connected...both my kids have had it this week & my little girl complained of cramps. It's scary though. Hope you've managed to speak to midwife.

My baby brain continues I dropped & shattered the screen on my relatively new phone. Urgh. I'm annoying myself.

Dunno about the rest of you but my bladder is so weak. It is baby 3 so kind of to be expected but I've had a cold & coughing & sneezing has been a dangerous event. Eeeek lord knows what I'll be like when the baby is big (or after!) Sigh!
I got a really hard kick today. It took me by suprise. :cloud9: cannlt wait for oh and lb to feel them
Yep tanikins despite my earlier worries I've has a few hard ones this week it's so exciting & reassuring. Roll on weds x
Hi ladies! Thanks for your support. Well after a day of hell trying to look after my boys until my husband came home and rescued me i am finally in bed. I waited all day for midwives to call me back, ended up going drs. I am very dehydrated and it looks like i have hadtric flu. I am to rest and drink plebty of fluids and go to a&e if any bleeding which thankfully hasn't happened so far. Cramps are still very painful.

I have been feeling more movement this week too, amazes me every time :)
Oooh am excited for you girls having your scans Wednesday xxx
Glad to hear that hun. I have heard that dehydration can bring in cramps so try and cram as much water in as you can x

Mrssat haha I hear you on the weak bladder and sneezing, lol I believe it's called 'snissing' ;)
Snissing!!!:haha: that's a great word!:haha: well I haven't been having that yet but what i have got is embarrassing and so painful. Varicose veins 'down there':blush: it feels like heavy painful pressure and like someone has kicked me there and bruised it. So sore. Had it with my last pregnancy too and not much that be done other than rest ans ice packs. Can't really see me putting an ice pack down there or being able to rest! It is bad after sex. Not planning on stopping that either!
I am over the bug now just about, but my eldest son was sick in the night friday bless his heart. Bounced back hours later though.
Happy mother's day to the uk girls! I had a much needed lay in, breakfast in bed and a nice bracelet from my boys.
So excited for all the scans this month!' Xx
Oh honey I just discovered a vein down there on Saturday! I was mortified. Never had that before & it was a shocker but feel a bit better hearing others have had it. My mum had them in pregnancy & so did my sister. It's not too painful at the moment thankfully.
Ha ha yeah snissing is a great word tee hee. It's a good job we love our babies so much because at the moment I feel like my lady area is ruined from all this pregnancy lark! Meh!
Baby was kicking quite hard last night & Dh was able to feel a little jump in my tummy. It was lovely!
Hope everyone is keeping well & growing nicely.
Hey all we've just had our scan and found out we're having a boy x

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