Tawn: congrats and welcome
Iwantpeace: I am on Diclectin as well!
I used it with my DD pregnancy, 1st and 2nd trimesters because of the nausea.... I also worked right up till my 8th month. The diclectin helped a lot and I usually took 3 pills a day. I maybe three-up 5 times in total the entire pregnancy.
Now?! My MS is r
eally bad for this pregnancy. I have nausea and of course lots of smell & food aversions. I am throwing up at least 3x a day.
Nothing really stays down. I am up to 3 pills a day. I noticed that if you start the day of with a heavier dose of diclectin, you will feel very tired and high [I used to get dizzy and dizziness is one of the side-effects].
So, I'll suggest you take 2 pills before bed and one in the afternoon. Or, like me, take one around noon and two pills around 7/8 pm.
I will never take 4!!!!Four is the maximum dose required... but they are seriously something else- lol!They knock you out!
I don't have a huge appetite, but most days when something smells right, I eat as much as I can, and about an hour later, I know I will throw up 50% of the meal- no worries, I'm sure some of it digested. That is pretty much how I've been living these past few months. I need to eat since my stomach is always growling. Right now, water and peaches and veggies are my favs. Last week, I could not even drink water
...so things are changing...
It is getting better though- I ate meat for the first time today and I haven't thrown up since breakfast
So, go ahead, and try. I hope you have a better experience with diclectin like I did with my daughter's pregnancy. Really don't know why my body is responding differently, but they say every pregnancy is different.