Ladies, I've been here twice in 2 days trying to post. However, family has interupted and just earlier tonight my sister who kept me occupied with a 2 hr. phone conversation. Haha!
Snow: Please try not to worry to much. I know its harder said than done. However, no offense to all nurses. But, I have a hard time trusting them. I would wait and see what the Dr. has to say. I hope your pains have went away. I'm also thinking of DH and praying for his fast recovery. They are right when they say when it rains it poors. I'm thinking of you, hun.
iwantpeace: I don't know much about progesterone. I do know the placenta does start taking over around 9 weeks. Also, I was very emotional/depressed in the first trimester and I wasn't on any progesterone. I hope you get to feeling better.
Bump: I hate how people act like that. However, its a way of life and there will always be people like that. Even in aspects without loss. Ex: My daughter born with birth defects got compared to a baby with colic. My sister cringes taking her children for shots, doesn't phase me... I cringed with DD on life support in the PICU for 7 days when she was 2 months old. Its all about what you've been through. I still don't say that to her, I just show my support about her having trouble with shots. Just ignore them. We all grieve differently... And thats okay.
Sevilla: Happy 3rd trimester!

Just love that! How is the school year going? How much leave and when do you plan on going?
Krippy: I love your bump! It is sooooo cute!

Happy Vday!
Srrhc: Tuesday is coming! I'm glad you first week of school is over. Make sure to get lots of rest this weekend.
Anyone I forgot: Definitley not intended. DH had 2 days off, so time limited there. Now, I'm busy getting closets cleaned out. I also need to go through all my baby things from DD to get a list of what I'll need and want for Zoela. I plan on Co sleeping, breastfeeding and babywearing. However, I'm NOT doing cloth diapers. I have cases left from DD, but could use some newborn. I know I have over 20 weeks to go. But that isn't long at all, considering Holidays, anniversary, DH's bday. Etc.
I hate seeing Summer go... But, I love fall the best.