Hi ladies,
Ich I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. I hope you get better soon, it's bad enough having pregnancy symptoms without being ill to boot!!
Srrhc - sorry the scan didn't shed much light for you but your positivity is good. It's very possible that it's too early and your dates are out. Dont give up hope and I'm praying that by next week things will be much clearer and baby will be fine xxxx
Madrid - glad your scan went well thats excellent news!!
Leinzlove - hope the op went ok, thinking of you!!
Hope all the rest of you ladies are well today. My boss managed to ask me if I'm getting any ms in front of other staff today doh!! So I guess I'm telling people at work now! Told them to keep it hush though, but it's best they know so I can take it easier and not have to move the hoists or push the wheelchairs.