Other First time Moms: babyfeva, Tlustica(MIA), Cheryl and iwantpeace. (I think.)
NeeSAH: Everything is going to be perfect at your scan!

This bean is sticking forerver! 12 WEEKS!! Whoa!

I can't believe your DD won't eat cake. My nephew turns 3 in December and doesn't like cake either.
Sevilla: What a cute little girl. She looks like she likes cake.

I'm so happy to hear about your cervix. Isn't that amazing! At your next appt. you should start seeing your Dr. every 2 weeks? Do you have your glucose test coming up, also?
Bump: Yay, so glad to hear you are taking a vacation! So exciting! It's also good to see your HCG is dropping.
Ich: I don't think they'll change your EDD. They don't normally unless its not measuring within a week. Plus early scans can be off a few days either way and be normal. I measured 5 days ahead at my first scan. I measured 1 day ahead at my 14w scan. My Dr. says as long as I'm measuring within 2 weeks at my 20w scan... my EDD will stay the same. Awwww... So maybe you are team

! I'm still saying

S: Wow, a friend has already went into labor. The time is coming.

5 weeks isn't long at all.

It'll probably go fast until you hit 38 weeks. The anxiety and can't wait is going to get very strong... When everything is full term!
Madrid: I hope the days fly for us both! Can't wait to see your scan update!

It's awesome that you passed all of your milestones and Jedi is sticking until February!
AFM: Ready to get Monday over with... Oral Surgery! I'm having 29 teeth extracted and going 4 months without any teeth. Not looking forward to the long 4 months. I haven't even told most family yet. I find it embarassing. So, I may just be lurking around here for a few days. I don't know.