Well, I am very happy and blessed today! But, I'm very mad at the ultrasound tech. I can't believe it... But this is how my Dr. Appt. unraveled.
My weight is checked... I've gained 4lbs in the first trimester. And I've now gained 7 in the second. All good there. Urine handed over. Blood pressure 146/86, great. Dr. comes in asks if I've been feeling the baby move. Which I have been feeling constant movement for over a week now.

Dr. says Your quad test came back negative. Your ultrasound results were great. (SAY WHAT? This is where he lost me.)
I said "The tech told me you couldn't get brain structures or kidneys." He said "We got those, everything came back fine." I said "The tech said I was to early and overweight to get the required information and would require another ultrasound." He said "I don't see any need for another ultrasound. Everything came back looking great."
He then proceeded to find Zoela's HB with the doppler. Strong and perfect. He then said "We'll see you back in 4 weeks and we'll schedule your glucose test."
There you have it... WOW! I'm so happy for all this great news! However, baffled that I've spent a great deal of time worrying. Why did the tech say all the things she did? I don't understand.