Srrhc: I definitley think it could be your dates. I'm praying for you hun. I wish it was better news. However, stay stong, have hope. Easier said than done. Many Dr.'s reccommend not having early scans for these uncertain reasons. You'll numbers will go up and we'll see a beating little bean on Monday.
Ich: If your sick, I would go to the Dr. I wouldn' t worry about the temp. Do you think its all the cold and sore throat? When in doubt... GO! I hope you feel better.
Madrid: That is great news. I'm so happy to hear your scan went perfect and your EDD has been changed ahead. Just 8 more days and you'll be in the second trimester. I'm for sure... This is your rainbow. I'm going to have smiles changing your ticker.
Bailey: Happy 7 weeks! Thanks so much for your thoughts and luck in each thread.
AFM: Didn't go so well. I met the same oral surgeon, I met last week. Well he scheduled my surgery for today. He was 45 minutes late... then he was mean! He said that periodontal disease is elective. I said I have a diagnosis that theres nothing else that can be done. I got a referral also from my dentist. He was an all go last week with my OB's approval which I took with me today.... Well, he wouldn't do it. DH took off time from work to care for DD and everything. Now I don't know where I go... another dentist. I don't think I give up.
I hate the risks to baby. Even the American Pregnancy Association says the disease poses more risks to the fetus and newborn than having the procedure done.
Well then he said my gums wouldn't be so swollen if I cared for them properly. (Which I do.) I said I'm pregnant with severe periodontal disease. I left the office and tears of frustration fell. I had a hard time spilling it all to DH. So, I have all of my teeth. What a waste of time. 8 Months, 4 specialist visits, 4different dentists and nowhere.
In other news... We think "Zoela" (Zo Ella) is it!