Hey ladies I'm back and finally caught up on this thread!!!
My vaca was good, but really had a lot of nights up late and mornings up early. So I am beat!!
My family threw me a small baby shower before I left. And thankfully we got loads of cash and gift cards, so there wasn't much to carry back on the plane!!

I did manage to find some of my baby items from dd that my inlaws had in storage that I thought I had lost. So I think I'll have them drive them down when they come.
Also found out my brother and his girlfriend are expecting again she found out she was prego right after me but miscarried, they were not trying but she got pregnant first cycle after so she's now 7 weeks but haven't told anybody as they fear another miscarriage. But so far so good they have seen a heartbeat on u/s do fingers crossed for them.
I had my appt on 9th it was very short and sweet he said all my numbers (diabetes) look great and we listened to heartbeat and he scheduled me for 4 weeks so Leinz if u want to add my next appts.
August 22nd ultrasound
Sept 6th OB appt
Dh has me panicked now thinking there's a small possibility that it's gonna be a boy.

so now I don't dare buy anything. For those of you in the United States have you found a neutral stroller/carseat combo? I found a girly one I love, but really am considering baby #3 soon after #2 so want to stay neutral, but I'm having a hard time finding one I like.
I'm starting to feel movement more often now. And it slowly seems to be getting a little stronger I can't wait til dd can feel the baby on the outside she's so sweet she talks to my belly calling baby by her first and middle name everytime. Telling her she loves her. It's the sweetest thing ever!!! She's going to be a great big sister!!