Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

aww congrats! and what a beautiful pic :) we are getting a nice number of blue, pink and yellow bumps now! All have been updated on the first page.
With some of the ladies that don't post as often i have looked at their signatures, stalker hey! Haha so far 4 girls and 4 boys, 2 yellows! xx
Hey girls not posted in a while things have been mad!

Baby dust - that pic is just adorable love that idea & congrats on your boy!

20yr 1st - also congrats on your boy! Exciting times. Had to chuckle about your varicose vein. I have one to & was alarmed when I discovered it. I think piles are essentially varicose veins so it's the same thing really. Mine seems to be OK if I get plenty of sitting down time & if I'm busy it tends to feel really heavy down there. Dh makes fun of me if I get stressed he says be careful or that vein will pop! Idiot! The joys eh!

I've been feeling OK this week but now feel as if I'm getting another cold! Seriously never had so many cold/flu things in my life. My mum says I never had a cold as a kid so I guess I have zero immunity to all these strains of it.

In other news my poor SIL maybe miscarrying. We've kind of not been talking to her or my other SIL for reasons I'll not bore you with but basically they really upset dh & I. The other SIL more so tbh.
This SIL has had trouble conceiving & had loses before, she has a ds who took a long time to conceive & is 6 now. They've been trying for a long time for #2 & MIL told us on sat she was pregnant. Despite the fued I was very happy with her. She went for an early scan due to history & cramps she was having on Monday & they took blood the results weren't good & they said hormones were too low & I think nothing was seen in scan. She then had to go back Thurs for bloods & her results showed her hormone levels doubled!! Through all of this I couldn't not be there for her & got in touch & told her I'm here. So she has to wait a week to find out what's going on. I don't know the full gestation or anything more than what I've said but she's convinced it's not good. I just hope this ends well for her I think I'd be totally devastated at not being able to grow my family. I feel awkward because she's asked about the baby & I just don't want to rub it in her face so I'm still keeping a slight distance to give her any space she might need. I just feel so bad for her. Sob!
Mrssat- so sorry to hear wgat your SIL is Going through. It is heartbreaking :cry: Reminds us how precious it is to be able to have healthy babies. I would have reached out the same as you have - fueds can be put aside. Hope you get some positive news. Xx
Mrssat so sorry about your SIL she must be very stressed. Good for you for reaching out. <3 hope all turns out well for them.

Our scan was lovely, baby looks great and still team yellow. :)

We didn't realize that DH wouldn't be allowed in the room until the very end, so poor man had to sit out in the waiting room for an hour while they did all the measurements (was a newish tech and they'd just gotten brand new machines they were still training on so it took a long time). He was quite upset at just being left out there kind of unwanted. So that colored the experience a bit, but I still had a nice time and we're thrilled baby looks healthy and well.
Mrssat - I'm so sorry :( I hope things get better all around. I can imagine it's a very tough situation :hugs:

4 days until my scan, can NOT wait!

My husband felt the baby kick last night!! We were so excited, of course he thought it was weird lol It seems to early but i know it was baby!! :happydance:

Hope everyone else is doing well! :)
Thanks girls just got everything crossed for her.

Marmoset your Dh must have been really upset mine would be! Is that the norm in Canada? At least he got to come in at the end. Yah team yellow like us!! The suspense is killing me though! Xoxo
Does anyone have a good remedy to relieve muscle aches n other general aches n pains from growing baby? All I got is a bath n body pillow
Meggy my DH is a professional massage therapist and his first advice for any kind of general ache/pain is to alternate heat and cold. So ice pack for 10 mins, switch to hot water bottle for 10 mins, keep alternating like that as long as you want and be sure to end with hot. I checked with my doctor at my last appt to make sure there were no risks with ice packs or hot water bottles right on my belly and he said no worries at all, the only thing not to do would be to use an electric heating pad and then fall asleep with it on. (An ice pack or hot water bottle will naturally come to room temperature eventually so that's different). Anyway the cold relieves swelling and the heat promotes blood flow so things kind of flush out and relax as you alternate them. I find it really helps!

And mrssat I don't know if it's a Canada thing or just my hospital, but they had a strict policy about it. The worst part was not knowing until we got there you know? Sigh.
Thanks for the advice marmoset I'll try that and see if that works &#55357;&#56832;
jac that's great about your DH getting to feel baby kick! What a special experience. 3 days to go now, excited for you! :D
Jac- 3 days! I am so excited too! Still have zero boys names though :wacko:
Marmoset- ah that sucks about your poor Dh having to wait outside all that time :(
Meggy- hope your aches and pains ease soon.
Mrssat - I am so sorry to hear about your SIL. I really hope things turn around for her and she gets to have her rainbow baby. It's such a hard thing to go through. The fact her numbers doubled is a wonderful thing, but after all she has been through I'm sure she feels defeated and the odds are against her. Wow she has to wait one whole week? This is going to be so stressful for her. I'll be thinking of her. Please update us.

Marmoset - i'm glad your scan went great! I give you tons and tons of kudos for being team yellow! I think that is amazing. I wish I had that strength. It would be nice to be surprised when baby is born. I wonder why your husband had to wait out in the waiting room? Is it because the tech was new? Regardless that is a part of your baby together and he should be allowed to be a part of it in every way. I would be a little pissed off too!

I hope everyone is doing well! I've been feeling a little bit of movement down by my cervix. That's where the baby's head is resting. Must be head butting me lol. I've been reading up on baby names and nothing sticks out yet. I'm sure one will soon.
3 days til the scans! Wow that's flown. Can't wait to hear how your bubs are doing & what variety they are!

Baby dust thanks for your kind words on SIL the torture of waiting a week must be immense. I couldn't handle it.
Movement is so amazing isn't it. I'm getting regular evening playtime & even been woken up a few times. The other day I had one hard kick where my tummy moved!
I'm just about to go on amazon to buy a supportive pillow because I to have aches & pains mainly when I wake up. Think our mattress is rubbish. Also must start to think of some purchases for baby. Bet I'm the least organised lady on here! X
Ooh exciting so that's 3 scans on Wednesday then right? Jac, honey and tani? How fun it'll be a busy day on here haha! <3
Jac- 3 days! I am so excited too! Still have zero boys names though :wacko:
Marmoset- ah that sucks about your poor Dh having to wait outside all that time :(
Meggy- hope your aches and pains ease soon.

2 days now! :happydance:

Maybe once you find out the gender a name will come to mind :)
Ours are Colton Lee & Leah Roxanne :) Do you have anything in
particular you are looking for in a name or do you just let them
come to you? Can't wait to hear how yours goes!!
Morning ladies!! 1 day!! Jac and Tani!:happydance: I am so excited. Especially as we have settled on names now too! It is amazing what a difference that makes! We had Scarlett Dawn picked out since month 2 for a girl (Dawn is my nan's name and she desperatley tries to influence our name choices unsuccessfully everytime so she will be happy:haha:)
We have liked the name Dexter for a boy since the beginning but my husband said he wasn't sure it goes with the others. Then yesterday he changed his mind (I think it was a ploy) and said it sounds good if we use his middle name with it. So Dexter Phillip it is. I am not keen on Phillip to be honest but as a middle name I can let him have it :haha:
My scan is at 9am so nice and early, we are getting the tech to write it down so my husband can read it and tell me the news once we are out :flower:
So today I have been up since 3.20 with my DS1 who is now asleep on the sofa - typical. I also have done something to my neck and can't straighten it or turn it to the left. Ouch.
Mrssat - how is your SIL doing?
I have become an obsessed maniac :haha: although my scan pic has received 95% boy votes on 2 forums due to the nub theory, i have been googling like mad to see if there are any similar pics that were girl. I just want to know! I am so impatient haha. Don't get me wrong, i would be happy to be the mum of 3 boys but my husband is so sure it's a girl and we conceived by doing the deed 4 days before ov that it makes me wonder. Wish i could not be so impatient :haha: just want to know either way. 20 hours! Xxx

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