awww kirsty ive been craving some weird is milkshakes, the other is melon and ive craved ice cream too. not all together but it sucks because i only want them extremely cold.
wakeygirl this is my first too, its so exciting. my only problem is that i still dont feel pregnant, i felt pregnant for about 2 weeks then when the scan put me back 3 weeks i stopped feeling like it. i just feel so fat
i got a call from my doctors this morning, apparently they found something in my urine sample and they want me to take some tablets. the receptionist was foreign so i couldnt understand her properly, so i dont know what they found or what the tablets are. i will know more tomorrow when i go to pick up the prescription. my mum said they might have found protein in my urine, or sugar, or maybe i have a urine infection.....i dont know. its strange. i dont feel like something is wrong.
is anyone occasionally getting aches in lower part of abdomen? ive had it since i was 4-5 weeks pregnant so i put it down to growing pains. it used to only be really light and last for 5 minutes max then i wont get it again for 2 days.....then after my scan i had nothing, then about a week ago its back but feels different and worse. im not worrying or anything, just kind of annoying. its mainly when im stretching so maybe im pulling too much. not sure.
i have a scan on thursday
so i will see baby better then, i'll be able to get a picture up afterwards too.
i'll update the front page now with the due dates.
when you have your later scan to find out the gender then let me know and i'll update the page again with a girl or boy baby. hope you're all ok. x