SnowAngel: I'm sure your baby girl will keep baking.

Do you have any names?
Happyface: How much did K weigh? DD was small for gestation and her due date was right on with ovulation. She weighed 6lbs 3oz at 39w3d.
NeeSAH: It's normal not to feel movement yet. First time Moms don't feel movement until 21 weeks on average. And second time anytime before that. I'm sure any day now baby will be kicking the crap out of you.
S: Awwww... hate seeing those tickers go. 39 weeks is such a good thing. It doesn't matter when or whether baby drops or not. It doesn't predict when labor happens. DD dropped at like 36 weeks... I was still pregnant for weeks afterward. I also was frustrated and was doing all I could to induce labor.

Munchkin will be here really soon! You can't go much longer. I can't wait to see him!
Too Scared: It's great that you are here!
Mrskg: You are such an inspiration! I'm so happy your rainbow is here in my thread. I'm so honored! And sooo happy for you!
Krippy: Won't be long before its glucose time for you! I'd call that a milestone.
I know I'm missing someone.... I'm sorry!
AFM: What a long day I've had. But, its been great. I had another oral surgeon consult this morning. And finally its all figured out. I've been so sick of the go around. So, the Dentist put me on Amoxicillin, which I'm not taking until I talk it over with my baby Dr. Its because of a bacteria infection I have in my mouth. Next, I have scheduled two teeth extractions for Sept. 20. And then I have a dental hygentist appt. scheduled for Oct. 4. Then I will have my full mouth oral extraction 6 weeks after Zoela gets here. I'll have to pump and store enough breast milk to get Zoela through 2 days. So much for never offering a bottle. This surgeon was so nice... Finally someone to tell me what I should do and not where I should go next. Etc. The surgeon says this will get my periodontal disease under control and lower my risks to baby.

Which makes me soooo happy! How much relief I feel. I will also be prescribed tylenol with codiene but I plan on talking to my baby Dr. first. I couldn't call him because he's in surgery on Thursdays.
I went to the pregnancy clinic today and recieved my first Zoela baby gift. I cried. It was from my bible study instructor. I got diapers, wipes, bib and rattle. It was so sweet.
Then I went with my SIL to tour our hospitals new birthing unit. Its so nice and beautiful. All private rooms with massive master bathrooms. You do all of labor and delivery in the same room. If you need a c-section, you don't have to be seperated from your baby at all.

I definitley felt a lot of impatience... Just can't wait.